Master Summoner Online

Chapter 836: Qianji change VS arbiter

A thousand machine changes, a group of king's blades ran towards me like crazy and snarled loudly in their mouths.

The effect of that free pass allows me to ignore the protection of safe areas and any laws in any town, whether it is the main city or a second- or third-tier city. It only kills people and does not increase the value of evil. However, such privileges The consequence is that if oneself dies, the punishment will be doubled.

But I also don't want to fight against this group of people in the Dragon City. After all, once you start, there will definitely be more or less accidental injuries, whether it hurts the player or the NPC, it is not a good thing for me! Fengyun has been killed by me below level 20, and killing them will only be a matter of thought. Now, there is really no mood to continue to toss! ...

Qianji changed into a shout: "Beast God quickly stop."

I sneered, "Why?" As long as I didn't stop calling the beasts, I would never stop.

Qianji changed into a shout: "I have the name of the Huaxia Virtual Department and ordered you to stop immediately."

"Virtual department!" The black **** around suddenly took a breath.

I asked, "What is the Virtual Department?"

Hei Shinto: "Huaxia Virtual Department is an organization of Dragon Soul Company and the core organization of China's Second World Official. Its position in the company is second only to the" Adjudication Office "led by the arbiter. There are official supporters. And the Virtual Department has another status as the chairman of the China Server Association, which is not an easy sin. "

I laughed: "Hehe a group of younger brothers of GM."

Tianzhao asked, "What about the master?"

I sneered: "The one who blocks me is dead!"

The black **** laughed: "It is indeed the owner. Actually, I have been watching this group of people for a long time. But you still stop the owner first. They have been killed less than ten levels. The free pass still has three hours to maintain. It's enough to kill them, and it's also an official face. "

"Okay, solving them is also a trio of efforts." Every thought hit a ring finger, calling the beasts to stop, but this does not mean that I will let them go.

Seeing that the summoned beast stopped, the talents such as Qianji Bian and King's Blade exhaled, then the world also saw hope at this moment. The King's Blade whispered, "I am wrong, but I didn't educate him well. You have killed them less than ten levels, and you should lose your anger. Please forgive them."

I glanced at the violent collapse of the world that had been beaten, and looked at the king's blade after saying: "Let them go? Why should I let them go?"

"Beast God, you have to let him go. I promise to educate you well after going offline, and I will never find you again. Another hour ago I took the initiative to cancel my engagement with Ocean Logistics, and now your childhood friend is free. Last time The damage of the territorial war is all supplemented by the virtual ministry. Is it rare that this is not enough? "

"The Black God checks to see if this is the case." I sent a private chat to the Black God.

Ten seconds later, Black God sent a video. This video was a trivial and simple press conference.

This video was issued exactly one hour ago, and saw the blade of the king announced at a press conference that his son had a baby relationship with another Qianjin. All the news again announced the termination of the marriage contract with Ocean Logistics.

After watching the video I said, "Go over to him."

The King's Blade saw me so reasonable, a big stone hanging in my heart finally fell, I let the summoned beast make way, and the King's Blade walked in. "Dad, you must listen to my revenge! You have to be my master Ah! "When the savior appeared in the sky, a snot and a tear flew up, but the words in his mouth were frowning for the players who were watching the liveliness around them. Obviously, they even treated this guy to them. With such a superb son, he felt speechless.

"I reported your mother a B!" Seeing his son so disappointed, the blood vessels on the head of the King almost burst out, and a slap fan slapped his face under the anger under the anger.

"You little bunny, you guys have troubled me for three days and two ends. How can I have such a son for you!" Looking at the situation in the world that is not enough to be defeated, if not for real blood in the game, This guy is looking for three liters of blood. Of course, vomiting blood is also a special effect caused by huge damage.

"I'm looking for your accounts after I'm offline." He said he was going to leave the world with a storm, but then Gatling Dragon blocked them.

"Do it!"

The white light of death was lighting up again, and the form suddenly changed. For a moment, the people around them were stunned. Qianji became shouting, "Do n’t you say that, beast god, let them go? Why should you hang them?"

I scratched my head and said, "Did I say that?"

After a few seconds, Qianji changed his path: "I repeat, if you dare to do it alone, I will make you regret it for life!"

"You are scared to be Lao Tzu. Even kill him!"

Before I spoke, Tian Zhao slowly moved her right foot back with a tiny movement. With the waist slightly back, make a low-altitude sprint preparation posture. At that time, Qianji Bian didn't notice the movement of Aizhao. He only looked at the blade of the king who was educating the world behind me.

Tianzhao sprinted at the height close to the floor, and ran across this distance in an instant, while the right-handed knife stabbed upward as it turned.

The response speed of Qianji changed too late to stop, and his eyes widened to show a startled expression. The sky's sword turned into a light, changed its orbit at a sharp angle in the air, and stabbed towards Qianji's chest.

As the sword stabbed into his chest, he ran into a wall invisible to the naked eye. The strong impact was passed from the knife to Aizhao's arm. The purple flash burst, and there was a message between Tian Zhao and that guy, which was also purple-the system color.

‘Invincible’, although I do n’t understand English, I still know the meaning of the word, which is ‘invincible’. Players can't even pull out a weapon in a town, and it's impossible to have such a state.

I, Chiki Change, and Amaterasu, Black God, and the players around me were completely inactive. In the silence, system messages slowly disappeared.

Tian Zhao lowered the knife and leaped back slightly, widening the distance from Qianjibian. The black **** who took a few steps forward came to Tian Zhao's right side and stood side by side with her.

"What's going on ... how can this kind of thing appear to a player and have such protection ... except for some special NPCs, there are only system administrators. But there should be no administrators in this game .Apart from him ... tell me who you are! "The black **** turned towards Qianji

However, Qianji Bian did not answer her words, but swung her left hand, and quickly entered a series of things on the control panel that appeared.

"Ah ... Master ..."

Seeing that the black **** Tianzhao was already kneeling on the ground. I immediately confirmed the situation of the players around me. The summoned beasts suddenly disappeared, and Fengyun and others fell to the ground like the players around. Everyone groaned on the ground in an unnatural posture.

I felt the air suddenly become extremely heavy at this moment. Whenever I want to move my body, I will feel a strong sense of resistance as if I were in a very thick slime, and my body will fall to the ground. At this time my body became quite heavy, and I even felt quite painful while standing.

"I asked you to stop, but I just didn't listen."

I watched him fiercely, "Who the **** are you?"

Qianji changed his path: "Topofficial! Supreme leader."

As soon as he heard what he said, the black **** desperately moved her body that was basically unable to move, and said to him, "How can ...! The highest person in charge, the arbitrator's deputy, the second-in-command in the company."

Tianzhao also said, "Dare you dare us so much. When I go back, I will definitely sue the arbiter's brother and fire you!"

"Little sister, do you want to worry about yourself all of a sudden, the arbitrator has not returned to the United Nations Second World Headquarters for more than half a year, and you also know that I am his lieutenant, and I have countless Chinese methods before he returns Make the two of you disappear. "

The end of the voice rose to a scream, and something hit me on the head.

After turning my head, I found out that the guy did n’t know when he was standing in front of me and my equipment disappeared. All that was left was the underwear of the system. He wore embroidered boots on his feet and the other foot was on my head and moved back and forth.

"Speaking back-Beast God, no ... it should be better to call you Dragon Spirit. I didn't expect that kind of thing would be found, even if it was found out in the resurrection square. I don't know Should you say that you are brave or stupid. But seeing you fall to the ground so embarrassed now, I think it should be the latter "said while poking me with my toes. After speaking, he quickly waved his left hand to call out the window. He crooked his mouth and stared at the blue-lighted window for a while, then snorted again and closed the window.

At this time, a series of system bells rang— "Ding ~! After official intervention, the Guild's" Tooth of the Dragon "was dissolved!"

"Ding ~! After official intervention, the player [weiweilong] was deprived of the identity of the player in China!"

"Ding ~! After the official intervention, the player [Vivelong] private residence [Steel Capital] ownership is cancelled!"

"How, beast god, now you have nothing!" Qianji became vicious and said, "This is your own choice, no one can blame! Even if you operate the technology as well as obey management, what are you?" I will treat you now. Throw out of China, you can't step on the map of China, no equipment, no gold coins, and no one you trust the summoning beast, you have nothing! "

"In addition, I once again announce that if there is a player guild who dares to accept you, he will always be excommunicated from China!" He said, taking his feet away and then whispering, "System instructions! Change the pain relief device, Started to lift, 100% restrictions lifted. "

Immediately after he finished speaking, a stabbing pain came from his back.

Woo ... go ...

After hearing my groaning sound, Qianji Bian gave a rather pleasant laugh.

"Ha ha ha, wasn't it great when you abused me before? This is just an appetizer. I will enhance it step by step, and you look forward to it. If it is increased by 300% or more, it seems that after logging out, There will be shock symptoms. "

After he said it, he patted his hand, and walked away more than ten meters away and laughed: "After your blood and blood disappeared, you are still resurrected in a neutral area outside of China. You can enjoy it. , There are so many people to see you off, you should be honored. By the way, you will automatically be released as soon as you hang around the player. "After turning, you must leave.

"You guy ... I want to kill you! Kill you! Definitely kill you!"

Qian Jibian's crazy laughter became clearer after overlapping with my roar.

If anyone can help me now-my **** are holding the ground firmly, trying to move my body forward as much as I can, but I ca n’t try it with a little energy, it ’s rare that I ’m done, and I run around Play this game. What did I get in the end? Strength, glory, word of mouth, but all of this is just to obtain that fantasy ability, to surpass other players to satisfy their ugly pride?

So this result-the retribution that I should have tasted. Yeah, I'm just a kid rejoicing because of the strength someone has given me. But in fact, nothing can be done and nothing can be defeated. What can be easily obtained here is only the feeling of remorse. If you don't want to remorse, give up thinking.

"Are you going to escape?" A voice sounded in my mind.

"who are you?"

"Do you want to succumb to system powers that have been denied in the past?"

"Then what can I do. I'm just a player and he is a senior administrator of the system"

"Your speech has insulted what you have done so far. But because of this happening to you, I learned that human willpower can override the system and allow me to understand the battle of future possibilities."

"Battle? That doesn't make sense at all. It's just a matter of increasing or decreasing numbers, right?"

"You should know more than that. Come on, stand up. Stand up and hold your strength."

"Stand up!"

The sound sounded like a thunder, and then through my will like lightning.

The feeling that it had gradually disappeared all returned instantly like reconnecting. I immediately opened my eyes vigorously.

"Woo ... oh ..."

A hoarse sound came from deep in the throat.

"Oh oh oh oh……"

After gritting my teeth and screaming like a dying beast, I propped my right hand on the ground and raised my elbows.

When I was about to prop up my body, the sword running through the center of my back was still pressing heavily on me.

How could I lie under such a thing so embarrassingly? I will never allow myself to yield! Don't give up, it's not over yet!

"Come here! You jerk!" Qianji Beng stopped and turned to look at me struggling to stand up.

"I'm standing here !!!"

Snarled, exhausted all the power in the body to support it. The sword left the floor after making a dull sound of "click" and fell off from my back to the ground.

At this moment he frowned immediately, shrugging his shoulders with the action of acting.

"Oops, oh, I have fixed the coordinates of the objects. Is there any bug? The useless group of operation team ..."

He walked in front of my eyes while smashing his thoughts, followed by his handshake and my red-eyed dragon gun appeared! It stabbed in less than a second after the dragon gun appeared!

At this moment, a hand suddenly appeared in front of me to grab the dragon gun. I turned around and saw that the person who caught the dragon gun was a person wearing a red armor with five golden letters on his head-- System administrator!

"Sorry, I'm late."

This will change a lot, the goods will look surprised, open their mouths, surround me at the same time, and even the gravity of the players around them disappears.

"Why ... what? When are you not coming back ...?"

After Qianji changed his teeth and yelled in surprise, he released his hand holding the lance and flew back, and drew his left hand directly below. The blue system window immediately appeared to him.

But this is the arbiter's mouth: "System instructions, administrator authority changes. Reduce the level of the ID machine to 0, and enter an inactive state!"

Qianji changed to the ground in an instant and fell into the same state as I just had.

"Sure enough, it's difficult to defend against the night thief." The arbiter stood in front of him and said in a deep voice: "You were so disappointed. I originally trusted you and promoted you to be my lieutenant, but I did not expect you to use The rights in your hands harm the interests of players everywhere. I went to the headquarters this time to check out the abnormal increase and decrease of forces in China and the abnormal level increase of some players. It did not surprise me. Your rights in the company are basically okay Covering the sky with one hand, I can no longer be lawless as soon as I no longer have it, now your fox tail is finally exposed, and you will wait until the line to take the lawsuit. "

"System instructions, the player Qianji becomes forced to disconnect!" Qianji changed body light particles disappeared on the ground.

"System instructions restore all rights of the player!" The arbiter issued instructions again.

The next moment a series of prompts came out, and everything came back to me.

"China has been out of service for 10 days and closed for rectification!" The arbitrator cried again.

"Ding ~! The server will shut down after one minute, please players go offline immediately to avoid unnecessary damage!"

The system reminded me three times. At this time, bright blue light began to appear around the players. Then little by little it became transparent like crystal. At last the particles of light dance in the air.

Before I went offline, I said to the arbiter: "The arbiter ..."

"Why, what do you want to ask?" The voice was exactly the same as mine, feeling like I was talking to myself.

"Why your voice is the same as mine. Is the system adjusted?"

After asking, the other side was silent for a while before answering: "You can say this, but you can't say it."

"You guys still like to say something incomprehensible. Anyway, I want to thank you first, but since you already know anyway, why don't you act sooner?"


I felt the other side was smiling hard.

"That's really sorry. In order to collect the occupation, and you don't need to thank me at all, if it wasn't for you to do such a thing today, I might not be able to catch him."


"This matter is complicated. The shelling dragons are all tired, and I won't say much. In short, you can rest assured to go offline. Ling Yunge and Fengyun Guild I promise that there will be no two of them after today."

I am glad to hear that.

"Then I'm leaving. See you at the chance ..."

Then his breath suddenly disappeared. After he left, I pressed the logout button. The radial light spreads in front of my eyes and surrounds my consciousness, then takes me to the sky above.

The summoner who likes online games, please collect: ( The summaries of online game summoners' literature are the fastest.

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