Master Summoner Online

Chapter 413: Ghost military

At a glance, there are fewer and fewer dragon teeth players on the platform. Ye Shuang and Feng Xiaoyue bit the silver teeth and stubbornly blocked the front. Because the opponent's road is very narrow, only two people can go side by side. But the impact of the other side is very strong, and the front quickly fell after the back!

I took a deep breath, and was so distressed that it was only a matter of time to be wiped out.


Xueyue Yijian slammed a swordsman in front of his eyes and shouted, "There are too many people to rush!"

Long Xin said, "Brother, no, there are many more people behind us!"

Fire Dance overthrew a knight. Two fireballs burned the two archers and said, "In this way, we can't completely stop their attacks. My death dream is also blocked. Now people outside can't kill them. Come in, we can't burst out, and we will be wiped out if we continue! "

Huofeng shot a long bow in the hand and said in the mouth: "Sister, the chairman has taken someone to work, and we will definitely defeat these **** together!"

Fire dance said: "But the blood-scarred stronghold is too far away. I'm afraid we haven't waited for the creed to come."

Not far away, after Tian Zhao's double-knife killed one of the opponent's mage, he was also hit by four swordsmen at the same time. The heavy-fencing sword was previously renamed by Jianglongzhe. Similarly, Shenglongzhe was also changed to impact. Slashing, the effect of the two has not changed, but the consumption has been reduced a lot. At this time, the four swordsmen's heavy fencing killed a large amount of life in Tian Zhao. If it wasn't for the black god, he felt that she was dead.

In the guild channel, there was a cursing sound of 烽火 燎原: "I fuck! What's going on here? There are tens of thousands of people at the valley entrance. When are there so many people in Lingyun Pavilion, their blockade is too hard It will take at least an hour to break through! "

Yinyue also shouted, "Big Ben, you hold on! I take the commando in, it takes at least 20 minutes!"

My heart sank: too long!

Mo Yan's face was worried: "What to do? What to do? What should we do?"

Ye Shuang gritted his teeth: "What happened to this group of people, they don't know how precious the fifth-level experience is?"

Feng Xiaoyue was silent, with a beautiful face cold, stubbornly slain the enemy with a bursting sword.

Obviously, it will be finished in this way. You must find a way to return to the city suddenly or cancel the combat state. The system stipulates that if you are not harmed within 6 seconds after leaving the combat state, the time to use the city roll is less than one second. It's impossible to spend six seconds calmly, there are at least a thousand people here.

I pondered for a moment, and suddenly I remembered something that hurriedly opened the interface of the black **** and clicked on the skill called ghost military, but I didn't know it was a shock! So he immediately shouted, "Black God, ghost military!"

Not far away, the black **** suddenly exclaimed, "Ah !! Master, I will show immediately, I need time to recharge!"

"I'm here to get you time!" He said as I pierced the Ling Yunge swordsman in front of me, and at the same time he yelled, "Everyone protects the black **** !!"

At this moment, everyone around you suddenly froze, but soon gathered around Dao Heixi, and surrounded her!

Not far away, Qianji Bian suddenly shouted, "Not good! One team and two teams surrounded the people on the high platform, and the others killed me, especially the middle woman!"

My heart trembled and told Amber Dragon to come to my side, and then a breath exploded and swept through the body of a rushing too mad soldier!


The Berserker who opened the three auras couldn't stand the explosion of breath and breath, and the Berserker is probably too focused on attack. Since his total blood has not reached 10,000 points, the Amber Dragon attacked him with 6,000 points. You can ignore the defense, it's just more cutting!

Qianji changed and shouted: "Shock! Shock! Break up their camp, everyone rushed up and was activated by breathing for them!"

Xueyue gritted his teeth and directed the ice crystal phoenix to throw a blizzard skill out of the way, in the middle of a thousand machine changes, where he was, but the knight around the boy went up to shield him, he just protected him.

I said, "Are you okay?"

Black Shinto: "Just a bit!"

At this time, Qianji changed behind the wall and shouted: "Chong was stopped, let them know only them, Lingyun Pavilion's Salvation Army is the king of China! These disobedience all of us should be eliminated!"

Look at the few MMs around this guy who are so angry that they can't help but cut him into eight pieces with one sword, but they are helpless. He is too far away from us, and he is protected by high blood and high-level knights. Can't stop him.

At this time, I have already given up the output and stood in front of me against my own high anti-thickness and anti-injury. At the same time, the fire dance behind me used each stroke of magic, without exception, each can kill an opponent's senior player in seconds!

Xueyue kept waving her two swords, and at the same time, I found her sword qi is strange. Instead of casting sword qi, it is better to cast an energy to clear the opponents in front. This powerful skill also makes this group of Lingyun Pavilion The **** dared not act rashly.

Even so, there are only three players left on the platform: Mo Yan, Ye Shuang, and Feng Xiaoyue. At the same time, Ye Shuang and Feng Xiaoyue have retreated to the intersection of the platform and protected Mo Yan with their bodies behind them. The opponent's dense mage and archer fire output.

The black **** suddenly said: "Master is good!"


"Understand!" The sickle held up in the hand of the black **** and exclaimed: "Praise the great **** of death and sigh, my treasure, ghost military, and transfer the troops in purgatory to the ground!"

The next night a cold night wind came from every secret corner of this battlefield, sighing and whispering.

Immediately after the surrounding part of the earth, it was cracking silently, and a breath of death slowly spread out from the black earth. "Ka! Ka!" The cold, mechanical footsteps came through the cracks in the earth.

The sound became clearer and clearer. In addition to the "click! Click!" Footsteps, there were also subtle hoof sounds. Contrary to the general situation, this kind of horseshoe sound was much smaller than footsteps. If no one listens carefully, probably no one can hear it.

It didn't take long for an army to emerge only in a nightmare to slowly and orderly emerge from the cracks in the earth.

At the front are some skeleton swordsmen with long swords of different colors, followed by other skeleton warriors with guns, lengths, shields, and axes. The size and height of these bones are not the same, and among them, there is a special existence wearing heavy armor.

Three or four hundred infantry came out of the cracks, and behind them were skeleton knights on bone warhorses. Relatively speaking, the number of cavalry is much smaller, only about a hundred, but the momentum is not inferior to other undead forces that exceed N times their number.

Immediately after the black **** ordered: "Ghost military, attack, crush everything in front of you!"

"It's really hard to come by now, Master! The opponent this time?" Said a skeleton carrying a giant axe from the crack.

"Buy those, bury them!" The voice of the black **** sounded.

"What is this, human, is it a human army? That's just right, humans look down on us dead, give them some color this time!"

"Hee hee, there is an opponent at last, it's so interesting, sisters, go!" After the undead ground troops, a group of grieving banshees all laughed excitedly.

The knights on the ground all closed their masks, raised their spears, and clamped their bones and horses. Rushed to the army opposite. For them, such a battlefield is the stage that best reflects their strength.

This group of NPC undead troops hanged together with the player's unit at one time. These undead are all NPCs of level 80 and above. Each one has the strength that does not lose to the players at the current stage. I also got a breath of breath almost at the same time, at the same time Ye Shuang and Feng Xiaoyue on the high platform also covered Mo Yan and rushed down the high platform. I and Ye Shuang immediately formed a team so that the ghost military would not locate them to attack targets.

I immediately brought everyone forward to meet Ye Shuang and others.

The guild channel 烽火 燎原 shouted and scolded: "Why did Qianji Bianfu get so much, well-trained and high-quality troops, one day at NND, Lao Tzu will only be able to give up if he kills his ancestor eighteen generations!"

I asked, "Black God, how long can you keep this trick?"

Black Shinto: "As long as I don't die, I can maintain it for ten minutes, but although the ghost military is much more powerful than the other side, the effect of the ghost military can only be delayed."

I said, "Procrastination is enough. If you stick with it for a while, there will be reinforcements soon."

Fire dance said: "Reinforcement is available, but it will not be able to catch up at half past one. If we do not retreat now, when these NPC teams are killed, it's our turn."

I laughed, "I said that I had it, and it was fast."

I stopped as soon as my voice stopped. A shout came from outside the encirclement: "Haha! That lazy curiosity, this is the treasure for Lao Tzu! Come on, the first team is the left wing, the second team is the right wing, give me a bag This bunch of bastards! Save our allies! "

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