Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1049: Four-dimensional rover

With Barrett ’s pride, my gaming life has become more fulfilling. I went to the auction house and bought a few design drawings. I asked the Dragon to borrow the casting room. I do n’t need to spend money on the casting room. Then I went to Tongshi Town to collect materials, and they all sold me at the best price.

With a pack of forged material, I walked into the foundry.

I was not anxious to forge immediately, but rush is not achieved, a good attitude is the guarantee of success.

The black **** Tian came over to help fill it, added a sufficient amount of plutonium to the stove, ensured that the flame was not extinguished, and then put it into the material, and then melted into the molten iron and slowly introduced it into the already-made casting, and then carried Barrett's pride. Began to beat constantly.

The only skill I do n’t have is to keep knocking and knocking again, knocking out the whole weapon and then cooling it.

"Ding, congratulations on your success!"

Iron Stone Sword, Grade: Amethyst, attack power +1500, attack speed + 1%, cast speed + 1%, hit rate + 3%, increase user's attack power by 2%, level required

This kind of equipment is not obtained. The main reason is that the enhanced equipment is used as a knife. The enhanced weapons have a chance of success. The higher the enhancement, the lower the chance of success. I do n’t know which guy invented the method. The explosive rate can superimpose the success rate. Therefore, a lot of low-level equipment with N will be seen on the market. Basically, it is rare to see successful enhancement of high-level equipment.

A lot of this kind of pad knives were picked up, and I got the maple leaf stand for a very low price, and I just took it back, and I didn't ask for anything else.

The sun rises and sunsets alternate with day.

In a blink of an eye, four days have passed, and the fifth day. Still inside the broken trench.

A 170-level super-boss savage warrior riding a giant ground otter, and rushed out with a group of young brothers. The battle is quite luxurious. There are more than one hundred ground otters and wings on the back and wings. The beast is one of these guys wearing thick iron and simple armors. They are all tall and strong, up to 3 meters in height, and their paws with cold light on their four legs are their best weapons.

The Earth-strength beast 186-level elite strengthens monsters. It has powerful melee combat with earth dragons. The two claws are strong enough to break steel and have high defense power. The melee is extremely sturdy. In addition, it has powerful mobile power with fast moving ability. . It would be nice to catch it as a mount, of course it is impossible.

A guy with enough power like this does n’t have enough brains. The brutal warrior is equivalent to the commander of this group of ground beasts lacking IQ. It can be said that this guy is the brain of a ground beast army. I received the task to collect The terrestrial beast soul, but because I killed too much, the commander of this group of guys was forced out.


boom! The artillery on Gallulu's back was already ready to go, and the roar of energy running rang through the whole land! The violent energy was directed at the herd of beasts that rushed up in front of them and the boss including them.

The damage numbers come out!

Gallulu's ultimate accumulation skills are quite remarkable. The frontline ground beasts are directly gasified by energy, which is not enough.

"Free attack!"

With a wave of his hand, he summoned the beasts and played a death concerto of iron and blood! The monsters who lost dozens of their compatriots didn't shrink back because of this. Instead, they went mad and rushed forward, screaming and waving their huge paws.

They were greeted by a deadly missile, a burst of biochemical tyrannosaurus and a lightning messenger. Two missiles of different energy elements penetrated the armor on them without mercy, creating ruthless blood. Wound. Harvest a lot of health.

The damage numbers fluttered. After two moves, they lost a black hole, set the BOSS and the surrounding ground beasts in place, and then started the melee combat. After the destruction of the dragon is started, the dragon soul is destroyed. In addition to the boss The ground beasts around it were hanged in it. Even so, it finally passed the black hole time, and rushed over with the weapon immediately.


The black **** rushed over first and flew at the menacing barbaric force.

Hit this guy severely, this product is one with the ground beast sitting down, this guy had been deprived of one-fifth of the blood before the war, and chose to fall into a dizzy state again

"Barriers break!"

BOSS jumped into front of him when he was dizzy. The dragon gun in his hand stabbed the guy fiercely at the skeleton. He immediately called around the beast and launched an attack. The unlucky brutal force took him away in a group. This guy has a fifth of blood.

The barbaric roar kept roaring, and he was helpless carved under our siege. After a slash and a bang, the barbaric roar became empty blood, and the sky-swords slammed with blood-colored energy on the already bloodless body , The blood of the barbaric fighters was cleared instantly, and a roar fell to the ground, bursting out some items.

Pick up the explosive items of the Barbarians, 3 pieces of equipment, gold, useless, throw them into the backpack. There is also a pile of gold coins, all of which are not dropped.

Pack up your backpack, collect the souls of these guys, and go back to the undead Lich to make business.

The current experience is only 17% of level 164, and a huge amount of 83% from 165. This huge amount of experience is really difficult to upgrade if there are no super bosses to kill me, but here is the king level spirit level I ca n’t deal with the bosses. It ’s harder to find the boss outside. It ’s really troublesome. I ca n’t get a complete set of Saint Dragon ’s suit before the world competition. It ’s a big loss for me.

Just when I was thinking where to go, I suddenly heard a system ringtone that echoed in the sky for a long time— "Ding ~! Players please note that players: Lingtian reports general information to the empire, now confirmed in The space-time gate of the abyss is found in the Moonlight Forest. Please go to the space-time gate to destroy it! Stop the plot of the abyss! Players can use the space gem of the space-time gate to go to the palace of the dragon capital to receive a rich reward!

Although I don't know where the soul is, but this made me find an excellent leveling place. It is well known that monsters from the abyss are not comparable to monsters in this interface, regardless of their strength or burst rate. And of course, there is extremely powerful BOSS protection on the edge of time and space. If you want to upgrade, you must kill this BOSS.


Teleported to the nearest city of Moonlight Forest, Moonlight Forest is not a leveling map. It is not here to level up but to practice life skills, so most of the people who come here are life players. Imagine a group of defenseless life players suddenly Encountered a raid by the abominable abyssal monsters, only the killing is complete.

At this moment, the moonlight forest is chaotic, and a large number of players gather from all sides, but most of them do not know people. Basically, this kind of empty door cannot raise the attention of those super guilds. The squad came over, just playing soy sauce.

I rushed into the moonlight forest and suddenly got a hint that there can be unlimited PK here. This is good news. You can wash the name without any trouble. The original small animals in the forest have been slaughtered. Only the abyss monsters on the ground are once again. Rampant.

No hassle.

"Breakthrough of the limit!" The aura of magic array exploded on the body. Although it did not enter the realm of personality explosion, the attributes also improved, so it is not too late to start!

Called the summoned beast to crush the surrounding abyss monsters, and proceeded forward. Suddenly, the roar of the beast seemed that someone had found out the boss.

Just as we were about to arrive at the scene, a team of 154 sword-riding knights yelled in front of a team of men and women: "Brothers, we have BOSS ahead ..."

"Bang!" Before this guy's opening remarks were finished, he was rushed to the top by the biochemical tyrannosaurus that rushed to the front, and experienced a weightless state for free.

"Sorry, I have no time!" I greeted the unfortunate old man at the crime scene, and a monster and a messy scene appeared in front of me.


A huge object fell and exploded, killing seven or eight players directly, and burned even slag. Those players seemed to have about 150 players, and they were so vulnerable!

Seeing the culprit responsible for this incident, this guy's body is a huge earth-colored yellow sphere, about 20 meters in diameter, with spines all over his body. Those spines will spray out like they thought, and they will explode when they hit the ground. , Amazing power.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scans the Past-Dimensional Rover, 189th-level King BOSS, Introduction: Dimensional Rover is a newly developed batch of weapons recently developed by Abyssal Mages. They can freely move among dimensions and can also summon Other dimensional creatures fight for themselves, and are active soldiers' stations on the front line of the Abyss.

I said: "The king of 189 must have a good experience. Let ’s start."

"Understand." Black God Tian Zhao nodded in unison.

"I'll accept the source of this guy." Biochemical Tyrannosin whispered. Stride forward: "Your source is mine."

Two sentry missiles warned BOSS that we were here.

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