Master Summoner Online

Chapter 867: Kill Elemental Marauder

I pulled my tail off the ground and pierced my body, then waved it, and then flung it out fiercely.

With a moan, I was slammed into a thick wall, and bounced off the wall two or three meters away, and fell to the ground. My blood volume had dropped to 13,000 points.

Immediately after I fell to the ground, I felt a suffocating wind pressure. Although I don't know what the situation is, I still want to start the attack and the White Dragon Shield in an instant!

Just after the two floors were opened, a huge object smashed on it, and he was immediately treated with aerotherapy. Although the effect of the treatment was negligible, it was better than nothing. After recovering, I saw a three-meter-long sword not far away. The blade fell to the ground, and the shield and attack of his own body had been destroyed. The durability of the White Dragon Shield had been reduced by 38,000 points in an instant. The two layers of shields were also beaten so that this BOSS would be frightening.

When I get up again, I can see that the huge body of the BOSS is blocked at the gate, and the players who could have escaped the chess corps here are now one step away. Now, as soon as the tail of the boss is swept away, three of the chess corps will send out misery. Screamed, he couldn't move anymore when he fell heavily on the ground.

Following this guy is like a tank car since then, wherever it rushes, there are endless horrors. The remaining few members of the Chess Regiment are underwhelmed by this devastating offensive and become a flesh-like body. .

This level of BOSS is not stupid. What people think of is already seen through, and at its speed, it is easy to move one step ahead of everyone and block the door. It will never let us go. Alone.

Is it our turn to kill the Chess Corps next?


BOSS roared and rushed towards the crowd, but before a few steps, a wind blade of the rain and dust dance had fallen!

But BOSS's head slanted, the wind blade was actually dodged!

"Ah! Not good ..."

Lonely singing and exclaiming, his hand lightly raised, a purple-black energy ball appeared on the belly of the boss, followed by a blast, the boss was shaken back several steps.

The source raider immediately turned the horse's head, rushed to loneliness and sang. The legendary life, the early cold two attacked again and again, trying to bring the hatred back, but the BOSS ignored them at all, the player who acts as the MT lost the monster. Hatred, this kind of situation is usually a precursor to extinction. When dealing with this advanced BOSS, even if the MT player restrains the hatred of the BOSS, the BOSS will not only attack the front MT, but even if it attacks, it will also attack the one with the least blood. .

BOSS is singing towards the loneliness, while fierce blood flying and rubber sticky people appear. The two have urged the mount to rush out and kill them. "God of God!" A golden light descends from the sky, and the rubber sticky vocal wave floats along with the glittering sword blade Around the body, two auras of blood flew open on the body, and the auxiliary skills of the roaring Ares were all applied.


The giant sword in the rubber stickman's hand swept the first and chopped the BOSS, bringing out more than 10,000 points of damage. Instantly, the boss yelled, the saber waved through the blood, and the blood on the other side flew. Before taking the shot, BOSS flicked his tail fiercely, hitting him from the waist and flying him out!

The rain and dust dance chanted the curse and shot the wind blade, but BOSS ignored his wind blade at all, and took a blade from his back with his left hand and threw the blade in his hand.

No one had guessed that it would have this trick. Yu Luochen danced for a moment, and then was hit by this blade on his chest. The shield on the entire body was broken, and the blade fell directly on him with a terrible cry. , Instantly fell to the ground.

Yanyu Liulin greeted him, picking out a sword flower in his hand, but before he encountered the source predator, he was blown out of his weapon by his slasher, and his palms were powerful. The strength shattered, and the tail that followed was sweeping away, and he was also taken away by the mount with his mount.

BOSS was spitting blue and white flames. Nirvana, pit father, and dark night were swept in, and the saber swept again. The black **** and Saber couldn't even make a sound, so they flew away.

"Abominable!" Watching my companions fall one by one, stand up strongly, and follow the blue rays under the feet, the next moment the huge body of the ark rises from the bottom of the rays, and immediately walks around my body Wind up.

The transformation object is selected as the ark, and the entire person turns into a giant body of the ark.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Seeing the photo of Tian Zhao accompanied by a sharp shout made the cross energy of the bleeding cross blood red stroke the bleeding red afterglow, hit the boss's cheek, and at the same time its saber fell into the sky, waving blood The storms clash with each other and emit sparks. Both backed away with a loud voice, and then there was a gap time.

"come back!"

In the transformed state, I could not summon other summoned beasts but did not say that I could not call them back. The sky was back to the summoned beast space, and I rushed towards the enemy. The Elemental Marauder, who had just recovered from stiffness, lifted the sword up.

The tomahawk in my right hand bounced the opponent back in a flame-like slashed sword, and the left hand immediately swung around another tomahawk held on his back and waved the ark's skills to launch Huashan and immediately to the boss body Hello. This first complete attack, it was easy to see that the guy's HP had decreased.

Roar Roar Roar!

An angry dragon roared with the ark's voice, and my opponent once again cast a chopped slash from the upper section. This time I crossed the tomahawk in my hand to securely catch its attack, and then pushed the sword back. Pay attention to make this guy lose his balance instantly with other strength, and when the guy loses his balance, write off a sum, so I launch a series of attacks.

I do n’t have equipment skills, but I have other skills. The title will be changed from the Dragon War to the Beast God. The title is not a piece of equipment, so its skills can be used. Howling is emitted from the mouth. The 13,000 attack power rose to 14000 points, 15000 points ... Finally, the freeze was fixed at the position of 21,000 points, and it will no longer increase.

The attack power suddenly increased by 8,000 points. This is not an increase in time. It is a permanent reminder, but after using it once, this trick can no longer have an effect on the boat, even if it has increased to an unprecedented level of 21,000 points. Of course, this is not over yet. When the Beast Grip was launched, the Ark's attributes were doubled, and the attack power soared to the position of 42,000 points.

Then Destroyer Dragon Slash and Death Call opened, BOSS rushed up again and was easily blocked by me at the same time chopped in the middle and right hand. The left-handed Tomahawk immediately followed by splitting BOSS's body. Right, left, then right. The brain's thinking circuit is controlling my constant attack with a speed of burning. Sharp effect sounds are constantly sounding, and white light scattered like a meteor illuminates the entire space.

Five seconds into this guy's health, I put a million points, and this attack was unheard of.

Oh oh oh oh oh ah ah ah!

Ignoring the BOSS attack several times, I just roared and kept throwing my tomahawk on it and spraying it on it was a life-threatening way.

At this moment my eyes were hot, and I could only see the shadow of the enemy. Although the blade of the sword in the hands of this guy breathed breath from time to time and hit my body, it felt like the impact came from another distant world. Adrenaline works throughout the body, and every time it hits an enemy, the brain nerves are shocked.

Hurry up, faster. At this time, I was waving the weapon faster than any previous time I was waving the weapon, but I was not satisfied at all, and the nerves that had been stretched to the limit still felt not fast enough. I saw that I was constantly attacking at speeds even higher than the system assistance.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! !!

The attack that blooms at the same time as the roar is constantly attacking until the opponent is killed! When I did n’t know how many times, I called the wings on the back of the ark, completely penetrating the center of the source predator ’s chest, and when the blade formed by the wings flew from its back-oh ah ah ah ah ah ah !!

When I looked back, I realized that it wasn't just me who was roaring. The giant source-matter predators roared while exhaling a lot of breath from their noses and noses.

The moment I found out that my whole body had already disappeared—the sparkling eyes of the Elemental Predator dimmed, and the huge body fell suddenly.

has it ended……?

I felt dizzy because of the heat of the battle, and I immediately confirmed that my blood was exactly the blood of the Ark. You can see that the red line has only a little residual value. When I watched the blood volume without concern, the transformation was released, and I suddenly felt paralyzed, and then fell to the floor without making any sound.

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