Master Summoner Online

Chapter 866: Elemental Marauder

Inside the gate—a hellish scene.

The entire floor was sprayed with blue and white flames. And the huge body standing in the center facing away from us, this guy is fifteen meters long, and the whole body is black scale armor looks like a spinosaurus, with a blade-like spine on the back to form a large sail. It looks very scary. The feet, feet, and claws of the body are covered with black solid armor, and the black dragon's head is like a bucket.

A large mouth of the blood basin spouted blue flame-like gas, and the right claw gripped the handle, which can be called a saber, waving sideways. Opposite it is a very small figure compared to this monster-the troops of the Chess Corps, they are trying to flee around, and now they have no discipline at all.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scan-Source Elemental Predator-De Hakka, Level 160 King BOSS, Qi: 41104944500000, Introduction: Source Elemental Predator-De Hakka is an insatiable, cunning and cruel man. In addition, Hakka was a human before , And is a very infamous biological alchemist named Ghaka, often winning many honors for his extraordinary skills, including selling his biological weapons to the racial alliance and the demon king in the race battle. Huge profits, but the failure of a taboo experiment destroyed his body and turned him into a violent and brutal monster and gained a parasitic ability. With this ability, it has survived from the time of the race to the present, and now He parasitized a sword-backed dragon, obtaining an almost indestructible dragon armor, and the power is infinite. The claws can tear everything. The blade on the back is a natural weapon. In addition, Haka is a typical wall with grass blowing on both sides. Guy, don't look at it now loyal to Beresque, God knows when this guy will betray it.

This product is Hakkar. This group of guys dare to fight the king-level boss only when they see this group. There are only eight people left, and almost half of them have been hung. Just as I thought so, one person was beheaded. The sword's blade was swept and the whole person fell to the ground. The eye was scanned with golden eyes. This person had only a few hundred points of blood left. Then he would die without a doubt. This guy was standing between the chess regiment and the entrance where we were. There is no way to escape from the entrance. I shouted at this group of people: "Let's restrain the boss! A few of you will take the opportunity to retreat and fight back to the city!"

One of them turned his face at once, and his face, which was illuminated by the flames with a clear desperate expression on his face, replied loudly: "No ... this ... this guy will not let us go, it will kill all All of us! "

"What to do?" Yan Yuliu asked.

The humanoid dragon gun appeared in his hand and said, "It's still a question, ready to start. This guy must be part of our task. We can't let anyone say that they can't beat it."

"You don't want to take BOSS and buy human favors." Lonely was singing.

I nodded slightly, and everyone pulled out their blades, ready to rush into it the next second. At this time, a player on the other side of Dehaka held up his sword and yelled, "All stand up to me! There is no word of surrender in our PLA dictionary! Get up and fight! Get up and fight!"

Undoubtedly it was the voice called Crazy Thunder.

"This is an idiot!"

I can't help shouting. As long as you continue to fight in this ethics, there will be no ghosts, but these people have broken blades, torn armors, are not full of health, and their look endurance has reached the limit, and at the beginning of a unit It's not a complete victory. It's not heroic but stupid. Under this condition, this guy is still saying such things. I would like to rush to this guy to smash him.

"Everyone ... assault ...!"

This team is a pure warrior profession. The remaining eight people are lined up in a row of four people. Then, Lei Kuang, who stands in the center of the team, raises his huge sword and starts to advance.

Such an attack is too brave. The simultaneous attack of eight people like this can not smoothly use their skills, but it only adds confusion. Compared with the simultaneous attack, each person in turn takes a little damage to the monster, and immediately switching is the effective tactic.

Boss stood like the King of Kings, and it blew a dazzling flame from his mouth while making a roar that caused vibration. It seems to be harmed by its breath. After eight of them were surrounded by blue and white flames, the speed of the assault slowed down. BOSS immediately took advantage of the huge sword in his hand. One of them cut and flew like they were picked up, directly over the head of the BOSS, and the whole person threw away the BOSS behind him.

The individual is just a thunderous man. This is not a "shock", a big earthquake, and the big tail of BOSS smashed heavily, and then hit the man's waist suddenly, a horrible, followed closely, the second fell, He continued to hit his waist. Suddenly, the man's tragic halt came to an abrupt end, his body was smashed into two halves from his waist, and his flesh was blurred again.

His blood was completely gone. With an expression that could not understand what was happening on his body, his mouth moved slowly, and he didn't know what to say, and the white light that turned into death rose into the sky.

Without the leader's army, the team collapsed immediately. They wailed while fleeing. And everyone's health has fallen below half.

"Come on!" Squeezed a word out of his mouth, kicked his feet up, and followed me into the room.

Rushing up, the dragon gun threw the red dragon and roared, and the huge red dragon with the momentum of arranging the mountains and dropping the four claws towards the back of the BOSS. At this time, the hatred of this guy was pulled over by me. Down, I followed the oblique flash, and sure enough, avoided the sword, but this guy was even more terrible than I thought. This swept tail and the tail swept through it, and hit me firmly. On the back.

With a moan, I suddenly felt like I was hit by a 10,000-pound hammer, and my body rolled out like a broken kite.

—15010 If there are more than fifteen thousand damage, such a terrible attack power, if it is not your own defensive power, if you replace it with an ordinary summoner, you can beat it into a pile of rotten meat.

The body rolled to the ground and got up quickly. After the BOSS flew me, he followed it and rushed into the crowd behind me.

The shimmering blue eyes followed the roar, cutting off the saber at a fierce speed. Everyone stepped away to dodge in unison, but because they couldn't completely escape, they were hit by the aftershocks and fell to the ground. Immediately following the re-raising of the big sword, he immediately and relentlessly came towards the nearest Xuyu from it.


Saber struggled to jump between Xu Yu and Saber. At the close of her attack, she successfully staggered the attack track of BOSS with her sword.

The staggered blades first burst into sparks, and then the huge sword swinging down hit the ground a little bit away from Xu Yu. With the sound of explosion, a deep hole appeared on the ground.


The three of them were rushing up, the blood flying, and the rubber sticky man rushing up. Among them, the rubber sticky man yelled. I also stood up and joined to prepare to resist the pursuit of BOSS.

The legendary life, the beginning of the cold, the rain falling, and the pit father constantly attacked the boss, but their attack was even more tickling. The boss ignored them, and the attack of loneliness singing was different. I saw one in her hand. The handle is wrapped around a lightning spear, and it is thrown immediately following the spear. It instantly penetrates the BOSS scale armor, the scale armor is broken, and the blood splashes. Following it, it has a huge wind blade attack that attracts the rain and dust dance head-on. For the high-level boss's dignity cannot be blasphemed, BOSS opened his mouth and opened his mouth with a blue and white flame.

"Sonic wall!"

Nirvana incarnation rushed up, a roar uttered in his mouth, and a sound wave visible to the naked eye was immediately revealed from its mouth. The space that was shaken produced waves of undulations, spreading in all directions into one. Blocking the sound wall, BOSS's breath attack is perfectly blocked by this wall.

Yu Luochen danced with a smile: "It is indeed the younger brother of the beast god, it is great."

Hearing the praise of Nirvana showed a somewhat embarrassed expression.

At the same time, I, the fierce blood, the rain and the rain, the rubber sticky man, the black god, the sky, the dark night, and Saber siege forward. I summoned the beasts to find out and pounce on the BOSS. I saw the sword in the right hand of BOSS waving At the same time, the left hand pulled a blade from the back, opened the bow left and right, and greeted us continuously. Each of its attacks carried an overwhelming power that was lethal, which made our first encirclement collapse immediately, and we opened the bow on his left and right. There was no chance of a counterattack under the attack with a breath. Only by relying on Xu Yu's supply and peripheral long-range attacks to kill its health, it is really insignificant for its millions of health. Moreover, the goods are good for blood.

This guy's Elemental Predators basically use left and right bows and breaths and tail flicks. Although this guy has these few moves, each time he casts the same move, it is slightly different from the last one, making it impossible to read the attack mode first. So we try to surround him as much as possible, and the main steps of our energy are to rebound and dodge defenses, but the power of each hit is too strong, so that the blade will often pass through the body and let the blood slowly slowly. To reduce.

From the corner of my eye I can see that the players of the Chess Corps are starting to walk out of the room. It's just that they don't attract the attention of the boss, so they move very slowly. After all, they will only drag us back when they land here.


An inattentive attack finally hit my body accurately. At the same time when the body was impacted, the blood volume was reduced by more than 20,000 at once.

Xu Yu immediately gave me a sigh, and the boss made a huge roar. This roar made all players, whether it was me or other people, or the Chess Corps in flight, almost roared almost at the moment the sound wave came After being struck by an indescribable assault, he was lifted up and rolled away.

"Ding ~! You are under the effect of Hellscream and enter a state of dizziness for five seconds ~!"

I was stunned for up to 5 seconds. The BOSS skill is too NB.

Just then, a huge shadow like a mountain was standing in front of him.

My heart was frightened, the next moment the guy's tail stabbed his chest fiercely, and nailed himself to the ground stiffly. The fear of death ran through my body with a stiff, cold feeling. Is it rare that there is no chance to escape?

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