Master Summoner Online

Chapter 864: Chess corps

The three-headed hunting beast fell, everyone also breathed a sigh of relief. The mobs here are so powerful that the BOSS is even worse.

Looking at the time, the MMs should almost be back. I said, "Find a place to go offline first, and continue in the afternoon."

Night said: "I think we should call a little more people. We are afraid we can't beat the last boss."

Yan Yuliu nodded and said, "It makes sense. In addition, we also have strong AOE and DPS. The output of several of us may not be enough."

I said, "I'll think of a way."

So everyone set up a tent in a hidden place. Although the tent is defaulted by the system, the surrounding monsters can also see it. All these places are easy to appear before going offline, and there is a group around them. Strange things happen.

Before going offline, I opened my friends list to find the name of lonely singing, and then clicked the call. Thirty seconds later, a sweet voice came: "Hey, what's the matter, hurry up, my sister is busy!"

"Fuck!" I stared. "What are you doing?"

"There was a fight. There was a guild called the Temple of the Moon on the outskirts of the Dragon Forest. I was there, and I was just exercising after they cooked!"


Lonely singing continued and said, "You guys can't go to the Three Treasure Hall without any problem. Tell me what's wrong with you?"

"Come to my team and help me with a mission ~~"

"Dizzy, you're so shameless, let me help you with the task, what task has stumped our beast god." Lonely singing.

"Three S ranks are superior. To kill a king or even a spiritual boss! I need DPS and AOE."

"Spirit BOSS is interesting ?!" It seemed that she was moved by me, and immediately said: "Give me the coordinates, and this will take people over!"

"it is good!"

Send her the coordinates of the dangling city, and then go offline to eat.

After taking off the helmet, I took a deep breath, went to the bathroom, washed my face, and took out the phone to ask if MM was back, but before I dialed the number, I heard a silver bell-like voice: "Long Ling brother we came back."

The door opened the next moment, and all the beautiful women carrying big bags came in one after another. I said, "Hey, why don't you put everything here?"

Yinyue said broadly: "What does it matter if you lend it?"

"I didn't say this." I said, "Have you ever eaten?"

Xueyue said: "I have eaten, we ate a buffet, and I brought you a copy back." He said, handing me four boxes of fast food.

He took the lunch box and said, "Thank you, good wife!"

Xueyue blushed and said, "Hate."

I put the snack box on the table and turned around and said, "Hey, are you guys watching me eat here?"

"Also, by the way, talk about your mission." Fire Dance said.

"Whatever you want." I opened the lunch box, picked up a whole piece of boned meat and held it with big eyes, flickered and blinked, looking at the boned meat, one of the few meats we could make on a bone. Ask the waitress aside: "What's this? You're not asking me to beat my bones."

"At this time, Lin Yuefang didn't know what the land was." Xue Yue said with a stiff shoulder.

Yinyue Road: "This is pig bones. The boiled bone soup has many health effects. Its protein content is higher than milk powder, among which iron and sodium are much higher than fresh meat, and calcium content is even farther. No other food can compare. Drinking more bone soup can slow down aging. Because people's function of making red blood cells and white blood cells declines with age, if the bone marrow-like adhesions contained in the bone marrow can be continuously taken from the diet, then The function of bone marrow to produce blood cells can be strengthened to achieve the purpose of slowing down aging. Therefore, the elderly often consume bone soup, which can not only effectively curb bone marrow aging, but also prevent and treat osteoporosis. Although the soup has been drunk by us, I'll trouble you with your bones. "

"Um, do you treat me as a dog?"

Yinyue said, "It's okay, take your time! Good!"


After clearing a handful of meat from above, after swallowing a few mouthfuls of rice rich in carbohydrates, he said, "Well, I'm going to pick one that may be a spiritual boss in the afternoon. Come together."

Xia Xia said excitedly: "Spirit level, oh oh, my sister hasn't seen many heads to the king level yet, it's several levels."

I said, "The mobs are almost fifty levels higher than you ..."

"Then I don't want to make fun of it." Summer tears burst into tears, and now she is more than 110. Going to the hanging city is all about death. The monsters on the way are enough to send her back to the city for free.

Eat while chatting, everyone will go back online after eating, it is now 1:30 in the afternoon, and will be online soon, ready to start the mission!

The mirror image synthesis sent the coordinates of the suspended city to Xueyue and asked them to call Ye Shuang in the guild. They also called over. I climbed out of the tent. The beauty bodyguard was waiting for me outside. Everyone in the tents around was also Drilled out one after another.


Night said: "How many people did you call?"

I said, "A dozen people will be here in a while."

As we spoke, footsteps and metal sounds came to our ears, telling us that another group of people was coming. Hearing the unusually neat voice, Tianzhao said in my ear: "Master, a group of people who don't know are coming towards us."

I immediately looked at the entrance, and a team of heavy troops appeared. This group of guys marched and walked in two columns, but the team was not neat but rather messy. Their feet were heavy, and the expression under the helmet showed that they were quite tired. You know, this paragraph is a long way off. It takes time to fly without a Warcraft mount or summon a beast.

In addition, the group of people I saw had a badge on their shoulders. This group of people is the Chess Corps. They call themselves the New Army, but players prefer to call them the Lingyun Pavilion's remnants or the defeated soldiers of the Salvation Army The group came to us and stopped. As soon as the man standing in front said "rest", the remaining dozen individuals made a loud noise to lie down or sit on the ground. The man didn't even look at his companion, and came towards us.

The fire eye golden eyes scan this group of people, all are level 130 players, the equipment can scan the dark gold, the level of the person in front of me is higher than those people, and the body also scans platinum equipment.

The man stopped in front of us and took off the helmet. He was a fairly tall man, probably in his early thirties, with a quadrangular face with extremely short hair, small eyes under his thick eyebrows flashing sharp rays, and his mouth tightly closed. He glanced at us and said to me who was standing in front of me after entering a military ceremony and said, "Hello, we are the Chess Corps team. I am the captain of this team, a horse-level thunderman."

This group of guys in the Chess Corps like to divide their members into different levels. The lowest level is ordinary players. Then there are cannons, carts, horses, elephants, soldiers and final generals. Or briefly introduce myself: "My name is Weiweilong, the captain of this team."

The man nodded slightly, then asked in an arrogant tone: "Is this what you found first?"

"You're not bullshit. How do you want to clear the field?" I said politely.

"No, our troops will come next. Please give up on your own initiative."

Seeing such a natural attitude of a man, I feel very upset. Nima, letting go and take the initiative, please ask Lao Tzu's triggered task map, why should I let you guys. I haven't spoken yet, but Lie Xuefei yelled out loudly, "What do you want ... Let's get out of the way? You guy told you this place our mission map. Why should we get out of the way? How dare we say this? Words! Believe it or not, I'll send us all back to the city to be weak now. "

Upon hearing the sound of fierce blood flying, the man immediately raised one eyebrow, raised his chin, and replied loudly, "Young man, we do not occupy the map like you, but I hope you can assist us. The Huaxia Virtual Department of our chess corps As a player in China, it is your duty to assist us! "

I have never seen such a cheeky man, but it is the **** virtual department. It seems that I must write a letter back to the arbitrator so that he can abolish the **** virtual department. Save the country to continue to scourge the country and the people.

"The virtual department is awesome, **** ..." The first time Yan Yuliu could not see the whole person rushed forward like a straight arrow, the sword light was cold, and the skills of slamming + combo were greeted directly!


The other party was shocked, and was too late to be hit by the defense-5972-5128-4828 was attacked. This swiftly pulled away and hurried back, yelling, "You guy ..."

At this moment, the angry blood flying with a stomach full of anger was about to erupt, but I stopped him with my hand and said, "Stop, I want to tell you that we want to let us open the door."

"Well, let's go with each other." As he took out the potion and rolled down, I followed, "I advise you not to attack the BOSS here casually, otherwise you will die terribly."

After drinking this potion, he said, "It's up to me to judge ..."

"We just met this monster here. Their enemies can be dealt with by just a few people. And your companions seem to be quite tired. Presumably, the endurance value has already been exhausted. Wait, Let's go when the endurance value is full, "I said calmly.

"I know this kind of thing ... but my subordinates are not soft-footed prawns that can howl at this level!" The goods turned and shouted to a few companions who were sitting on the ground and shouted: "You guys immediately Stand up for me! "

After hearing what he said, they slowly stood up and lined up in two columns. The nag looked directly at the front of the team without looking at it, raised one hand and waved down quickly. The group raised their weapons neatly, the heavy equipment made a noise, and began to march again.

Looking at the group of guys is probably a recruit who has just joined the army. The leader should be their instructor. The intense physical movement in the game leaves the real body in another world. Although there is no movement, it is here to bring fatigue. It can only be eliminated after a break. I am afraid that if they really encounter monsters like them, they will not be able to exert any combat power.

"... are those guys okay ..."

After the troops of the Chess Corps disappeared into our field of vision, and they could not hear their regular footsteps, the dark night said in a worried voice. What a gentle girl.

"Take care of him, I don't see them waiting for them to kill the boss before they see the boss." Lie Xuefei said gloatably.

I said, "Don't worry about them, we will set off when our people arrive."


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