Master Summoner Online

Chapter 872: Group fight

With my footsteps, a large number of people began to flood into the front of the room where the BOSS was located, and immediately stopped the troops' advance. I said, "BOSS is inside, be careful not to act rashly."

Jingyun turned around and said, "Remember the countermeasures just discussed, everyone is not good, today we must win this BOSS!"

The words didn't end, all the members of the fighting day were waving their weapons and shouting loudly for the longevity. It was amazing. I couldn't admire it.

"Huh, this guy is so interesting, he regards himself as our leader!" Although the momentum is as rosy as a man, it is still sneer and irony.

"Self-righteous guy, our boss hasn't spoken yet what this guy is talking about." Said a naval archer.

"Shut up, believe it or not, I can rule you out before killing the boss." The butcher furiously led the man up, and the man immediately disturbed him.

The butcher tossed the man aside and said, "This is a new arrival and doesn't understand the rules."

Jingyun shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Nothing, I am a solo player who really doesn't have much qualifications to command the battle here."

The archer riding the leopard on Rose Night said: "You can't say that, your character is in danger, and we need it at this time."

Jingyun laughed and said, "Thank you, Lisai!"

I said, "Not much nonsense how to do it!"

Jingyun chaos said: "Okay, start to follow the plan. The defense team will follow me!"

Having said that, a large group of bear cavalry headed by Jingyun Chao and a lot of rough-skinned MTs have stepped into the small space inside the snow mountain. The Jingyun chaos opened King Kong, and saw a large number of people form a huge group of people. Wall, enter the room, at this moment the boss in the room is sitting up and closing his eyes.

After the first team entered, the second team of butchers led the team. The butcher opened a kingly 30% full attribute bonus. They were the second line of defense of the position. Then the third team was attacked by night and love. Open your own god-level Valkyrie with love, blessing of 100% attack power and attack speed, and blessing around teammates will not have a reduction effect. NB is boundless, it can be said that the skill of Valkyrie is the best in the passive god-level There is no one. Of course, in order to maintain balance, it also has a disadvantage that it cannot gain other attack and attack speed buffs after blessing Valkyrie. If you can benefit from other attack speed BUFF, then this move is too imba.

It can also be said that this group of players all have the highest level of attack power. After the blessing of the **** of war, the attack power has reached an appalling state.

Next is the long-distance attack group. The legendary life brought archer pairs and loneliness to sing and bring the mage team. In addition, the assassin team led by the night has also started stealth ambush.

Everyone was ready to step into the BOSS room in an orderly manner. This time I looked around myself. The interior of the room was a huge egg-shaped space. The surrounding torch was burning with blue flames, and the arc-shaped wall gradually extended upwards, and it was not bent until they were far away and closed together. When all of us walked into the room and stood around in a natural formation—the door behind us suddenly closed with a loud noise. Although everyone was surprised when the national sorrow was restored soon, there should be no way to open this door except for us to destroy the BOSS.

suddenly! "Bumping!" Several ice sticks protruded from the ground. This was originally a single trick. The three swordsmen players standing on the left stood in the middle. The damage numbers in the strokes were all ranging from 40,000 to 50,000. The man immediately returned to the city.

Immediately following the first boss opened his eyes and growled: "Let's go! Your flesh and blood will be my psychic array-the bottom of Nara! The first batch of sacrifices!" Accompanying this cold and ruthless roar, Suddenly the whole ground became blood red, and the flames from the surrounding torch also changed from blue to blood, and became more vigorous.

As the boss made a roar, the trident was pushed forward in his hand. Suddenly, a vortex-like blast of wind burst from the trident, tearing the ground, and instantly pulling two bear cavalry players into it. A brief scream was torn into a torrent of blood.

Immediately following it, it jumped violently towards us, and the huge body dropped into a strong vibration on the whole ground. Immediately, three people stepped on the air under their feet, and the BOSS Trident swept at them at the same time.

Three people were chopped and flew out at the same time. When they were in the air, the blood strips had taken a sigh of relief at such a violent rate that they became zero directly. The three bodies that were still in the air turned into white light continuously, and the sound of extinction overlapped.

Someone could not help holding his breath. I also feel that my body is stiff and rigid. These people are blessings of Vajra gods, and just one shot-they killed them!

In a split second, he lost several lives to the boss, issued a scream of roar, and then rushed towards a group of new players at a fierce speed.

Frightened frowning: "The priest pays attention to the blood and everyone holds the potion by his mouth, and the BOSS is up to us to resist! Everyone launches an attack from the side! The mage archer starts the third round of output attack! The summoner's call All the beasts are released. "

At the same time, BOSS found the next prey, and the trident stabbed violently. Just in time, a figure suddenly rushed under the trident. And that man was in shock. He raised his great sword against the trident attack.

Under the cloud, the attack by the BOSS was launched.

"Boom boom boom boom!" Lonely singing led the mage team to launch an offensive, a large number of magic attacks in all directions, the arrows of the archer, the summoner's summoning beast, the pharmacist threw miscellaneous magic potions, in all directions, following this crazyly When the BOSS came, the soldiers around him rushed wildly at this instant, and they were dark and dark.

Countless damage numbers appeared on the head of the BOSS. Most of these numbers were hundreds of points and of course thousands of points. In addition, single digits can be seen, and the confidence of the injured people was greatly boosted.

I also recalled all the summoned beasts, and the ark was no exception. Just as I called out the summoned beasts, the boss suddenly issued a scornful smirk. With a wave of his left hand, countless meteorite fireballs appeared among the players. Over his head, howling and slamming down! Follow the countless ice cones on the ground!

This indiscriminate coverage attack gave the players a heavy blow in an instant. Many players with weak defenses were unfortunately hit by the double attack of ice and fire, and they were killed instantly on the spot, almost all of them were spikes. .

After surviving the BOSS skill attack, he shouted at the Ark: "The Ark has an inherent enchantment."

The Ark said: "No, the space here is blocked, and I ca n’t expand the enchantment." After listening to it, I immediately clicked on its attributes and it turned out that the Ark's ultimate skills were unusable, and **** it.

"Boom!" Suddenly, in the position of BOSS, a big explosion suddenly appeared, and the fire was approaching the top of the room. The surrounding mages were stunned. At this moment, it is naturally that no one else is the strongest female mage in China. singing.

"Abominable humans! Let's all die!" BOSS began to scream, and the trident hit the ground heavily. The next moment, countless air waves rose up, and the brakes turned white in a flash. The soldiers in front of him were killed and injured. The priest continued to treat, but the casualties still made people grit their teeth. BOSS's attack is completely spike.

I can't continue to stand behind at the moment, driving the summoned beasts up and the dragon gun throws out, turning into a red dragon, volleying down, but the BOSS Trident blasts the dragon towards the dragon and hurries the dragon immediately. Shred, the trident retracts and stabs backwards, killing another player.

At the same time, the ark approached the tomahawk in his hand and chopped down towards the target. At the same time, the BOSS also drove the trident, the tomahawk and the trident collided, and both sides could not help but quit.

Suddenly when the Ark repelled the BOSS! A shadow approached the boss quickly. This elegant action was the night of the move. I saw her dagger swipe across the neck of the boss and a wound flew up.

BOSS just wanted to raise his hand to fight back, but in the night, he was skillful in operation. The bone bat king behind him sprayed a bone spur, which immediately caused BOSS to enter a brief rigid state, interrupting BOSS's counterattack. The night was not in love, and he quickly retreated. It can be said to come and go.

On this instant battlefield, energy raged magic flying, those summoning beasts acting as cannon fodder kept pounding, and then fell under the power of the boss. Although sometimes players are falling down to resist the enemy ’s attacks, and everyone ’s health is reduced little by little, at this time we do n’t even care about this matter at all, and BOSS, after bearing many heavy blows, The counterattack that belongs to it is launched again!

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