Master Summoner Online

Chapter 871: Sea of ​​tactics

When I woke up, I saw the energy gathered on the tip of Xueyue's sword in the room in front of me. The next moment, the energy was released out of the air, and fell directly on the head of BOSS!

—1954 Fuck! I was stunned, right? Since Xueyue's attacking force just did such damage, how strong is the spirit-level BOSS!

After the BOSS was hit, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes were full of killing intentions, holding the trident in his hand and stabbed towards Xueyue. At the same time, Xueyue stepped back a few steps, launched the phantom step, and the gorgeous MISS dropped the BOSS attack. At the next moment, the sharp sword in the smoke and rain has been raised and sent straight to the ground. The blade slammed directly on the BOSS scale armor, and the BOSS suddenly fell into a dizzy state.

"Everyone retreat!" Shouted Yanyu Liuling. It was said that everyone hurried out before running towards the gate. But after being stunned for about a second, the boss regained madness and chased everyone up. I didn't want to rush up, and the waves were thrown towards the boss. Entangle it instantly.

BOSS was entangled and couldn't move. Everyone also took the opportunity to finally run out of the room. I saw BOSS holding the trident and looked at us coldly. As long as he had any action, we were all spiked!

But this guy didn't move at all!

My heart sank suddenly, this ... This is a map-limited BOSS?

I asked, "What's going on?"

Biochemical Blast Dragon Road: "Berisk is now deploying a magic circle, during which time he cannot leave the room."

Still this thing? So I decided to do an experiment. At the next moment, an iron cannon, a steel cannonball flew fiercely toward the BOSS, but the trident swept in the hands of the BOSS. The cannonball was cut like a tofu, and the boss turned back to the original position .

Sure enough, the card position is completely impossible in the advanced map. The card boss can only appear in Xinshoucun. In this level of map, the card boss is exactly the same as Tianfang Yetan. Program design The crew will never head into the water to leave such a huge bug in a three-S task.

Seeing BOSS returning to the depths of the room, our group of people leaned slowly against the wall and sat down. Exhale hard and look at each other's faces.


Then we laughed at the same time. If you calmly call out the map for confirmation, you can immediately know that the giant monster BOSS did not leave the room, but we have no chance of winning against it anyway.

"It's been a long time since I ran away like this. I and I don't remember when I last saw the BOSS escape." Papa said.

"Yes, the spirit-level boss is really a hard bone." Legend said in his lifetime.

"Stop talking nonsense, think about how to deal with it." I said honestly, "... that guy is quite tricky ..."

"That's true. At a glance, there seems to be only a large trident in its weapon, but there should be a special attack." Lonely sang.

"So to block his attack, you can only arrange a lot of people with high defense value in the avant-garde, and then continue to switch." Lie blood fly.

Yanyu Liunian said: "I really hope that there will be a hundred full-proof soldiers equipped with two shields, and then continue to switch ..."

"Please be very poor in all-out fighters. All-out fighters are rare. Finding a hundred is really whimsical. The whole of China may not be able to find so many all-out fighters." Rubber Sticky people ridiculed.

Xueyue said: "It seems that only the most stupid method can be used."

"What method?" Fire Dance asked.

"It's a sea of ​​tactics, and the BOSS is piled to death by a numerical advantage." Xueyue said.

Yun Lan said: "That would be a lot of casualties."

I said, "In fact, this is also a good way. Against this BOSS, the human sea tactic is undoubtedly the best."

I am very clear about this. As long as a lot of cannon fodder is involved in the BOSS attack target, and then a lot of high-output occupations can be safely exported, the number of priests will also reduce the number of casualties.

Lonely sang, "How many people are enough."

I said, "We can transfer 50,000 from the tooth of my dragon first, and 50,000 from the soul of the war, and then ask 50,000 nights for Rose Night, 50,000 for Mingsong, 50,000 for the sea, and finally fire. Dance also takes five points from your dream of death. "

"Oh my god! So many people! Fifty thousand plus fifty thousand is fifty thousand ..." Xu Yu was already busy.

Chu Han exclaimed, "Twenty-five thousand people are used to bring down a BOSS. I am afraid no one in China has done this."

"If this is the case, how will the loot be divided? I can't guarantee that a spirit-level boss can meet the needs of 250,000 people." Lonely was worried about singing. Indeed, her worry was justified. I am afraid that each one can only get a few gold coins in the hands of hundreds of thousands of people.

Fire Dance said: "Yes, there are more than two hundred thousand people. There are definitely too many loot for BOSS. In my opinion, we can select five thousand elite players from each guild, and it should be fine to form a team."

"It's okay, just do it." I said then everyone started to contact their team.

After I contacted the group of people in the guild, I did not hesitate. I opened the friends list and found my respectable and lovely teacher Liu. I opened the chat window with Shu Dao. Three seconds later, Shu Dao was connected to chat. I said, "My favorite teacher, Liu, has been in good health these days?"

After a long time, Shu Tao replied, "Go! Disgusting, let's talk and fart quickly."

"Eh." As a kind of donkey liver and lungs, I said something directly: "I need to push down a BOSS now, can you bring 2125 class Elite to this coordinate?" Send the position coordinates over.

As soon as I heard this, this guy got excited and said suddenly: "Are there any shocking bosses?"

I couldn't help but grin: "How do you know, this is a tall 155-level spirit-level boss, this time is definitely an unprecedented fierce battle with Mr. Liu, wouldn't you not be interested?"

Shu Road laughed: "No problem, it is the teacher's duty to help the students. Let me grade my brothers immediately!"

After speaking, I closed the call and followed the contact with confusion: "Dude, how have you been recently?"

"A lone player like me is only lonely by my side, do you think I am okay?" Jingyun chaos asked me and said, "Since it is boring, then come to this coordinate to help us kill a spirit-level boss."

"Okay! Coming soon!" The guy was instantly energized.

After contacting everyone, I took the biochemical dragon to the gate to pick up people. The time passed little by little. At about eight o'clock in the evening, a figure gradually appeared in the black hole on the wall in front of me. coming!

For a long time, the first one that caught our eyes was our respectable and lovely teacher, Mr. Shu Tao, followed by his mercenary blood charm Caster, followed by ghosts, such as ghosts and songs of life.

"Good guy, the spirit-level boss, let you find it! The pig's foot halo is not covered." Shu said with a smile.

I laughed: "That's it, let me be the protagonist."

After laughing for a while, I said, "Yes, did you see anyone else on the way?"

"Of course, you guys are still fighting the soul. In addition, the sea rose brings a lot of people, but we have the flying captain all coming faster than them!" Indeed the ghostly flying captain skills are super first-class good skills whether hunting or escaping. .

Immediately following Shu Tao, I wanted to understand some situations, saying: "I didn't expect to kill a BOSS, it would take so much manpower and material resources."

I said high-profile: "Of course, you don't want to think about a spirit-level BOSS. How valuable is something that bursts out. If we succeed, this is the first spirit-level BOSS in China."

Shu Tao smiled: "It's true, who doesn't want the existence of platinum that can surpass platinum."

But having said that, although the spirit-level boss is killed by everyone, as the task trigger, only the five of us can get the final task rewards, and the three S-level task rewards are naturally rich.

Within a while, the figure in the black hole gradually came into view, and it was everyone else.

"Beast God handsome, I haven't seen you in a long time." Leng Yufei poems greeted softly.

I laughed: "Yeah, it looks a lot stronger!"

Jingyun chaos appeared with his huge sword and greeted me: "Brother of the Beast God, haven't seen you for a long time, how have you been recently?"

I couldn't help but smile: "Not bad."


Later, more people arrived, and under my leadership, they came to the open space in front of the BOSS living room. After all, the space here is relatively wide.

At first glance, there were 5,000 people in each guild, and a 30,000-strong team behind them. Looking at this group of people flexing their muscles, everyone is already excited. Everyone wants to see the true face of this spiritual BOSS. Next we adjust Tactics, when everything is ready, I said: "Okay, everyone follow me, go in!"

"Okay!" Everyone was as imposing!

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