Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1048: Barrett's Pride

Outside the dragon city, broken trenches. In-place coordinates: xxxxxxxxxxx The red sky was suddenly overcast in the clear sky, and large groups of red clouds of fire gathered together at extremely fast speeds to cover the entire sky, and the air was instantly filled with violent and hot air currents. In the next moment, countless fist-sized fireballs fell, as if the end was coming.

Such scenes are already commonplace, but the monsters shrouded in red clouds are as if the end is coming. Some of them retreat backwards, while others rush and rush forward.

Balls of fireballs fell, bursting on them, and the flames quickly flooded the body, howling in pain!

Countless fireballs with the same power poured down from the air. The unlucky ghosts who were hit were mourning and struggling in the sea of ​​fire, scattered and fled, the scene was extremely tragic.

However, the damage they still need to take is not just that. A few seconds later, countless missiles whistled from a distance and cut into the scattered monster group. The monsters who were just injured by the fireball had not responded yet, and were killed. These missiles were blown apart and the blood sprayed on the ground!

Of course, this is not the most painful. Next, a group of guys that are more terrible than monsters killed them. After exhausting the previous two baptisms, they were exhausted. In the face of such an attack, the weak resistance launched, the damage figures fluttered. Chenghai!

Looking at the experience scrolling down a screen full of waterfalls, the experience suggests that it is a bit numb. This scenario has been repeated countless times, slowly but constantly pushing my experience up, and on the other hand, the task I have already completed is already completed-and there is another rich experience.

After returning from the game, I started leveling outside of Dragon City. At the same time, I also helped NPCs in Dragon City to do tasks. There is a unique leveling area like Dragon City, plus the experience of leveling monsters and tasks in Dragon City. With the help of training, after practicing for more than ten days, I rushed to an unimaginable speed of 163, and quickly approached 164 in the next week!

Roar! Roar!

Hearing the rough roar, the sound of anger and despair almost exploded near my ears.

A half-bodied, muscular human-like monster is waving a black mace in his hand and fighting with a biochemical dragon.

This beast-like monster was badly injured, half of his head was almost sparse, and his body was stained with blood. The only intact right eye glowed with chilling blood.

This beast-like monster has been defeated by the biochemical tyrannosaurus, but can no longer continue to retreat, because there is already a dead end behind it. The monster that is driving to the end of the road, fiercely picking up the mace seems to be biochemical The tyrannosaurus has become a meat sauce, but the reality is always extremely cruel.

Watching every sharp thorn on its raised mace flicker with cold light, whistling at the biochemical tyrannosaurus slamming into his head, raising the laser blade.


The laser blade blocked the mace, and another huge dragon claw hit the monster's face door, and immediately blasted its already severely damaged head directly into a rotten watermelon, and the red and white brain was mixed with blood and water flying around. .

— 24777 damage figures flew up.

boom! The monster's strong body collapsed on it, bursting out a few sparkling spar and a radiant equipment.

Finally fell to the ground, I could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, watching the large group of such beast-like monsters around, scattered parts scattered on the ground. Biochemical Tyrannosaurus slumped to the ground with some weakness, with more than ten percent of its health remaining. Various skills have been used.

The monster fell down, the warm warm current flowed into my body, and I have broken through the 164 level in the upgrade of the lingering light. I groaned happily, my physical strength was full instantly, my whole body was full of strength, and I could run a marathon at any time.

There is only one step away from the 165 level, just the level. I have been at the forefront of top players!

Seeing the upgrade as expected, the two beautiful bodyguards who have been with me all the time were relieved, took the weapon in hand, and could not help showing a smile on my face. The place where I was leveling during this time was called Broken Gully, as outside of Dragon City. One of the few places I can go to, is less dangerous than Holy Wilderness Road, and the experience value is never lower than Holy Wilderness Road.

I said, "Let's go to the next task."


Along the way, various miscellaneous mobs were picked up by the Ice Moon Demon Wolf. Two hours later, our destination, Fury Valley, is a map after the broken trench. There are no other players here, so naturally you do n’t Someone will grab me. After all, the monsters here start at level 160, even monsters above level 200.

At the entrance of the valley, I suddenly saw a ten-man squad standing there. There would be no players here, so there must be an NPC. One of the archers frowned. "My boss, we have been in this ghost place for a month. , Presumably we are going to die here? "

An NPC warrior next to him: "Yeah, it's really cheap and not good. Good ones are not cheap. I won't go to the mysterious merchant to buy random scrolls next time."

"Hee hee, there is a task." It was really good luck to meet an outside NPC in this kind of place. A few people muttered. I took the beautiful bodyguard and said, "Some people, what's the matter again?"

"who are you?"

I said, "I am an adventurer travelling all over the world, and come here today to do the task."

"It turned out to be an adventurer, then the adventurer tells me what territory is here, is there a city in the annex?" Said the NPC soldier.

I said, "Here is the keel of infinite land. Your location is a small area in the keel of land called Fury Valley. If the city passes through the broken trench behind me, you can reach a dragon city. City

Faced with my honest answer to this group of NPCs, they were in tears with excitement, just now the soldier said: "Adventurer, can you do me a favor?"

"of course can."

"We have n’t eaten for three days. It can be said to be anxious and hungry. Five days before the last meal, we ate the body of a bear. We found that the quality of the bear is very good. Unfortunately, our weapons have been rolled. Blade, hope to help us collect a little bit back? "

"Very willing to."

"Ding ~! Whether to accept the triggering task [Collect Bear Meat], Mission Level: A, Mission Objective: Collect 100 copies of Bear Meat, Mission Failure: Players killed ~!"

After accepting the task, arrange for these NPCs to take a rest, and then walked forward with the beautiful bodyguards. At the entrance of the valley, 5 bears with black and black hair were scanned with fire eyes and golden eyes. They were called Fury Fury Bears, which are class 179 fortified monsters. It can be seen that the attack power of this thing is astonishingly high, which is very strong and conducive to the huge bear paw. I received a task in Xiaolong City to collect a thousand copies of this guy's bear paw and the previous collection of bear meat was not Conflict, after all they are produced in one place.

The dragon gun was held in one hand, and one hand was raised. The summoning circle was turned around, and the beast was turned out of the circle.

After we entered, the group of angry bears also found us, one by one roaring and rushing over, I immediately summoned meteors in an area, but the group of angry bears did not care about my starfall skills, rushed over together, howling Raised his claws, bleeding red light on his claws. The first angry bear slammed into the biochemical tyrannosaurus. As a result, a 10-point injury number flew from the top of his head. There was no pressure at all. , Has to be a biochemical tyrannosaurus who inherited the plasma shield of the tyrannosaurus. The shield directly absorbs the damage of the angry bear. After playing a biochemical tyrannosaurus, he is also stabbed by a biochemical tyrannosaurus. If this skill appears on the player, it is a god-level skill, which is used to kill monsters and PK Extremely sharp, I don't have a plasma shield, and I naturally dare not hard against this guy, even if I now wear equipment like Zhenlong armor.

It was because I used to fight in a dangerous way. Now I have to change it.

The dragon gun pierced the ground to release the destruction of the dragon soul. In addition to the armed storm and flash frost, the monsters wiped out a lot of blood. Garulu fired a gun. The amber dragon turned into a dragon arm to launch the amber dragon skill. The contract summoned the beasts to flutter. Going up, for ten seconds, the angry bears guarding the door fell down, went forward to collect the quest items, cut off their bear paw and bear meat into the backpack.

After collecting these, we continued to advance into the valley, and picked up the gold coins from the angry bear and threw them into the parcel. The system uses a very interesting setting, the monsters killed by the player, the player collects the monster's fur, fleshy, crystal nuclei These must be cut, peeled, and dug by themselves. Basically, more than 75% of them will be obtained. After all, these are quest items. Of course, it is more convenient if there is harvesting or peeling. Unfortunately, I do n’t have it. Yaowang gloves Gathering is only effective for collecting medicine, and cannot collect monster corpses.

In the canyon, there were low bushes and rocks, and an angry bear was snarling there. After seeing us, a low roar was heard, and then we protested the emergence of strangers, in fact they should also protest. Although the purpose of refreshing the monster is to be killed by the player, the monsters here have never seen the player before, and today they saw it, and at the same time the tragic fate began.


It took more than two hours to kill, and I collected 1,000 bear paws. I have collected another 500 pieces of bear meat. A group of people returned, submitted tasks, and gave a pile of bear meat to these people. Ghost-born NPCs, the fighters entrusted to me, laughed: "Brave adventurer, you saved our lives, this is your honor!"

A gold coin plus some experience, and a piece of equipment equipped with a hammer, but not a battle hammer, is more like an equipment hammer.

Barrett's pride, grade: dark gold, build speed + 10%, build power + 1%, build progress + 10%, comes with skills: forging (expert level) requires level 35. Introduction: Forge Master Barrett's favorite hammer, which carries his will and pride.

It was such a reward, it was beyond my expectation! Think of the hammer, magnifying glass, and gloves that you obtained before. Now you have another hammer. The 11 world life occupations: tailoring, forging, mining, alchemy, collecting, processing, enchanting, inscriptions, hunting, cooking, fishing.

There are already four kinds on my own side, although I can't upgrade, if one day I have all the sub-professional skills, how much NB.

It is said that they will slay the dragon city with the equipment. Of course, they have to explain to the demon guards guarding the dragon city, after these downcast NPC mercenaries have obtained a place to live. For this reason, these guys were crying with excitement and moved to me.

Settle the mercenaries and find the Nine Dragon City NPCs who entrusted me with the task. Give them what they need, get experience and gold coins, and then continue. Going out of the city to continue brushing until late at night, and then sleep.


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