Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1053: Alex joins

Countless energy blooms are shining, fireballs, wind blades, lightning, meteorites of magicians. Bingling, etc. leaned towards the BOSS like a squall. The light shone, and hundreds of beasts of various types were summoned, waving their claws and weapons. A group of cavalry slashed in front of the BOSS.

The messy attack smashed his head and smashed his face towards the boss. The besieged boss was completely enraged. Two great swords sculpted with runes slashed out one sword gas and attacked the surrounding players. Each sword gas was You can sweep through the gaps that are 100 meters long, and all players on a line become white light.

I saw that the BOSS team was a ghost of the dusk, and Marco was at the top, and the hegemonic world with the commander in the name of the turtle was behind.

It is indeed a 180-level king-level BOSS. Even if the siege of hundreds of players, the cavalry of the dusk ghost killed by one sword has no temper, and the number of players is a petite female figure for the BOSS figure, and is a tall warrior. The containment was leaking, and he was still desperately wielding a pair of great swords with runes. With one wave, several soldiers were killed or seriously injured. One skill can make more than a dozen people fall!

"Would you like to rush straight down and kill them?" Nether said.

I said: "Anyway, you can do whatever you say. All I want is experience. And my task is the pillar behind the boss, not the boss itself."

Leng Yufei's mouth lightly said, "Hurry up if you want to get started. Although there are only a thousand people below, I think these people may not be able to win BOSS. There must be their reinforcements on the periphery. If their reinforcements arrive, then our The odds are n’t that big, and the hands are only there. ”

I said, "The ghost of the dusk is the little pony brother. Others are vegetables. It is easy to solve him."

"Now that you have decided, then take action." Nether summoned the dragon, and sat up and tried.


The shout of excitement rang through the entire Moonlight Forest, and the warriors of Rosa and Mingshen shouted and rushed down.

A large group of people rushed up. It was too eye-catching. A group of people who killed the boss quickly found us. A dusky ghost player looked at us and shouted: "Rely on, someone came to grab the boss, Nima! The beast **** also Inside, it's a big deal! "

Pony was slashed by 60% of the blood volume of the boss. While filling the blood bottle, he said, "We have already killed 35% of this boss. The president decides whether to fight or go fast!"

Xiongba Tian's eyes were full of anger, and he shouted, "How can I go! I've already hung more than 300 people to kill this BOSS. You can take someone to stand first, my other brother and I can only block them for half an hour. We're here to help. "

Ghost also ordered: "The magician blasted me with this heavy garbage, and the soldiers rushed up with me, making them overwhelmed!"

The war begins!

A magical element like a renault flew in the air and fell on the player in front of it. A few soldiers could not resist the attack and were sent back to the city. The equipment potion burst instantly. Obviously, there was no more Who will pick up equipment or potions, because there is no time at all.

"Cursed Dragon! Cursed Fire!"


A group of mad warriors and swordsmen rushed in, and the dragons under the ghostly body burst out with a blaze of fire. The players' blood below them brushed down, and those players who had resisted for a long time immediately fell to the ground. Ghost yelled, launched his proud skill ‘spiral gun killing’, the dust was flying, and a group of players of the ghosts of the dusk turned into white light and returned to the city at the same time.

This horror frightened the Twilight Ghost player's legs trembling, and many people stepped back unconsciously!

This is the follow-up of other players on our side. Ghost takes the lead in all groups of his cavalry to gain the bonus of the air force. The fierce attack of a group of people, the ghost of the dusk has already shown a trend of defeat.

Zero Lin is the same. The spear in his hand is in a state of no one among the player group. These two people alone will be enough for them, not to mention here, there are cold poems, fairy tales, etc. The master, the ghost of the dusk resists the defeat of the troops, and the situation in the field has become clear before long. Soon, the remaining dominate the world and no more than ten players of the ghost of the dusk.

"Chairman will retreat!" Shouted Xiaoma after he forced the BOSS back.

"But ..." Xiongba the world is still hesitating.

"Don't, but we'll all hang here."

"Okay." Xiongba the world said very reluctantly: "The people of the ghost of the evening go. We can't kill this boss, we will come back to find a place when we are reinforced."

The player of the Twilight Ghost immediately retreated like a tide. I said, "Don't worry about them, kill the boss. I only need the experience points, and you should share the rest. Oh, by the way, if that guy's double sword explodes, he must Give me. "It's time for Xueyue's swords to change.

"Of course you can. There is more than one or two pieces of equipment for the king-level BOSS, but everyone will spread out a little. The boss may have a large aoe skill. Once it is spiked, it will be troublesome." Leng Yufei's poem reminded him later.


The charge of the dragon is transformed into a light dragon and strikes directly into the past. The boss can't be caught by surprise and directly flies. Turn on Death Call + Destroyer of Dragon Destroyer, Dragon Soul Destruction, and Barrier Break. , Also saw a group of people stunned, nether sitting with a spear on the back of the cursed dragon, with a look of horror.


Leng Yufei's poem whispered, the magic halo exploded, the tip of the staff wriggled with strong magic power, slowly raised the staff, and sang aloud, "God cry!"

After a period of guidance, the city of the sky flashed with thunder and lightning, countless thin lightsabers fell from the sky, and the indiscriminate bombardment was issued on the body of the BOSS. It was not too late after the next round of attack power in the sky, and it sounded a sound after landing. Violent explosion, BOSS roared in this energy.

—72099—72098—72045 ...

—780992 Suddenly more than seventy-eight thousand seventy thousand injuries flew out of the final explosion. It even blasted off the BOSS's blood and lost nearly one million points. This is the power of breakthrough magic skills obtained by the extreme breakthrough. Such damage can indeed be called Divine skill, even the king-level boss can not afford to hurt, it is a nightmare for players.

"This is the terrible skill of the extreme breakthrough! When can I realize it?" The chin of Nether Look almost fell off.

Leng Yufei's lips flickered with a smile: "I guess I can't understand it at all."

I said, ‘Ms. Ling has such a practical skill. Come here a few more times to kill it faster. "

Leng Yufei said: "Do n’t kid me, you can use 20 bursts, 200 bursts can only be used ten times, and this trick has a delay. I do n’t guarantee that there will be a second for this famous BOSS. This is true. The God Cry cast prelude lasted for two seconds. It is very unexpected to deal with masters, otherwise it is likely to be opened more often. King-level bosses are used for high AI and will not easily be the same. Skills, but the range is quite wide with a diameter of 100 meters, which should be used to make up for the shortcomings of slow speed.

I said, "You have n’t opened a personality outbreak. It does n’t matter if you use it a bit more. Go back to kill monsters and add back the outbreak value, but be aware that the last shot will let me solve it.”

This guy, Alex, also came to help us attack the BOSS. Leng Yufei poem smiled and said, "It's okay, but you have to do me to control her well, otherwise the skills will go wrong and the explosive value will be wasted."

"Understood." So a group of people rushed up to fight the boss, but the boss attack power was too high. Many players couldn't stop it and reported back to the city.

"God cry!"

Countless lightsabers fell, and an amazing explosion sounded on the ground immediately. The ground beneath BOSS was directly blown out of a pit. We siege retreated, because BOSS was going to make a big move after suffering a round of crying.


After several rounds of attacks, BOSS's blood is already close to 1%. Leng Yufei poems loudly: "Everyone backs down, the beast **** gives you!"

"Understand!" When the lance of the dragon gun was about to fall on the BOSS, the blood that poured out revealed her whole body with a golden light, and struck up from the ground in a rage, and the blood flowing out of the body evaporated and dried instantly. , Dao Dao light burst out from the cracks in her features and armor, these lights did not hurt when I still can't help but stop and attack.

"No! She wants to blow herself up and stop her!" Aykes shouted anxiously behind him, while the front of the robotic arm unfolded, forming a muzzle, and a devastating beam of light about half a meter in diameter rushed out.

The horror of this beam of light makes the space wherever you go show black spider-like patterns! The beam of light engulfed the entire body of BOSS in an instant. After the beam of light disbanded, BOSS had only a broken body, saying: "Damn adventurer, if you kill me, you will be cursed, Master Stella. Will avenge me! "After that, the body became countless sand particles drifting with the wind.

"Wowa ..."

The moment the BOSS died, a series of equipment burst out. At the same time, the golden light flashed on my body and gained a large amount of experience. The level has been increased to 165. Killing three king-level bosses in a row. This experience reward is too rich, but the last It was disappointed that Alex had been killed, and nothing broke.

The next step was to bombard the blocker. Soon the blocker arrived. The three blockers fell down and the real space-time door came out. Then the space-time door was destroyed. Time and Space Gate, our mission is completed after the destruction. The Space and Time Gate gem fragments let them discuss for themselves who will take the task.

On the other side of the field with Alex, it's time to discuss our mission rewards.

"The monster is dead, the door of time and space is destroyed, I am now the last part of the problem, will you kill me?" Alex said to me.

"I won't stop you if you want to leave." Just kidding, can a 200-level boss be anything I can stop? This doesn't need to be wondering.

After listening to my words, Alex said with a bitter smile: "Half-human, half-ghost like me, where can I go? I am a monster."

This is when I suddenly had an idea, saying, "If you don't have a place to go, you can come to my station, maybe the direction after me will be a little clearer."

"I would, at least one place to live, and I think it would be fun to work with you." Alex laughed, and a hint came out.

"Ding ~! Alex is willing to join you, but this will replace the original mission reward. Do you agree?"

Of course agree! The original reward was probably nothing more than gold coins and equipment, so why not do it as a permanent warrior? In this way, there is an extra Super Boss in my station for me. The next step is to go to Dragon Peak and talk to the ice dragon.


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