Master Summoner Online

Chapter 863: A Preliminary Study on the Hanging City

Leaving the territory of the armed dragon and returning to the location of the suspended city, I saw a large group of mature armed dragons with seven full-length armed dragons. Each fully-equipped armed dragon led a dozen mature mature dragons to hang in separate attacks. Seven towers around the city.

When we came here, we could see that from time to time, various limb parts such as arms, thighs, etc. were thrown out from the windows of the surrounding towers. In addition, none of these limb parts were claws and claws.

After about half an hour, seven armed dragons in the towers came out one after another. I saw that the number was not reduced but the body was more or less wounded. After all the armed dragons came out, gradually, the city was suspended. There are some huge stones that appear when they are released. These stones gradually float up, so they float in the air, from low to high, forming a series of stone steps. The end of the stone steps is a towering suspended city floating at high altitude!

The largest of the group of armed dragons, the fully armed dragon came over and said, "Adventurers, we have opened the ladder, and it's up to you."

I said, "It's hard for you."

"Let's go and go and explore the truth."

Stepping forward, the pumice stone steps are still very dense. When I walked up the stone steps to the flat ground after about five minutes, I was shocked by the scene in front of me. The towering sky was facing us. Two silver colossuses stood on both sides of the Chengmen Bridge. On both sides of the gate were statues of two beheaded dragons. It seemed that they should be cut off later. It seemed that guy looked very disgusting to the dragons.

The door opened automatically before we hit the gate. Everyone walked into it and found that the five of us were in an empty and dark place.

Immediately following the flash of light as if flashed by the flash, nothing could be seen.

It took a few seconds for the eyes to recover.

When you recover, you can see the surrounding scenery changes, clear water, blue sky, green grass, clear wind blowing through the dense forest, mixed with a clear fragrance of flowers and plants, a few unknown birds fly gently, a clear stream runs across Through the forest, the stream is surrounded by plants with large green leaves, surrounded by butterflies dancing and fragrant.

Obviously, this is a paradise on earth, it is difficult to imagine, since there is such a scene in a huge castle.


The BOSS we are looking for will definitely be in the depths of the castle, walking forward, surrounded by flowers and birds, and accompanied by several beautiful women, which is really a beautiful scenery.

Haven't taken two steps yet "Buzz ..."

"What sound?" Dark night's ears first pointed out the crosstalk.

I heard it now.

"Brother! Look at the big mosquitoes!" Nirvana exclaimed suddenly, and saw a large crowd of mosquitoes spreading over the sky. Each foot was as big as a basketball! "Buzz-buzz-" from the mosquito swarm

"Let me go! We are here to feed mosquitoes!" Lie Xuefei cursed.

Yanyu Liunian said, "Don't complain, just don't want to feed the mosquitoes!" With a sword chopping a sword gas, the sword gas of four or five mosquitoes shattered. Seeing that the mosquitoes were so fragile, they shot.

The dragon gun pierced the ground, and the ground burst into a rush of light blue dragon-shaped air waves, crisscrossing and cutting this large group of mosquitoes into pieces, but this did not prevent the mosquitoes from attacking. The thick **** smell made this The swarm of mosquitoes became more violent.

As we approached about two or three meters away, this group of mosquitoes began to spread around and surrounded. At this time, I just felt a pain in the back of my neck, and I didn't want to grab it with my right hand. As soon as I squeezed it, I saw that the palm of my hand was filled with dark green liquid. Presumably this was the blood of the giant mosquito.

I saw that my blood and magic were reduced by one thousand points at the same time, and the endurance value was also increased by 01%. Since this group of mosquitoes still has the ability to **** endurance value, our group of mosquitoes battled for 30 to 40 minutes after the land changed It is dark green, and a thick layer of mosquito corpses has accumulated in this dark green zone. The surrounding mosquitoes have been killed by us and some scattered, and it seems they know we are not prone to mess with it.

After a break, we continued to walk forward for about half an hour, and there were no mosquitoes or other creatures around, just at this time-"What is this sound?" I stopped, and everyone stopped at the same time. Listening carefully, I just feel that a tremor of the earth is like a quake, and the sound of "Boom Boom" comes from the sound of dozens of elephants rushing together.

"Look over there!" A finger of the dark night saw a large group of creatures that looked like ostriches rushing towards us. I quickly hid behind the big tree. Nirvana, dark night, sky photo, and black **** immediately did. The fierce blood and the rain and rain also lifted the mount and hid behind the surrounding trees. I saw a group of guys similar to the ostrich in the distance, and suddenly a loud sound of "bang" and "bang" followed immediately. The roar of heaven and earth and the misery of the ostrich monsters who fled behind slowly.

"I see, these big birds are evading their enemies," said Yanyu Liunian.

Nirvana asked, "Brother, should we escape?"

I laughed: "Of course not."

Talking about showing half a head from the back of the big tree, he saw the three huge body guys chasing behind a large group of monsters are eating, the body of a big ostrich.

These three monsters resemble wolves with green-blue scales. This guy is about four to five meters long from head to tail, two meters above and below, two stout hind legs, and the forelegs are smaller than the hind limbs. The head is similar to a lizard, but it is closer to the dragon than a lizard and has two pairs of eyes on its head. A long tail of more than one meter behind is swinging from side to side. The opened blood basin has a large mouth and two rows of salamanders Teeth, the cold light flashing, Xia with a thunderous roar, terrifying.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scanning-Hunting Beasts, Level 161, Elite Strengthening Monsters, Introduction: Only after being occupied from the suspended city, the original large greenhouse has become a killing hell. Berisk introduced various creatures from different places and launched himself again. Biological experiment, this hunting beast is one of them.


The elite strengthening monsters seem to be the elites in the strengthening monsters. The experience should be very rich. Moreover, another information was read from the data. The name Berisk is obviously not a beast-type monster but a very possessive monster. Highly intelligent beings.

I saw one of the predators stopped abruptly and continued to bite the prey. The nose sniffed hard and then suddenly "roared". The other two predators stopped strangling the prey at the same time, and their heads began. Looked up.

"Did they show us?" I was shocked.

Immediately I knew I was right. I saw that the hunting beast that had previously screamed again sniffed vigorously and then looked at me in a low whistle. The three hunting beasts glanced at each other and walked carefully towards our location.

Hurry up and shrink my head back, let me go! This IQ is too great. The monsters know how to do it step by step. Let us let the players feel embarrassed. I think it ’s like hurrying to the team channel and shouting, “Be careful, everyone is here!”

He pulled out his dagger in the night and said, "Everyone, let's do it when the monster comes over!"


In this way, we waited quietly for ten seconds without seeing the monster, so we extended our heads and saw that the three hunting beasts had disappeared, leaving only the ostrich monster's body torn apart in the other end.

Rare they escaped? Suddenly when I was puzzled, there was a coolness in my heart. This was the light of 'transparency'. At this moment, a roar rang out in my ears, and I quickly turned the dragon gun across the chest and swung it down. The huge shadow fell on himself, and the whole person was immediately overwhelmed.

I can see that this is a hunting beast, NND, when did this guy run behind him, then I heard the girl screaming, and I saw the other two hunting beasts rushed into the dark night and the sky. Body.

At this moment, the giant claw of the beast hunting in front of me was blocked by a dragon gun, but this guy's head came and bite at me, and quickly shunned his head away, followed by drawing a foot and slamming at the hunt The animal's abdomen is forced to kick out under its leg.

A muffled sound of this foot hit the right rib of the hunting beast. Suddenly, a naked attack of about five thousand points came into play, and the beast hunter fell down with the power of this foot.

"Booming--" The huge body hit two rolls on the ground and finally fell to the ground with a roar. But when he saw it, he quickly turned over and climbed from the ground. When he got up, the look in his eyes was not a look of fear but a more fierce look.

Immediately following the night and the sky, the attack of the beast hunter was also rid of it, and the three beast hunters gathered again. We are the same. In this case, we are not afraid of such monsters.

The middle hunter suddenly raised his head, made a roar, and then thundered like a lightning.

One left and one right, the other two hunting beasts also rushed out at the same time when they received hands-on signals. Such a short distance was almost instantaneous.

"Garulu!" A loud scream, Galulu got out of the magic circle, and flew straight to the hunter on the far right, but did not want this hunter to be agile, actually from the four legs of Galulu Quickly passed through, came to me, it was impossible to avoid, and the left and right claws swept across his armor one after another, the offensive was extremely fierce!

At the same time, Qi and blood suddenly fell down ——— 14940—14738 Seeing this hurt me and took a sigh of air conditioning. If such an attack hits an ordinary summoner, it can be returned to the city instantly. It seems that he is still Underestimated this elite strengthening monster!

I hurried back and filled a bottle of potion. When I thought of it, Garulu turned around and summoned the wolf emperor to pounce. But this guy threw his head fiercely and slammed it on a wolf emperor tightly. Following his head turning again, the blood bowl opened his mouth wide, and he slammed, biting the wolf emperor's waist.

Followed by the big mouth and closed the body, the guy was bitten, and the other end was thrown up again. He could be hit with a tail and flew out four or five meters and hit a big tree. At this time, a pair of steel claws came down from Gallulu But the beast hunted away very quickly.

"Only me" respects the launch of the opportunity skill, and immediately bites it into place.

"Destroy Dragon Slash! Death Call!"

The dragon gun turned into a giant soldier and waved in his hands, falling on the hunting beast one after another, and the defensive ability called by the **** of death, brought out a number of more than 30,000 points of damage flying up. Five meters past this hunter was also chopped into several sections.

On the other side, the black **** resisted the attack of the hunting beast, Nirvana spewed out blue fireballs one by one, and the sky shone around, and the dragonfly hit the attack on the hunting beast with a bit of water, but The beast hunter is agile, and it ’s not easy to deal with it. I immediately stepped forward to help. Finally, the beast hunter was also surrounded by three people in the dark night, the rain and rain, and the blood flying. Therefore, with everyone's efforts, all three beast hunters were eventually Fufa.

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