Master Summoner Online

Chapter 214: Burst Sword

The King of Triangle Tigers fell down in helpless sorrow in front of Tianzhao's strong fist, bursting into splendor!

"Big Bang! Big Bang! Tian Zhao's sister is too powerful." Shouted with surprise in his pocket. When the player destroys the monster usually, there is a certain chance of a big explosion. The explosion will be more than usual. About three times more, the probability of this situation is very low. It is undoubtedly lucky to encounter it. The probability of storms here is already very high, and a big storm is even more brilliant.

"Tianzhao trouble picking it up, let's share it together!" I said with a smile, encountering the big explosion is very rare, and today seems to have good luck.

Then Tian Zhao picked it up, and at this time I found her eyes were out of focus, and her eyes were apathy. Then she looked at the loot. This time the monster burst out 400 gold coins, 2000 silver coins, 6 pieces of equipment, and some Materials and lots of potions, things are very rich.

Everyone said after their accounts were split, "By the way, there is another very good place 5 miles away. Let's go quickly, and we can lurk before others arrive!"

The four speeded up and moved on. The road ahead was more difficult. Mud ponds were everywhere, and the only passages were blocked by big trees and rotten trunks lying sideways.

After getting out of this difficult area, I finally saw the jungle marshland that is easier to walk in. Finally, everyone came here and settled on the flat grassland. All the people were relieved.

Miqian in his pocket whispered: "The two big brothers are careful, follow me carefully and lurk over, don't expose the target!"

Brother Superman said: "You can rest assured! Brother please."

I nodded and then Han Guangjian immediately put it on the kid's neck.

"Brother Long, what are you doing ?!"

"I want you to die!"

"Brother Long, you ..."

"My brother Long, what are you doing!" Shouted:

"Brother, Superman, save me, he wants to kill me and explode the map!" Shouted in surprise in his pocket.

Brother Superman said, "Brother, you're too bad at acting."

Mianqian in his pocket said angrily: "Weiweilong, Brother Superman, I don't know if you two have colluded, you save me, I thank you for your kindness to take you to brush the point and bring you familiar with the terrain. Since ... Thinking of you so shameless! "

"Oh! Good point, your eloquence is good!" Superman Brother smiled and said, "Unfortunately, you are too stupid. Think of a mage being chased by four fighters and still unable to catch up. From here to that place just now. At least ten minutes away, how long can your mage endurance be. A mage runs for four minutes with four fighters. Who do you think you are! "

My pocket money shouted, "If you don't understand, you don't know what to say."

Brother Superman said, "I tell you, from the beginning, I doubted you. You, a greedy person, watched our equipment and deliberately performed this in front of us, and the staff in your hand is your biggest flaw. It ’s exactly the same as a friend who takes things. It ’s a piece of gold. I know what I ’m sending. I have a gold weapon in my hand to deal with the soldiers wearing purple clothes. Even the rookie is here. Things, and those people are obviously deliberately keeping a distance from you, this is easy for me, a person who was often chased by a group of soldiers to run around the world, in a word you find the wrong person. "

"And your retribution is all about taking us in. You set a trap. No one in this place will be so kind as to guide people. You see the equipment on both of us. Do n’t forget this place. The violence rate is very high and the map fragments will burst out, but the equipment will burst, and the result will be streaking! "Superman continued

"If I didn't guess wrong, there must be an ambush in front, there must be many people ambush there, killing us in a sneak attack is not the same as cutting vegetables! It is already an old trick to ambush others here, go to the pit Those who are new to Peng are almost the same, like Lao Tzu.

This guy's analysis is also very reasonable. It seems that he must be an old churros in this industry. "I have already raised my acid without talking." I said,

"Okay, kill him." As soon as Brother Superman's words fell, his pocket money flashed out, and he bowed his head and turned to escape quickly, disappearing into the jungle swamp.

"Do you want to chase?" I said.

Brother Superman said: "No, this guy ran away to prove that he had been exposed, and you also knew that it was going to kill someone if they had all the pieces, and several of his accomplices would probably chase them. Now it is our turn to hit them Ambushed! "

"Oh, don't chase him, do you want to use him to lead those people out and bring them here to deal with it?" I said.

"It's not all. I didn't pursue it because he brought us a way to save us a lot of wrongdoing. I have clear grievances. He helped me to get my trust and start."

I said, "Your mind is very good."

Brother Superman said: "I've been tricked N times by this trick. I've long been used to the old-fashioned routine. If he still chases us with those guys who sneak in, then he will have no mercy!"

After some truth, I nodded and continued to ask: "How can you be sure those people will follow up and kill. Their plan has been seen by us!"

"If the kid is smart enough, he won't come, but other people may not have an idea with him, we have to guard against it. It doesn't matter if the judgement is wrong. The two of us will wait here and brush them when they come. Exploding things, it's not bad for us to brush up before we come. "Brother Superman laughed.

Then I hid behind a tree. At this moment, I saw the other party whisper to Brother Superman and said, "Two warriors are both knight professions. Wait for one of them is not the lone werewolf you know."

Brother Superman said: "Fuck! This kid really doesn't remember much, see if I explode him this time, only one pair of pants left!"

Then the lone wolf player raised the shield in one hand to protect the key point, and waved the sword to the place where we were.

Another player of his companion followed closely, carrying a single axe on his shoulders, and protecting himself with a shield.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scan, Level 51, Knight, Equipment: Burst Sword (Gold), Alloy Tiger Roar Armor Set (Green) Other unknown.

Level 50, Knight, Equip: Powerful Critical Axe (Silver) Other unknown.

The guy named Lone Wolf is quite awesome!

"Well, Tian Zhao you deal with the guy with the axe, Superman you deal with the lone wolf, do not take your best move first, wait until the two of them rush in and let go!" I said in a deep voice.

"Rest assured, I have to smash him out this time."

At this point, the two entered a place less than one hundred meters away from us. The two bodies had just stopped, and a thunder-throwing technique was worthy of hitting the head of a lone wolf!

— 2134 damage floating out

"Ah!" His screams could be heard from afar.

"Tianzhao!" Tianzhao rushed in stealthily at this moment, and the lone wolf was taking medicine. The two were very vigilant, but Tianzhao suddenly appeared between the two of them. The two were suddenly startled and fell one by one. The player with a one-handed axe raised his shield to resist, but the gambling card was cut like a piece of paper, and the black cross burst in front of him—6533 points of damage came out, and then the sky fluttered with two swords. A harm floated, and the man was killed by Tianzhao without resistance.

"Abominable!" The lone wolf rushed towards Tianzhao, but a few thunders suddenly fell from the sky, and the lone wolf was also stabbed to death by Superman's lightning.

The two of them were instantaneously dealt with, the burst of golden light was shining, and then the past cleaned up the battlefield. At this time, I found that the lone wolf player's sword really burst out, and immediately picked it up to see-

Burst Sword

Grade: Gold

Attack +1800

Armor Specialization +20

Strength Specialization +20

When attacking, there is a 5% chance of an explosion effect, causing damage to nearby units.

Increase user's attack power by 10%

4% chance to ignore defense when attacking.

Additional Skills: Burst and Slash, consumes 500 mana, inflicts fire magic damage to a single target, and simultaneously generates an explosion effect that deals 75% damage to surrounding units, cooling for 3 minutes.

Sharpness: A.

Requires level: 50.

Yes, the attack power of 18 is increased by 10%. This weapon is very powerful and sent back to Xiaoyue, so that you can replace the soul-stealing sword, and Xiaoyue's attack power can be greatly increased.

After destroying these two guys, I also got a map fragment. "Brother look at what is that?" Suddenly Superman suddenly called away and I watched him look up at the sky.

"That's ..." I also looked up, and I saw that it was a silver light, but this light was very weak, and, as if, after that light, there was something else.

Yinguang's flying trajectory is very beautiful, and from time to time there is a change of direction, like an angel joking in the night sky. But I don't know why, I think this time Yinguang seems a little urgent, although the trajectory is not only beautiful and chic, but also haste? !!

"What's that ..." Because it was too high, I couldn't see what exactly followed the silver light. In fact, if it weren't for the silver light, I wouldn't be able to find anything flying in such a high altitude. Even now, I can only dimly see a small black dot.

Are you going to check it out? Seeing such an incredible scenery, nature can't hold back my curiosity. When I saw the silver-like light that was as beautiful as an angel, I naturally took that light as a kind of sacred symbol. Whatever it is, check it out.

"Dragon battle!" After calling out the dragon battle, he immediately came to it and let it take off, forgotten the sky photo and Brother Superman, and then stepped into the sky.

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