Master Summoner Online

Chapter 861: Armed dragon

I asked, "Where is that? Ash Mountain?"

Green Eyed Bat King said: "No, no, no, that's the suspended city, not the Ash Mountain, which is about ten kilometers north of the suspended city."

Nirvana: "Where is the Hanging City?"

Green-eyed Bat King: "You see it as a dangling city. There is a castle in Beresque."

Night asked: "Where can you take us?"

The Green-Eyed Bat King hurriedly said, "Don't ... don't ... don't be kidding, I don't have a hundred lives to go there."

I said, "Let's go and go to Ash Mountain."

Green Eyed Bat King was surprised: "Since you are going to Ash Mountain, there is the site of the armed dragon, you will be torn by them."

I laughed: "I don't need to worry about this, can you tell me where the Armed Dragon is in Ash Mountain?"

The Green-Eyed Bat King said: "The ashes mountain is a huge mountain, where all the armed dragons are. The lava mountain in the ashes mountain keeps up with the core area of ​​the armed dragon, and no creature dares to approach."

I said, "Okay, thank you."

"Let's go." He turned into an amber dragon and led everyone towards the north of the hanging city.

After flying for four or five kilometers, the visibility around us became very low. We had to land down and walk forward. After walking for a while, we entered a huge hillside made of a large amount of volcanic ash. The source of this landform is distant. Ash Mountain. I think it's better to call it Fire Mountain than Ash Mountain. There are volcanic ash everywhere. The armed dragons can really choose the place. There are volcanic ash everywhere and grass-less Kuspo. The volcanic ash was solidified. It should have been very gentle, but after thousands of years of wind and rain, it has already lost its original appearance. The entire huge hillside with strange rock formations is very difficult to reach here and find here. The monsters are very dense, but there is no player power nearby, because the level of the monsters here is really difficult for the current players and no one will be okay to run to this place where the birds do n’t shit, even walking around the outermost slopes Yes, they are all 155 elite beasts called armored beasts.

Each of these armored beetles was hit by a buffalo, and these armored beasts were social animals. There are piles on the dry rock slope, and once the hostility is found, they will swarm up. In order to avoid falling into the siege of the monsters, we will start from step to step, and each of the broken policies, to avoid scattered routes and attract too many monsters.

Adjusted the position, the war between the two sides officially began. This group of armored beetles is not only defensively amazing, it also has a super strong attack power, and casually pierces the body with sharp tentacles. It is five or six thousand blood removal, and such a double injury will not threaten anything. However, the number of beetles was large, and several of them were rushed at once. We became very dangerous without the supply of the priest.

It took a lot of effort to kill them. We continued to move forward, and continued to move forward. Tian Zhao shouted, and saw a figure in the air in front of us, followed by a shrill cry, just like the ultrasound makes people's eardrums grow. pain.

The next moment this creature passed through the clouds formed by volcanic ash, I saw that this guy has a pair of huge wings to slap hard, and the long tail is swinging left and right to balance the direction. This guy is actually a dragon. However, this giant There was a mask-like thing on Dragon's face.

The dragon rushed down, turned over a whole armored beetle, and then pierced the beetle's body with sharp claws, peeled a piece of flesh and put it in his mouth, and started chewing. This guy didn't care if we ate ourselves.

When the monster appeared, I immediately called out the summoners. Two wolf emperors, water dragon, thunder, and guru were summoned one by one. In addition, there were gatling explosion dragons and thunder callers around, amber dragons and snow dragons. Don't bark, the ice dragon's cooling is too long, let it come out when it is critical.

"Let's go together."

Shouted, the two wolf emperors and Garulu went ahead and went to attract the attention of the monsters. Then I and other summoned beasts and my companions, and the wolf emperor and Garulu formed an advance team to maintain a certain distance.

The dragon stopped at about 30 meters in front of us. When we moved it, it immediately found us. The body stood upright, opened its mouth and sprayed a basin-sized fireball, followed by the guy. It knew that falling on the ground was nothing but our opponent.

While the fireball flew over, the fire eye golden eyes scanned the past-Kamenosaurus, a 157-level quasi-BOSS, introduced: Kamenosaurus is a low-level dragon living on the Blackscale Cliffs. Due to the lack of materials in the places where they live, they mask each day. Dragons will fly hundreds of kilometers or more to hunt for food, and bring the captured prey back to the nest to feed it.

A 157-level monster is still a quasi-BOSS! I saw that the fireball didn't hit us. Instead, it hit the open space in front of us and exploded and smoked at it. When the smoke dispersed, the guy turned and flew into the thick cloud of volcanic ash. Disappeared without a trace.

"No, that's it." Dark night said very depressed.

I said, "Let's go. Fight for entry to the armed dragon's territory before lunch."

Nirvana said a little bit worried: "That big brother, are we really okay like this? Will we really be torn by those armed dragons."

Lie Xuefei laughed: "I won't get pregnant once I hang, what are you afraid of? After a few minutes, I'm a good guy."

The night with his hands on his hips, "Azheng, don't teach bad friends."

Nirvana protested: "I'm eighteen, not a little pot friend."

Yan Yuliu laughed and said, "How can you not look like eighteen?"

Nirvana smiled: "I am relatively young."

I said, "Don't say that something seems to be coming."

quickly. A big shadow has entered our time limit!

This guy is also a dragon, with a height of about three meters. The pair of wings are like bats, but there is a sharp circle of blades on the outside of the pair of wings, and a pair of fighter-like gloves is also carried on the front claws. Things, there is a row of sawtooth-like things in the center of the abdomen, without a word, immediately look up!

Armed Dragon (Juvenile), Level 157, Elite Mutant Beast, Introduction: Armed Dragon is a mutant species of the Dragon family. It is a race known for pure violence. When an armed dragon reaches 300 years, 500 years, 700 In the year 1000 and 1000, there will be a chance of degeneration. In the end, an armed dragon that can live for 10,000 years will become shivering even to the gods. However, such armed dragons are too few and too few, because after four After the second metamorphosis, the armoured dragon has completed the entire metamorphosis process and cannot grow.

This guy is an armed dragon, and it's only in its infancy, but their classification is very strange. The elite mutant beasts have never heard of the level. Of course, these are not important. This armed dragon does not seem to like a armored beast before, like a bunch Heap activities, and monsters acting independently, so that we can deal more easily, at least to avoid the risk of being beaten!

"Roar!" The roar of a young armed dragon started the bell of the battle. This guy looks like his wings have not yet developed and can't fly. This guy opened his mouth to show his razor-like teeth and bite at us. We left to scatter to avoid, and saw that this guy didn't bite and we just smashed a huge rock.

Immediately following the beginning of this armed dragon, we looked at us for a while and rushed towards Nirvana. Obviously, Nirvana made us the weakest one. Of course, we could not let it appear. The wolf emperor took the lead, but this armed dragon Waving his claws like boxing, the sound of wind sounded, and the attack range was quite large. The wolf emperor who had just rushed in was hit and hit.

—14025—14268 Two damage figures flew over the head of the wolf emperor. I saw the air-conditioning pumping. This wolf emperor has my attributes. The armed dragon is truly the attack power of a race called pure violence. It's not covered.

At this moment, he took out a shuriken in the night and threw it directly towards the armed dragon, causing continuous damage!

—8049—450—450—450 ...

The former is a direct injury caused by a shuriken. The latter is a poisonous purple poison after being poisoned. At the same time, the fierce blood rushes forward with a golden roar, and the sword in the right hand is wrapped in blood-red light and chopped down on the armed dragon with a thunderbolt With a hand holding a long sword, snowflakes flew above the sword's edge, and a straight sword stabbed at the armed dragon!

"Icewind sting!"

—12847 This piece failed to penetrate into the body of the armed dragon. Then, an extremely cold air quickly spread and directly sealed the body of the armed dragon. Once the armed dragon was frozen, everyone was in a mess. , Kill nearly a tenth of his blood!

Just when we are ready to continue the attack. Suddenly there was a sound of "Boom Bang". Soon I saw a dragon that was three or four times larger than the armed dragon in front of it, flying from a distance at a low altitude. Flying and calling: "Stop! Stop!"

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