Master Summoner Online

Chapter 862: Recapture the dangling city

In the blink of an eye, this guy had a pair of blade-like wings behind Shandong, holding his huge body, and came to us within a short while.

When it stood in front of itself, the guy was seven or eight meters tall, covered with sharp jagged teeth, and had sharp spikes on his shoulders, knees, and head. The dragon armed his body with his own body. The dragon was behind him. "Who are you! How dare you bully my younger brother here ..." Julong's voice was quite loud, a dragon mouth and a mouth were closed, and the words were a little vague. After speaking, he paused for a while before continuing: "Aren't you afraid of being punished !?"

He ran two steps in the night and stepped forward and asked, "Hello everyone, we will be punished this way, obviously this guy attacked us first, okay ..." Before the words were finished, I saw this guy's fist waving There was a sharp knock on the top of the armed dragon behind him, and his voice exclaimed: "Smelly boy, do you sneak out again and say hello? I have told you how many times, your toy is on this dry rock slope. For those big beetles, if an outsider comes, they must run back to the ground to report ... "

The goods completely ignored us, and turned to begin to teach the armed dragon. In addition, compared to its threats, it has aroused my interest. The armed dragon that the real red-eyed black dragon is looking for is definitely not the little guy behind, think about it near here. The guy it wants to invite must be the boss of these armed dragons. Except for this one, there is no way to imagine that there is a talent to be able to receive that guy's invitation. Stepping through the iron shoes and finding nowhere, it took no effort. I thought it was hard work and I didn't expect it, so that I could get the clues for the task, which is much simpler than I prepared to go through Ash Mountain.

Fire eye golden eyes scan this guy-Armed Dragon (Growth Period) Level 170, Elite BOSS, Introduction: Armed dragons in growth period are individuals after the first degeneration, and their improper size is more powerful and more powerful, the most important The thing is that they have the wisdom and the ability to speak, which is a very important step for the armed dragon to mature.

Taking a sip of air-conditioning, the first metamorphosis will become the elite BOSS, so the second time is super, the third time is king, and the fourth is spiritual. Will the metamorphosis become **** after four times? Of course, this is not something I should consider. Since I can't let him run away when he finds a clue, he must run to this guy in three steps and two steps, and head up his head, "Dear sir, armed dragon, please forgive us before Take the liberty. "

When I said this, the guy turned around, looked at me, and put his head up and down on me to sniff for a long time, "Why do you have a dragon breath on you, are you a dragon?" The growing dragons asked a series of questions.

I said, "I'm not a Dragon but I have a relationship with the Dragon."

"Okay, it doesn't matter." The growing dragon asked again, "Well, what are you adventurers here to do here? This is my Armed Dragon territory. It's not something you adventurers can easily get involved in." Place, say, what is your purpose here! "

I said lightly: "I was ordered to come to the boss of your house with the order of true red-eyed and black dragon, and go there for a cup of tea and chat for a day or something. It is said that it is in the lava mountain. I do n’t know if you can take us Go and see the old man? "

The grown-up armed dragon blinked his eyes and squeezed his chin with his claws, "True red-eyed black dragon? That guy isn't arrogant to Longyuan for almost three thousand years, and he doesn't hear anything outside the window. Since it will send you to invite us Patriarch ?! I'm afraid nothing good. "At the last sentence, this guy no longer pinches his chin, and listening to it, it seems that their patriarch and the true red-eyed black dragon seem to be very festive.

However, this holiday is good news for me. This is the saying: "Okay, come with me, I will take you to see the patriarch. You can talk to it about anything, but be careful, the patriarch's You have a bad temper. "

I said, "Relax."

With the growth of the armed dragon leading the way, we have not encountered any resistance along the way. However, watching the monsters along the way is a group of juvenile armed dragons. There will be a growing period of armed dragons behind the juvenile armed dragons. These grown-up armed dragons are also large and small. Noisy looks, but they also make us all sweaty. Watching us meet that young armed dragon should be set in the mission, that guy will pop up, and the appearance of this guy is an inevitable arrangement, otherwise even if hundreds of thousands of player groups come over, they will be attacked by this group of armed dragons Back to the city to kill and kill, the armed dragons in the growth period are elite bosses above and below 170. For the current players, their attacks are just spikes. If not, the difficulty of this task is from here It seems. Adding four or five S to this task is not excessive.

We started taking off after walking through this place called the dry rock slope. I transformed into an amber dragon and carried the young armed dragons of the people. They could fly very slowly. Through the clouds, at the bottom of me was a vast expanse of lava sea. There was a towering towering tower in the middle of the sea of ​​glory. Cloudy mountain peak. This place is Lava Mountain.

When everyone entered the lava mountain area, they saw numerous karst caves on the lava mountain due to frequent volcanic activities. Each karst cave door was an armed dragon with a length of more than thirty meters. The eyes of the fire were swept away. After the second metamorphosis, the mature dragons and each of them are 200-level super BOSS. The growing dragons placed the young dragons in a cave and then brought us to Lava Mountain. At the top, this cave is very huge. There are seven or eight heads of mature armed dragons standing at the entrance of the cave. The huge body of these armed dragons is almost less than one percent of the entrance of the cave.

After a while of nonsense with the armed dragon at the door, a mature armed dragon took us into the interior of the cave. The rocks on the wall of the cave exuded a dark scarlet light, but it did not look dim. At the end of the cave wall, I Seeing a group of black and gray giant armed dragons standing here, these armed dragons have the shortest height of 55 meters and the height of more than 80 meters. The fire eye golden eyes scan these guys are three or four degenerate armed The appearance of the dragon, the third and the fourth decay, is not as great as the previous two decays except for the volume change.

Among the group of armed dragons was an armed dragon that was black and covered three to four hundred meters in height and had five claws. This armed dragon was sitting on a huge backrest made of scarlet rocks. I found The armed dragon had a deep scar on his forehead. I really don't know that the great **** can leave such scars on such a powerful creature.

"The patriarch Real Red-Eyed Black Dragon sent several messengers, saying that they invited you to be a guest there." The mature armed dragon in front of us said respectfully.

"Really red-eyed black dragon? That guy, I haven't seen it snoring for thousands of years. Since someone was sent to invite me today, what kind of guy should I look at?" He looked at us with interest.

"Che, I thought it was some guy. Since that guy asked me a few adventurers to take me too seriously," he said, then stopped suddenly, stood up, and took a step forward. Suddenly, I felt the mountain shaking, followed the huge head and fell down to us, exactly to me, a pair of dragon eyes stared at me: "The little ghost told me why you have that hate on you The taste of the white dragon, and your eyes, what is your relationship with the blue-eyed white dragon? "

I rely on, this guy not only has festivals with the real red-eyed black dragon, but also seems to be hated by the blue-eyed white dragon. . "

After listening to my explanation, the guy withdrew his head and touched the paw on his forehead with his paw saying, "One day, the blue-eyed and white dragon, I will find you for this arrow of enemies." It turned out The injury on its head was caused by the blue-eyed and white-dragon, and I said that anyone has the ability to make such a wound on such a guy.

Followed it and said, "Did you come and ask me to bring you something?"

"This ..." I thought for a moment that the guy didn't seem to let me bring a gift to it, the armed dragon chief said: "I knew it would not be so kind. Well, if you are willing to accept my test, prove you Sincerely, if I can report it, I will go with you to Longyuan. If not, please go back and ask the guy to prepare a wine gift and come to me again. "

"Test?" A few of us looked at each other. I said, "You say, we will do our best."

"That's good." The armed dragon chief said, "You must have seen the dangling city when you came here. I told you that the dangling city used to be mine, but it was a pity that the Belisk guy occupied it while I was away. When I give you a test, I will kill the guy who is Belisk, and get me the trident. "

"Ding ~! Whether to accept the hidden mission [Recapture the suspended city] Mission introduction: The suspended city has always been the hatchery of the armed dragon, but the suspended city that Beresque brought with its minions a year ago killed a large number of them. Armed dragons broke the dragon egg and occupied it in their infancy. The armed dragons were very angry, but the patriarch was not willing to attack without the orders of the armed dragons. Now you need to help the armed dragons to regain the empty city. Quest level: SSS. Quest Objective: Kill Belisk, Fail mission: Belisk escape, Failure penalty: Armed dragon refuses invitation. (Shareable) Remarks: Belisk is a very powerful and scary creature. You can increase the number of companions before the war. Win. "

This task actually has three S. It can be seen that the guy has at least one king-level boss, and even the existence of a spiritual level beyond the king-level does not say, otherwise it will not be set to such a high level, we five face each other and click OK, I said, "Rest assured, we will never shame our mission."

The armed dragon chief said: "Well then, I will send my soldiers to open the ladder to the suspended city for you, and I will see you then."


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