Master Summoner Online

Chapter 412: Save people

My eyes froze, and a stride stepped out.

"The power of raging elements in the air is formed here ..." Feng Yang began to speak the spell.

But he had n’t finished the spell. In front of him I had come, a fist wearing a white dragon's claw hit Feng Yang ’s abdomen, and when he punched out, he hit the punch and kept on spelling. Interrupted stiffly, the whole body is like being evacuated from the strength of the whole body, falling down softly, and then this hand opens the dragon's roar stored secretly to start.

"Boom!" A loud noise!

—11345 damage figures float out!

This number is enough to have more than a thousand **** winds, enough to die ten times.

"You! Give me!" The soldier shouted!

But the voice didn't fall. I already had the red-eyed dragon gun in my hand, and a cyan hardening burned on the tip of the gun. The next moment, the barriers broke and the red-eyed dragon gun broke out like the same red light. This person quickly evaded A knight player behind him was suddenly exposed in front of me. At the same time, this man subconsciously raised his shield and began to defend his posture!


The next moment, the Red-Eyed Dragon Gun directly penetrated his body, the top shield defense collapsed in an instant, the knight player was stunned, a terrible number of 14874 injuries jumped over his head, kneeled slowly to the ground, the white light of death rose, he The five-level experience is here!

The soldier who had escaped from the calamity drank at this moment: "Mage volley! The soldiers are on top! We will arrive soon!"

"I'm afraid you can't wait!" At this time, the MMs in the tall grass instantly killed, Xueyue first arrived, his sword fell from his hand, a white light flashed, and the long sword in his hand traversed a beautiful light trail in the air. In the next moment, an archer standing outside was dropped in seconds. At the same time, he reversed the blade, swept across, and hit a normal attack directly on another assassin!


The assassin stood stunned, full of blood and beheaded by a sword!

Xueyue didn't stop. The pair of long swords was held in his hands. The dark gold swords were overbearing. No one could stop their sharpness. A blood path quickly formed in the front. Within half a minute, he was buried in the pair of swords. The traitors below have already exceeded five!

"Go to death!" The soldier yelled loudly, raised the sword in his hand, and the next moment the sword surged with energy! The giant sword struck my shoulder, and I mentioned it with the red-eyed dragon gun.


The sound of metal collision suddenly sounded his great sword was caught by the Red-Eyed Dragon Lance. At this moment he refused to let it go. His soldiers were born with more strength. Although my attack power was higher than him, he was not dominant in strength. He I can't suppress it effectively, but it's not easy to get rid of this situation. At the same time, I see an archer player not far away from me standing dumbfounded.

The soldier shouted at this moment: "Hey! Hurry up at him and say hello!"

The archer said in a panic, "But he is the president, how can I attack the president?"

The soldier said coldly: "We have cut off from the dragon tooth robes, and now he is no longer our president, kill him!"

"No! I can't handle it!" Said the archer nervously.

The soldiers were furious at this time, "NND, believe it or not, I cut you first!"

"I ..." The archer was frightened, and the long bow in his hand began to tremble, and it looked like he didn't know what to do.

I said to the man at the moment: "The brother over there, this kid is so ironed that he wants to play rebellion, how about you?"

The man said, "I just want to play the game, nothing else."

I said, "Now I give you two choices. After following the boy's mutiny, we will be the enemy. Secondly, I will return to the team and I promise not to blame you."

At that moment, the man's expression became more and more panic. It seemed that he was engaged in a fierce psychological struggle. After half a minute of fighting, the man suddenly shouted, "Since ancient times," the judge died as a confidant ", the president I want Back in the team, I promise never to betray! "

"Okay!" I shouted.

At that moment the soldier shouted angrily: "You bunny!" He dropped me and ran straight towards the archer, how can I let this guy hurt my companion!

Without hesitation, the heroic charge launched directly into his back and knocked him against a tree. He immediately fainted him, followed by devastating blows, dragon slashes, and energy explosions. He immediately greeted him on the back. His blood was suffocated, and he fell backwards, and then I turned and shouted to everyone: "Stop it for me !!!"

A roar ran through the heavens and the earth, and the birds flying around were frightened. At this moment, everyone stopped fighting, all eyes were fixed on, and then the red-eyed dragon gun was inserted into the soil and shouted at these people: "Now I want to say that you want to get away from the team and have a good future. I understand that although we have n’t been together for a long time, it ’s not a day or two, and we are more or less emotional. We can talk about it and let it go. You guys, but! I will never spare anyone for doing things that hurt my fellow citizens. All the students who now know what's wrong can come back and we will rescue the siege brothers together. It ’s not like this happened. Ready to accept the knife's criticism! "

Suddenly the audience was silent. This silence lasted only a few seconds, and suddenly one person shouted, "President, I want to return to the team!" I nodded and added him back to the guild.

"me too!"

"I also want!"

"And I!"


Immediately afterwards, many players retreated and stood by my side. After a while, there were only nine unrepentant guys!

I didn't have the mood to wait any longer and pointed directly at the red-eyed dragon gun and said coldly, "No one left!"

The words did not fall "铿铿 铿 ..."

A group of people pulled out the sword one after another. I didn't do anything at all. It should be said that I didn't need to do it at all, because those around me had already rushed aggressively! Suddenly, the rebels were killed!

At this time, more than a dozen corpses were lying on the ground, and I returned the red-eyed dragon gun to my back and said, "Go and save people!"

"Oh!" Everyone shouted!

At the next moment, under the leadership of the old cow, everyone rushed towards the place where the besieged companions were located, and soon heard a shout and scream from the front, and then a knight player stood out and shouted : "The enemy is here! The archer uses the frozen arrow! The mage Frost Dragon Roar slows down, and the soil-based Huangquan Marsh traps them. Other players volley!"

Immediately after that, the man flew up and raised his tomahawk and ordered: "Tell those outsiders to block all reinforcements from the outside, and everyone else will wipe out all the troops of the Dragonfang in the Valley of Death!"

I gritted my teeth and saw far away that at the same time, there were fewer and fewer dragon tooth players. At the same time, I received news that guards brought reinforcements. Players trying to enter the valley of desperation from the outside were blocked, and the number of opponents was as large as cattle It's very difficult!

Suddenly the three frost dragon howls came towards me, I thought I didn't want to start the attack. The three frost dragon howls were dissolved immediately, and the attack was also destroyed!

"Amber Dragon !!" A call was made to a magical array in the air. Amber Dragon never wore it out. I directly activated its Dragon Charge. For a moment, the Amber Dragon rushed to the soldier in front of the road like an arrow off the string. In front of them, those knights with shields could not withstand the impact even with defensive stances. They were instantly smashed by this absolute power and then swept by the tail of the amber dragon!


The dragon tail brought a whirlwind and swept away several soldiers at the same time. A huge gap was suddenly exposed, and I ordered the Amber Dragon to continue to expand the gap!

"Hurry up! Fill the gap!" The knight shouted,

I immediately fired with a flash of light and rushed up to the 75-level knight player. The red-eyed dragon gun burst out, forcing the knight to suddenly take a few steps back, and at the same time a group of priests gave him blood!

It made me secretly cry, and at the same time the opponent rushed over and raised the big shield on the left hand, which is obviously a knight shield attack skill!

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, I was shocked to take a few steps back, but his shield strike did not trigger the dizzy effect, and I immediately shot the red-eyed dragon gun. Since the defensive posture of the shield was turned on, the corner of my mouth was raised, and the barriers Break and launch! But the goods seemed to know that the strength of my barrier break quickly removed the defensive posture, but my barrier break still stunned, turned him to the ground, and then released the Sonic werewolf.

He hurled at the knight who had already been knocked out. "Roar!" A loud roar was issued. The knight was stunned as soon as he stood up. At the same time, before the priest had time to add blood, I had already rushed forward, with red eyes. The dragon gun pierced into the knight's body like a bamboo shoot! Then the Sonic werewolf went up to make a few punches, and the knight was unwilling to hang up in cooperation with the summoned beast!

This man also burst out the shield in his hand. When he picked it up, he saw it was still a gold shield. At this time, he saw a young cow not far away, holding a tomahawk to cut down a knight, and the other swordsman rushed up and used the swordsman. Afterimage Sword attacked him, he carried a tomahawk to defend him. After seeing here ordering the Sonic werewolf to rush forward to drive back the swordsman, I shouted at him: "Lao Niu then!" I said directly to the shield Throwing it away, the minor turned and reached out his hand, followed the shield, and looked at the shield. "Give me!"

I nodded, and the Lao Niu minor quickly thanked him, "Thank the beast god!" The one-handed Tomahawk used by Lao Niu minor, this shield is just ready to be equipped. I saw he quickly equipped the shield with a shield. Hit the knight who challenged him, and then stunned him!

At the same time, a beautiful figure appeared on my side, Xueyue raised his corner of his mouth and said, "What are you doing!" Said to start the sword and fall, a bright sword light fell among the crowd!


People turn on their backs, the dust is flying! A group of crispy archers were killed immediately, and the blood was swept back to one side! I laughed: "Wait for you."

"Hate." Xueyue answered angrily.

I couldn't help but smile: "Let's go together!"

The little girl nodded, and flew into the next moment, with her sword up and down, and another archer was directly chopped off. At this time, the breach had been completely breached by me. I immediately called Amber Dragon back to me and Snow Moon also called Ice Crystal Phoenix. , The two powerful Warcrafts instantly occupied the air supremacy and caused a devastating blow to the place.

I saw the distaste of Qianji Bian, who was not far away, angered and said, "A bunch of useless things, when the time comes, none of them will come in handy! Damn!"

"Cold-blooded chase!" Xueyue started with a big drink, two unparalleled sharp blades, and a combined additional skill. I saw the two swords rush out as soon as the two swords swept forward!

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" The players screamed along the way, and the agile assassin might be able to hide quickly, but other professions did not even have the opportunity to avoid, being severely injured by these two bloodstreams. Then, after the two blood wheels swept to a distance of about one hundred meters, they did not circle around the ground because they disappeared. They returned in the same way. Here are a group of residual blood players swept by the blood wheels. After being killed in seconds, Bai Guang became one!

The blood wheel returned to Xueyue before turning into two bloodlights, and flew back into the double swords. At this time, Xueyue laughed: "How about this skill!"

I laughed: "Good skills, you are better!"

Xueyue heard a stunned face, her face flushed slightly, and said, "Don't talk nonsense, go and save people!"

I nodded. The next moment I directed the Amber Dragon to blast a flame, and the scorching breath was indestructible, bringing countless white lights, and dozens of players were killed in an instant!

Immediately after sweeping away a soldier in front of me, I saw Ye Shuang, Feng Xiaoyue, Mo Yan, and several Dragon Tooth players not far away. They were besieged on a small high platform. There was only one way to the high platform. Ye Shuang and Feng Xiao The two of them were at the front in front of each other, and Mo Yan was desperately adding blood to them in the back. Several dragon tooth remote players behind did not disable magic and arrows to greet, but the enemies under the stage continued to attack like a tide. The people on the platform are in danger.

"NND, Qianji becomes the old man and I'm not finished with you!" I cursed secretly.

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