Master Summoner Online

Chapter 835: Free Pass

I woke up at seven o'clock the next day to wash my face, brush my teeth, have breakfast and then go online quickly. Today I'm going to do something big.

Mirror composition.

Appeared in the territory, out of the Protoss hub, now the steel capital has renewed the light of science and technology. Numerous exploration machines continue to point crystals in the city. The damaged areas and buildings are also constantly repaired. Both are level seven, and the upgrade speed of the territory is very slow. I do n’t know what time it is to reach the level ten territory. As the first player territory, I still have a clear advantage.

Find Tassada, and the goods came forward and submitted to me yesterday's battle damage-unit loss: exploration: 174 units, hunter: 111 units, mechanical sentry: 209 units, immortal: 13 units, golden beetle : 17 units.

Building loss: Crystal tower: 40, Photon turret: 71, Forge: 1, Portal: 15 Teleport array: 1

amount! The hard-fought troops and hard-built buildings, these **** must pay them!

Continue to produce exploration machines, if the economy is good, the uncle of the farmer is indispensable. Then let Tassada take some sentinel immortals out to sweep around.

I came to the warehouse of the steel capital, opened the column of the main warehouse of the city, and found the spoils of the past half a month, but I am not looking for these. I will transfer all the items such as cards from the screening. Most of the cards are monsters in the city. I can't use these things, because there can be no creature card that I use to make an alien castle.

After turning around in the card pile for a while, I finally found what I was looking for, which is the card given by the killer. I remember he said that he could use it to kill the enemy. In my card, I turned out a black card. Both sides are written in a **** 'dead' word, and that's right.

Take it out and look at the attributes-Free Pass (Consumables) Grade: Gold, Effect: Use You can also use force on any occasion without any punishment. It lasts for five hours and must be used in a state of evil value. (Only one time per month)

Sure enough, it is something that can kill the enemies. With this, I can completely kill those **** on the resurrection square in front of the eyes and delete them. If I remember correctly, if the player level is reduced to zero and in If you die again under the zero-level condition, the entire account will be completely logged out. You cannot create an account again within one month after the account disappears. This setting also restricts players from repeatedly creating accounts repeatedly, causing unnecessary trouble.

Put away the cards and look at the guild channel and shout, "Who is free now!"

"Every time is empty." More than 80% of online players sent a unified response.

I said, "You look for the coordinates of the player where the situation and the Demon Kiss are."

"Wow! Boss, you are going to start revenge."

"Haha, I can't wait any longer."

"Come talk about how to do it?"

A group of people babbled me shouting quietly, and immediately silently, followed by saying, "The plan is this, find the two guild players of Fengyun and Devil's Kiss, see one kill one and then hold the main city and The four gates of the three satellite cities came out to kill one one, but when you find their boss, do n’t do it first. Notify me. Understand? "


"Then leave."


I also continued to organize the affairs in the territory while waiting for news. When a team of hunters went out of the city to clean up the monsters, I said to my two beautiful bodyguards: "Wait a minute, I want to do something that sounds overwhelming. If you do n’t want to, you do n’t need to participate. "

The black **** smiled: "Master, what do you say. No matter what you do, we will not object."

"That is, master, please rest assured, no matter what you do, we will vigorously preside over you." Tianzhao said.

"Thank you." It was really fortunate for me to have such two good-looking girls with me.

After half an hour, a fighter player named 'Pseudo Assassin' in the guild sent him and a group of Dragonfang players to find the situation of Fengyun Tianxia and a group of Fengyun players. I immediately instructed the surrounding units to move the resources back. Then, return to the capital of the dragon, go to a musical instrument store, and buy a large ancient bell that is at least three meters high. In the message, write down "Give the bell to all the players who are leveling here today, I wish you all a happy leveling, and respect to the beast god". After writing, ask the NPC carrier to draw 10 gold coins for him to give me to the world. Hands. In addition, I also sent Xie Hongjun a pass, and immediately set off to find the coordinates that the player said.

On a plain, more than a dozen players were fighting against a group of giant bears. At this time, four or five NPCs suddenly appeared next to them, followed by a car pulled by a giant lizard. A player of the situation shouted "You seem to have a team of NPCs coming towards us."

The headed NPC said, "Which warrior in the world?"

"Brother, you have an NPC to send you something. It is probably the one who admired you." A Fengyun archer said, "Oh? Let me show you something soon." Fengyuntian was happy.

The cargo loaded on the car was quickly lifted down, and then the NPC quit, leaving the huge box open and suddenly exclaiming: "Well, who's the bell?" Followed by him, he immediately sent a message and scolded: "Fuck! Beast **** bastard, is he crazy?"

The windy archer laughed: "Brother, leave him alone. We hurriedly kill this monster back to the city to hand in the task. He didn't dare to make trouble in the main city."

"It makes sense to continue killing, ignore him." Fengyun snorted and continued to compete with the bear. Five minutes after the group received the bell, I was 300 meters away from them led by several dragon teeth. I motioned them away from the origin. These people retreated without saying a word. At the same time, a calcium carbide fire sped out instantly, and the dragon gun was thrown in my hand!

"Red Dragon growls!"

But in mid-air, there was a Long Yin howling that caused the earth to shake, and a red dragon that was 20 meters long rushed to the sky. A "bang" made a loud noise. Several players in front were just Unbeatable, was seconds in an instant.

"Ding ~! You maliciously kill the player Fengyun Xiaofeng, and the other party has the legal right to counterattack!"

"Ding ~! You maliciously killed the player, and the other party has a legitimate right to counterattack!"

"Ding ~! You maliciously kill the player, and the opponent has the right to counterattack!"



A series of system beeps sounded in my ear.

The rest of the players turned back and followed the dragon gun to stab the ground. The dragon soul destroyed and launched. The remaining dozen people were immediately apparently crisscrossed by the dragon-shaped air waves. The last additional attack left them silent. Went back to town.

"I will give you these bursting things, I will go first." Take out the crystal and go back to the city, then rushed to the Resurrection Square and screamed, "Give me all!"

The summoning beast around him turned around and summoned the beast to emerge from the beast. The sudden appearance of the summoned beast made the surrounding players suddenly scared, and immediately followed me to see Fengyun Tianxia and others appearing.

"Hi friends, Fengyun, how are you!" I walked over and summoned the beasts to surround them.

"You're not ..." Fengyun was shocked, and at the same time summoned the beasts to work together. Fengyun was all drowned instantly, and quickly turned to Baiguang to talk to the old man.

At this moment, the audience was in chaos immediately. The revival square, which was already chaotic, was chaotic at the moment.

Exclaiming, screaming, running, syncope ... these people even vomit. Of course, you can't vomit anything in the game. Anyway, this group of people made the same move at the same time and left the resurrection square. After all, no one wants to be involved.

"You ... why can ..." Fengyun once again resurrected Fengyun and looked at me tremblingly, his voice stunned, it looked as if he was about to scare me into tears.

"Nothing!" Once again, the summoned beasts waved them once, and the resurrection only had 499% of the health and 50% of the attributes. I think they would be difficult without a second. This group of people exploded to the ground except for the equipment. I didn't think about picking it up. A few seconds later, this group of people appeared again. This time I didn't even give them the right to speak and I was sending them to be born again.

There was a new face here just after hanging them off for a second. There were storms and demonic kisses in this group of people, but they were all a small group of characters. They said a second before they said anything. Some of these people are still red names, and there are a lot of spoils of war. They look shiny. This group of people hangs after the storm and waits for the next person to appear again. They continue to command the beasts to pack them. At the same time, the shocked call of the lively players watching around.

"Let me go! Such a terrible killing scene! I still saw it for the first time!"

"Well, the beast **** is crazy today!"

"I rely on! How did the beast **** kill people in this place since the NPC doesn't care about it."

"What a wicked man! One word is pulling the wind!"

"Obviously two words, okay?"

"Oh, there is no difference between one or two words!"


This group of people was resurrected, and one by one the eyes released the ferocious light, but I smiled: "Bye!" The summoned beasts started again, and they died again. There will be another batch of new reports. The beasts consciously killed them, and after a while, this group of people appeared in a stormy face with a shocked and angry expression: "You TM ..."

"Go to death!" I groaned quite bite-toothed, and was spiked again, but as they were spiked again and again, players who also had more storms or demon kisses were sent back, but those who returned were all There is no value in killing them, and the main cadre-level figures in Fengyun have already returned. So I killed them again, and stopped them on the guild channel to hunt down these worthless little sisters, and collectively went to the devil's kiss. Core members.

After sending the message, the group of people resurrected and killed them again, got up and killed them once, and then they shuddered fiercely in the middle of the resurrection square. This is one or two hundred players in the middle of the resurrection square. They have understood that they must be killed back to level zero, but there are also many people who cannot afford this blow. After all, after more than a month and a few hours of training, all their hard work is abolished. This is not an ordinary person. Affordable.

As a result, many people even cried for mercy after being reborn again. These begs are irrelevant, killing them does not make me feel a little bit happy. I will find the mastermind when I find it, and let other people do the cooking.

"You should now know what I will give you the clock." I clasped my hands and sneered sneer.

"I know! Sorry ... I'm not ... I dare not do it right with you!" Feng Yunxia is about to collapse, bowing his head and crying in a crying way to repay me, how genuine and sincere it will be. However, it is useless in good faith that he will die today, commanding the summoning beast to kill them in seconds.

I said coldly: "I knew why it was today." My thoughts killed them again.

"Hey, brother, let's find the core player of Devil's Kiss. ​​What should we do now?" Ye Shuang rang.

"Hang it back up," I replied briefly.

"I see!" Ye Shuang hung up the call, and at this time a group of NPC guards passed by, and one of the newly resurrected Fengyun world waited for someone outside the shout to shout: "Brother Guard, there is murder!"

But the NPC Guard just turned around and walked away, as if everything had happened to him.

Desperate, this group of people thought that the NPC Guards could save their lives, but now the last hope has become futile.

"Ah! ... you bastard, I will never let you go!" The world, with red eyes, rushed towards me with a fist.

"Waiting anytime!"

With a sneer of disdain, he pulled out the Ruyi stick and hit it, and a bleak white light shone again ...

The next time this group of people is resurrected, they will be spiked again! As soon as the gangsters hung up under the stormy sky, a new group of people appeared at the same time. This group of people is not someone else. It is the kiss of the devil. Among them, the silly chairman, Xie Hongjun, and the soulless and grave dig the Lord.

I pointed to the soulless and said, "Dark God, pull me that mage."

"Yes." The black **** stepped forward and grabbed the soulless shoulders to lift him out. After the soullessness came out, I slammed my fingers and summoned the beast to re-operate. This dry man instantly turned into white light and disappeared.

Seeing this scene of soullessness and struggling to break away from the hand of the black god, I shouted, "Where are you, the beast god?"

I said lightly: "Kill them to zero level and delete numbers."

"Why are you doing this?"


"Revenge?" Lost spirits suddenly shouted: "You must be for the past few days, well, I admit it is our fault. But you don't need to kill them to delete the number."

I said coldly, "So what? Who asked you to touch the things you shouldn't touch."

This will cause the world to be resurrected, and they will not be surprised when they look at them when they lose their souls: "Sure enough, the situation is also there."

Fengyunxia saw the soulless soul beside me and shouted, "Why don't you kill the soulless beast god? He was also present at the time."

I said, "I didn't have any resentment against Lost Soul, why should I kill him?" After speaking, I was sending him to death.

The people who followed the kiss of the demon were resurrected, and the fool hat shouted, "Brother, save me!"

"It's just us who lost our soul."

"The beast **** spared us."

"We never dare."

"Beast god." I heard the sound of the soulless when the contract summoned the beasts refreshed. I turned my head and watched the soulless make a move that no one could think of, and he fell on his knees with a splash, and it was Kneeling on your own initiative: "Beast God, please stop. The thing is that Nie Feng negotiates with Fengyun Tianxia. You have to kill him for what he deserves, but the others are innocent. They just run dragons and fight soy sauce. You don't have to compete with them. Didn't you just say that we are not vengeful? Then please look on my face and let go of everyone other than Nie Feng! "

The lost soul actually had a snot and a tear. I didn't expect that since he still made such a move, it would be resurrected by Fengyun Tianxia and others. I said, "First kill Fengyun and others."

At the same time, let the black **** and Tianzhao watch the group of demons kiss, the other summoned beasts turned their muzzles and the newly resurrected Fengyun Tianxia group was hung before seeing what happened, I grabbed the soulless shoulders and lifted him Get up and say: "Well, I promise you, in addition to Nie Fenghe and Xie Hongjun. You can take others away."

"Thank you." Lost souls said to the devil's kiss, "What are you doing? Are you waiting for the beast **** to repent?"

"Everyone, let's go!" A devil kissed Xiaoyan screamed. This group of people usually escaped from the resurrection square. The guy from Nie Feng also wanted to touch the fish in the muddy waters, but was caught by Tianzhao.

The devil's kiss is left by the silly hat president Nie Feng and Xie Hongjun. Xie Hongjun looked at me with **** eyes and said, "You did help, so I admit it today, you have to kill it!"

I said, "As long as the two of you delete the number now and promise never to show up in my sight, I won't go to you."

I saw that Nie Feng ’s Devil ’s Kiss was now President, and suddenly went offline, followed by a prompt from the system-“Ding ~! The Devil ’s Kiss Guild disbanded!”

Dissolution of the guild? I deliberately searched for that guy's ID, and I couldn't help but twitched my lips. For a moment, I couldn't help crying and laughing. Followed by Xie Hongjun also actively deleted the number to avoid being abused.

Fengyun Tianxia was resurrected, and Fengyun Tianxia said, "Where is the devil's kiss?"

I said, "Delete the number, it is better to delete the number together, so as not to continue to be abused."


"That's goodbye."

The white light of death kept flashing, and the president and vice president of Fengyun and some core members were slaughtering around the resurrection point fiercely.


When this group of people was killed by me to the tenth level, a loud drink came suddenly from afar. I glanced back slightly and saw Qianji change. There are about a dozen players in Lingyun Pavilion, such as the King's Blade, and they ran over.

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