Master Summoner Online

Chapter 215: Rain fall (1)

"Master, it seems to be an individual ..." Dragon battled.

I said, "I know it's a person, but who is it?" It wasn't clear when I saw it on the ground, but as the height of the dragon battle flew, the silver trail across the sky became more and more Be clear.

Although the figure shrouded in that silver light is a bit fuzzy due to the super high-speed flight, it is just a pair of wings and a pair of steel wings with silver light flashing, but I do n’t know why, I vaguely feel that there is something wrong Where has this figure been seen.

With this curiosity, I saw that I got silver light. At this time, it seems that this is being chased by something. Of course, with my personality, I can't just sit idly by and ignore it.

It's getting closer, it's getting closer, it's almost time to hear the sound of the beautiful silver sword wings slicing the atmosphere and soaring in the sky. However, as the distance approached, I started to have a bad feeling.

"Boom!" There was a sudden explosion in the place where Yinguang was, and suddenly there was an explosion. It's just the beginning, followed by a series of explosions. The sound continues to spread louder and louder, it seems that it is also indicating that the explosion has been approaching.

The continuous explosion in front of me became louder and louder. The speed of these two was extremely fast. I immediately approached the two figures in a dragon battle. I saw these two figures chasing and escaping in the sky. Constantly attacking and fighting each other, which caused the explosion to continue to sound

Behind him is a light armored body, but a bit like leather armor. At this moment, the person is tied with a glowing crossbow on the right wrist. The golden energy on the crossbow is constantly vibrating. This person is riding A dragon is not a flying dragon. This black dragon is full of instigating wings, which drives its figure to move at high speed in the air.

The person chased by this person is a person wrapped in silver armor. Although the distance is long, I can still see that it is a chased person, a young girl. This young girl has beautiful lines, exquisite curves, and various brilliance. The girl was full of equipment and beautiful enough to be fascinating. At this time, she was holding a long sword in her hand, but the long sword was wrapped in a blue hurricane. It would be difficult to judge the shape of the sword. It is a sword. While this person moves and flees in the air at high speed, he also cuts one sword after another to the enemies behind him. Each sword is cut out, and the long blade will shoot out a strong blue wind blade. .

At the same time, the crossbow on the tight arm at the same time kept firing a white arrow at the same time, the arrow and the wind blade collided in the air and made countless explosions. At this moment, standing on his own dragon, he kept chasing the enemy in front. This flying dragon opened his mouth at all times and sprayed fireballs.

The person in front kept moving to dodge and fight back.

However, because the woman's body was surrounded by a silver light curtain, the girl who could not see her face was clear. The celebrity in the back could not clearly see that she was just a man. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the continuous explosion in the air, which was created by the two men in battle. .

Getting closer and closer, the silver figure that traced a beautiful arc in the sky was chased by people in front. Although still surrounded by silver ground light, I didn't need to see her appearance at this time, just a back view. You can understand her existence.

It's a magic moon! That ’s right, it is Magic Moon. The weapon in her hand is really the invisible holy sword. How could she be here and when did she come here, but there is no need to continue thinking about this. The guy who dares to chase Lao Tzu's woman No qualification to continue in this world ...

"Woo ah ah! Dragon battle! Dragon battle killed me the flying dragon behind me!" I shouted, and at the same time my anger made me feel that the wall in my body was impacted again, this time more fiercely than before, high altitude The temperature was originally low, and now I feel colder and colder, like the eternal cold world in the far north, without any warmth.

At this time, I felt my anger during the dragon battle. The majestic Dragon Yin roared in the air, and then its speed increased again. The chased girl adjusted her direction again. The steel wings on her body moved sideways and made a ninety degree change. Fly in one direction.

At the moment, the other party was chasing. "Boom!" The sound of an explosion sounded in the air. The breath of the dragon battle hit the dragon, but the opponent quickly ran out of the explosion. At the same time, the dragon's body shot a crescent on the crossbow of his arm. The type of energy wave is fast and makes people startled. "Boom!" Phantom failed to escape the lightning-fast blow, and one of the steel wings on the back was chopped cleanly. The fracture was away from her. The body is only a few centimeters away. If it wasn't that she finally felt the danger and made a side shift, I'm afraid it was her body that was cut off.

At this point, the remaining steel wings were not enough to support flying, and the moon was about to fall, and she must be rescued! I let the Dragon War speed up again. What a joke here is at least a thousand kilometers from the ground. Dangerous, extremely dangerous! My mind was clearly showing what was happening, which was simply too bad. If the moon falls like this, it will undoubtedly die!

"Boom!" A fierce explosion of a fireball blasting on the moon, erupting in the air, will no longer be able to continue to fly, the moon will completely topple, spin and fall to the ground, and soon disappear into the air.

"Dragon battle!" I screamed. At this time, the dragon battle used its milk-feeding strength to speed up desperately. When I came to the front of the magic moon, I immediately reached out and held the magic moon in my arms. Climb.

"Boy, you don't know how to live or die, dare to intervene in my battle!" About one hundred meters away from me, the dragon stopped and the man on the dragon shouted at me.

"Who are you then?" I shouted at the man.

At that moment, the man laughed suddenly and then dropped his mask again and said, "Isn't that the **** cadre on Yingchou Cliff?"

"Rain falls!" I whispered.

This man is really the magic shooter Rainfall, Rainfall said: "You remember me, it is an honor."

"Rain is falling, why do you want to kill my woman?" I said coldly.

Yu Luo replied: "Your woman? Sorry, I don't know, but this little girl just fought with my five brothers. After hanging up with my five brothers, I wanted to run away. How can I let her go away? Naturally caught up. "

At this time, while he was talking, I used Magic Moon Square on the dragon battle head and used Qi therapy for her at the same time, although the effect of Qi therapy on other people was halved but I did not add back the endurance value to save my life in crisis.

"Hum, she just ran out of combat endurance with me. In a way, she's almost dead. Compared to her, you guy seems more interesting. At first, he left in advance, but Now let ’s have a fight. ”Yu Luo squinted his eyes and showed an extremely excited smile.

At this moment, a force in my body told me that it was eager to fight, and very eager, I clenched Ruyi awesome but did not act "Why, was it scared by my strength, hum, come on I hope this is a A very exciting battle. "

"Hahaha, let's die!" With the roar of the rain falling, the flying dragon disappeared in front of me instantly, from the right side of me the next moment. A long black tail swept across, bringing the extremely sharp wind sound, as if all the surrounding air had been evacuated.

"Bang!" Long Zhan stretched out his left hand and grabbed the tail of that dragon. "Roar--" Long Zhan issued a violent scream and grabbed the tail of the dragon, and flung it down!

The tyrannosaurus caught by its tail turned round and round, and was thrown from the sky to the ground, and the entire body hit the ground. "Boom!" The ground trembled suddenly, sending out successive blasts, and the body of the dragon that was thrown from the air to the ground by the dragon battle dragged a deep mark on the ground.

"Oh! Bang! Bang!" Countless rocks are flying, huge dust is thrown into the night sky, as if a meteor fell from the sky to the ground.

The place where the Dragon War fell was originally a region full of fog, thorns, and deep mud, but after it fell, the entire area was collapsed and deformed, as if blasted by countless powerful magic. Dust and smoke are as high as 100 meters.

The Dragon War immediately descended and pursued. Although this blow was enough to smash anyone into meat sauce, I can clearly feel that the underground atmosphere has not disappeared, and there is no sign of weakness.

"Pop!" Unexpectedly, the dragon stood up, although it seemed unharmed, a body full of terror and oppression soon appeared in front of me. With such a blow, it seemed that it had only added a tiny bit of bruise to his body.

"Wow! Wow!" The surrounding rocks are still constantly cracking, which is enough to prove how much damage the area has just caused by the dragon battle, but the flying dragon that was thrown off as a bomb is nothing like that. I don't feel even a minor injury. That body is almost ten times harder than steel.

"Ka! Ka! Ka!" Feilong twisted his neck first, and then moved the long tail behind him. After shaking off the dust on his body, he set his eyes on me and dragon battle in the sky. "Nice! You are so good! I didn't think that since my beloved raging dragon was covered with dust. Hum, it's the first time it's been so excited since I got it, my love is riding it Eager to compete with your dragon. "Yu Luo said here, the dragon below him spread his wings, the long tail behind him swayed, and he himself started to move.

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