Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1052: Element hero

The gathering of such a large number of people here is very lively. Obviously, each team wants to swallow the BOSS alone. A battle is inevitable. I don't want any equipment. As long as I have experience, the experience value of the king-level boss is extremely rich. I must win it if I want to upgrade, but if I am strong. It's not a problem for Alex to grab this boss. But in this way, contradictions arise. The Earth Alliance and the Holy Cross do not matter, but they cannot live with Rose Night and Ming Shen.

Now on the field, Holy Cross, Earth Alliance, Mingshen. Evening Rose Night, although the number of each team is not more than 500, but they are all players of level 150 or above. They are very powerful. The Quartet forces add up, but there are only more than 2,000 people. Fight, but if it is batched, it is not enough to abuse the boss.

About half an hour, idlers and others have been killed by BOSS, and finally someone can't hold their breath, it is Alex.

Seeing that I didn't mean to do anything here, I laughed: "Everyone doesn't do it, then my beast **** is not welcome."

"You kill the beast god, you're crazy!" The nether sky shouted first, while his face sank. The value of the king-level BOSS, a BOSS is a mobile treasure house, which carries many people's coveted treasures. Just give it up to others, it will not be easy for anyone to put it in their hearts.

The bloodthirsty war emperor came forward with a huge sword: "Beast god, I know you're strong, but it's too arrogant to single out a king-level boss."

The warrior groaned, and said, "That is, the beast **** you can look at yourself! When this BOSS is swiped out, the name of your beast **** is not marked on the brain. Why give you a kill?"

I snorted and said, "Let's kill you first, and then kill the boss. You should also have a few pounds or two by yourself!"

The ghostly ghost riding on the dragon's body with his arms in his arms, disdainfully said, "That is, I was abused by the beast **** in the national preliminaries to become a bird-like figure. I'm sorry to fill my head here?"

The warriors are not convinced, and the bloodthirsty war emperor is even more, wielding the sword: "Nether, you **** pay attention to words! Isn't your **** of Mings being abused by the gods of death in offline games? Now they are still here!"

"Who's a fake tiger? Believe it or not, I'm killing you now!" The bloodthirsty battle emperor said Mingling's pain, indeed, except for Ling Lin's one point and Shu Tao and Xiao Jiuquan's fierce contest, the other three were completely It was the explosion of the Big Three.

"Come, I'm afraid you can't do it! But you must come down from the sky first." There is a flying Warcraft mount on the Nether, and the bloodthirsty battle emperor also treats him stubbornly.

The Earth Alliance and Mingming Swords were in tension. Santa Croce fell aside and hesitated, neither approaching nor giving up. On Rose Night, Leng Yufei's poem came towards me. The others in Rose saw her walking by, not knowing what she wanted to do, but stood still and watched the development of the situation.

Seeing Leng Yufei's poem coming, he went straight to me and said, "Beast god, you should call you Dragon Spirit classmate."

"Who are you? Why do you know me?"

"I'm your class teacher!" Leng Yufei poetry said his identity directly.

"Huh?" I raised an eyebrow and took a deep look at Leng Yufei's poem, but it didn't show much surprise. In fact, I suspected that she was a person I knew very well. Confirmed.

I smiled slightly and said, "Teacher, tell me your identity now, what do you want to do?"

"I came to you in the hope that you can give the BOSS to me to kill! Rest assured that it will not let you dry it, I will definitely give you a perfect score in this course." Of course, this trick was learned from Shu Tao.

"It makes you a bit difficult. This guy has something to do with my mission. We'd better kill them together. I don't want anything else as long as I have experience."

Leng Yufei's eyes turned and said, "Okay, that's it."

"In this case, what is my grade?" This is linked to my diploma.

"Relax, I'll do it for you." Leng Yufei poked with a smile.

"Thank you." My diploma is still in her hand. You're welcome.


Leng Yufei Poetry turned towards the players of Rose Night and said, "Brother's brothers and sisters, BOSS is already mine, let's explode it together!" And do n’t forget to send me a team application . I accept decisively.

"Okay!" Everyone heard the words of their vice chairman, and they all agreed. Rushed up together.

"Fuck! What method did Leng Yufei poetry use to buy the beast god?" Rose Night acted, and the dimness of the ally was surprised.

The Skullbreaker waved the sword sharply in his hand, and a slash of the sword killed three Rose players. I quickly said, "Mr. Ling will let your soldiers back, shield Alix, you go!"

Leng Yufei nodded, and then the soldier in front of him stepped back. Alix immediately stepped forward. Alix had a hit of more than 100,000. The damage was very high. The players around him looked stunned, followed by the left-hand mechanical arm. One energy ball "Boom!"

The energy-boosted BOSS backed up again and again. One face-to-face was blown away by a small amount of blood. Alex's attack power was not fake, and his strength was not ordinary.

Leng Yufei said in surprise: "When have you had such a strong summoning beast?"

I laughed: "Elix is ​​not my summoned beast, it is the NPC that I took on this task." BOSS growled, knowing that he could not beat Alex, and his eyes turned to the players around him. Five players who were under siege of Rose Night were spiked.

"Let's not see it anymore! The people of Mingshen, we will also go up!" You Ning led away with a group of people! There is the main attack of Alex to let the players around, BOSS's blood brushed down.

However, only the first-line players and Alex, who really play BOSS, except the priest, have turned their attention to the Holy Cross and the Earth Alliance.

Everyone got up and there was a violent attack. Most of the boss's attacks were blocked by Alex. All the priests of Mingshen and Rose gave him blood. Alex's blood continued to recover. BOSS's blood was brushed. Straight off.

When the headbreaker's health is only 50%, the sword is slashed with numerous swords, flying around the sky, many assisting players around are killed, my contract summoned beast is also cut into one hundred and eighty, his own health It also dropped almost 80% and almost hung up. Fortunately, the armor of the Cambrian town was strong, and the equipment had been hung up before.

Seeing that BOSS was surrounded by us, the two teams at the back couldn't help it, and a large group of people rushed up.

"Elf, sister Yu, and darker brother, please trouble you to drive those annoying guys away!" Leng Yufei poem turned and said. Immediately, three players appeared, one man and two women, one of whom was the Elven Flower that he had seen in the game. The equipment was changed a lot. The strength must be much higher than that. The other female player was on the right side. It's a back that can't see, you can see a blue crystal color Kai, a pair of ice-colored gloves, and the left side of the last person's fairy tale. From the back, it seems that the age is about the same as Nirvana.

The first wave rushed up in front of a total of 30 people, the level is not fluctuating around 150 levels, the equipment is superior. The strength of this team is not weak at all.

However, after a while, the hundreds of warriors and bloodthirsty war emperors were completely shocked.

Because they sent two teams, in less than a minute, all of them were killed, and one was not left!

The first woman to wear a Fakai mage, spewed out an ice that was three times larger than a normal ice, and hit the chest of a soldier who flew over. Huge number of injuries, lying on the ground can not move.

Immediately following the countless Bingling from the sky, this is countless times stronger than the ice crystal **** of the ice magician, a series of scarlet injuries emerged from the players' heads, and the 30th person was solved by her two tricks alone.

"This ... how is this possible ?!"

The fighters opened their eyes in shock. Thirty members were instantly stunned with a thunderbolt, which shocked the players who rushed behind. But when I saw the Wizard of China's move, the darkness burned, and several players fell, and several players fell. Finally, the male player killed a seven or eight people with a sword in his hand. . Melees have not released magic, lightning, fireballs, storms, water polo, clods. This guy can be as magical as Wushu. I ca n’t help but scan the past with gold eyes—level 155, elemental hero, wild sawtooth (drill crystal), Nova main battle armor (platinum), ghost girl soul lock boots (inheritance), and the other unknown see these three clearly The strength, and this kind of strength, is not what ordinary players do not have, one person is enough to be worth ten, twenty, thirty.


Under the attack of the members of the two major guilds, all three of them were blocked. The blood of the frontal BOSS on our side is gradually decreasing. Soon, the blood of the Skullbreaker has a trace of blood, which is in the BOSS. When I was about to fall to the ground, I immediately shouted, "I will fight at the end, as long as I have experience, I don't want anything else."

With a click, the dragon gun swept across the neck, and the Skullbreaker's blood was flowing like a spring. He slowly fell to his knees on the ground, his life dropped rapidly. He looked at us and laughed: "You can't stop the abyss ... One step is waiting for you below! "

The amount of experience rushed into the experience slot skyrocketed, but it is not yet upgraded, and it is fast. Holy Cross and the Earth Alliance knew that they couldn't get over and didn't know when they left. Other people collected loot and I came to destroy the blockade.

After packing everything, continue to set off, and even bring them, follow the steps of Alex, and after the third boss has been killed, you can destroy the time and space door, and you can go back to make a difference. SS-level mission rewards, presumably also Will be very powerful!

Alex said, "That guy is right in front. Although I don't know what the abyss is going to do, they must not be allowed to succeed."

I said, "Of course."

Leng Yufei politely chuckled: "This NPC is really good. If we find it ourselves, we may not find it tomorrow morning."

"It's good to have a guide." Nether also said that when we walked through the outer side of the Moonlight Forest on the other side of the forest, we saw the radiance of skills one after another. Someone actually killed the BOSS first. It has blue and white shiny hair like ice, and looks like a female warrior up to 20 years old, wielding two runes-laden swords, scanning with fire eyes and golden eyes-this guy is also a 180-level boss, an ebony knight —Area. This BOSS actually has a name. It doesn't look like the first two can match.


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