Master Summoner Online

Chapter 899: Time out

Everyone hastened their pace, and the long-distance occupation of the mounts can't help but fall behind.

I transformed directly into a biochemical explosive dragon, and soon reached the edge of the battlefield with many cavalry.

The edge of the area didn't even think about it, and rushed straight up. The flowing blood evoked the fighting in the body, and immediately turned into a fighting machine. Without saying a word, the dragon gun appeared in the right claw of the dragon and grasped it. Starting equipment skills in the body state, but this is not important, a stab in the ground!

"Destroy the Dragon Soul!"

Above the ground, waves of dragon-shaped air blasted all around, and the first occurrence was a very fragile mass of high-level skeleton soldiers, all of which fell apart and died in one blow.

Immediately surrender the Thundercaller. The Thundercaller is not the summoning beast. There is a summoning limit every day. She has not called her in the past few days. She turned her left hand and the soft girl appeared in her hand to open the magic book. After the landing of "Split Miles", the fragile Skeleton Soldiers were instantly torn apart without any trace of resistance.

Followers are the same. These high-level skeleton soldiers are very fragile. The front cavalry quickly turned one skeleton soldier into a bone meal.

The same is true for rear long-range occupations. The number of monsters is very large. Everyone's trial points are constantly increasing, and their faces are showing joy.

"Ding ~! Player Alto Lili [(Mage Master)] successfully breaks the barrier of strength, breaks through its own limits, and realizes the exclusive skills-[Excessive Time]!"

[Excessive Time]: You can avoid this attack when you take more damage than the remaining blood. Limit three times a day. Exclusive player-Altolili.

Aalto ... Lily! This is not the master of Jin Bing. I did not expect that in this kind of battle, I broke through the barrier and entered the realm of soul explosion.

It seems that this place will inevitably create a large number of steps into the realm of soul explosion, although I don't know how many people really broke the limit and entered the final realm.

The outermost skeleton monsters that the army broke through soon were a group of skeleton soldiers after the skeleton soldiers. However, this group of skeleton soldiers wore full armor in their arms and held bone spears in their hands. They were carrying N bone spears on their backs. ——Soulless Skeleton Spearman, Level 169, Strengthen Elite Monster, Introduction: Skeleton Spearman is manipulated by the will of the undead wizard, and possesses a huge amount of undead magic. With absolute blind loyalty, without food and water, and without fear and doubt, he can be reborn even with broken bones. In the battle of Huaihai, the soul of the undead wizard can fly away. The skeleton without command is protected by the power of the dragon of order. The core of the Dark Ruins, the Light and Shadow Soul Tower, does not require any entry.

Wu Canhua held his sword: "Come on, kill these skeletons!"

Suddenly a large group of soldiers flew forward, and suddenly a dark chain in the skull group suddenly bombarded the head of a Raptor Cavalry, bringing out 26553 attack damage and scaring the Raptor. The cavalry hurriedly backed off, and then a chain fell, and a terrible horrible smashed. Suddenly, his head was smashed by a watermelon rotten, and his life whimpered, and it turned into white light and disappeared.

"Ahhhhhh ..."

In a deep and unpleasant squeak, a group of skeleton spearmen came out about three meters tall, with red flames burning on their backs, and a pair of nostrils sprayed with a crimson mist, growing. Two slender arms, covered with a thick black iron chain around the head and half of the palm of the hand, made it move, making a rattling noise from time to time with unpleasant sharp sounds.

Crazy lunatic, level 171, elite strengthening monster, introduction: lunatic is the creation of mad monarch E-Womoqi. This demon's soul is imbued with the chaotic nature of imbalance, anger, and fickleness. As the true descendants of their creator, the madmen are very good at spreading fear and panic. They scream when they attack, but laugh when they are injured. These surviving madmen are affected by the power of the Chaos Dragon Orgas, which protects the core of the Light and Shadow Soul Tower, which protects the ruins of light and darkness, from any people.

The madness didn't finish coming out, it was booming, and a sudden loud noise broke the ground, and another madness climbed up from the ground. This time, instead of ten, there were ten madmen, plus an initial total of eleven madmen.

"Sentinel Missile!"

I slammed two missiles at a mad monster. Boom, two loud noises. This crazy monster did not emit a terrible horror like the monsters before, but issued an unpleasant laughter. Then the laser blade with a golden light, launched the broken blade whistling, and shattered this head. One arm of the madman!

"Brother is so strong!" Nirvana came from behind.

Who would have thought that another demon chain violently beat over the madman, and the anti-chain link hit the armor with a large number of attack damage—15714 has a high attack power! Seeing this injury, I couldn't help absorbing the air conditioner, and quickly hit the wild charge to knock the mad monster out. When I was recoiled rigidly, I shouted in the team: "Be careful! But this mad monster's attack is too strong, everyone is careful. There aren't a lot of madmen who break them one by one! "

At this time, the skeleton spearmen also launched an attack, throwing the spear in their hands, turning it into a parabola in the air, falling over the soldier's head in front and falling towards the rear. There was a **** storm immediately, and the magician was fortunate to have a shield to protect him. The archers are miserable. Although the archers are fast, they can fall down like a rain of locusts and hide completely. They immediately hang up many archers and many other magicians lose their shields.

"Quick! The magician gathers fire to attack the skeletons!" Lonely, while singing and speaking, he was surrounded by thick mist of water, followed by a series of water blades to kill a row of skeletons.

Immediately, the surrounding magicians immediately launched an attack. The fire magician summoned the fire and rain from the sky. The ice magician can burst out the ice blades. The earth magician can summon the spurs. The wind magician summoned the hurricane and swept the roar. , The lightning mage summoned a thunderbolt and black skull spearman suddenly fell down.

The magician cleans up the skeleton spearman, the soldiers besiege the madman, a madman has 500,000 blood, and the blood is terrible, but everyone's DPS is very high, plus a strong healing reinforcement behind him, more than a dozen shots In order to kill it.


After a full bombardment, the first crazy monster fell down. The one I attacked on this crazy monster first got involved in the battle to get 500 trial points and burst out of the ground. The gold coins were only half a meter high. Everyone did not pick up these things, and when they were dispatched, the scout players who were arrogant and scrumptious immediately packed up the battlefield and distributed them to everyone.

On the entire front, everyone broke up in groups, and everyone killed them in an orderly manner. In front of it were countless skeleton spearmen and madmen constructing a line of defense. The madmen attacked front, and behind them were the skeletal spearmen who projected the dense bone spears.

Everyone is here to kill monsters without interference, and monsters are very dense and cannot be killed for a short time.


Leveled up a crazy monster once again, and took back 1,500 trial points. This crazy monster is my own experience and trial points, all of which belong to me. The monster fell into the loot.

After killing for a while, I asked, "What about the other forces in our other alliances?"

Singing lonely, he said, "I and the monster who is almost killing the intersection. Just now, there was news that Canghai and Mingshen had come here to fight with a group of Turkish players before they came here. There is no news on both sides of Rose. "

"Really? Everyone continues to strive to break through here, I'd like to see what it looks like inside." Said stepping on a skull spearman.

In this way, the army is advancing forward. Those professional players have their own skills and it takes about five hours. We have finally killed the skeletons and crazy monsters to form a line of defense. The number of teams has also decreased a lot. The number of monsters is too high and the attack power is too fierce. The priest couldn't cure it. The main cause of the casualties was the attack on the madmen. The attacking rhythm of this group of people was slow and unpredictable, and the way of attack always made the enemy unexpected, and they dealt a lot of casualties.

After sacrificing thousands of people, we successfully broke through their lines of defense. After the breakthrough was discovered, it appeared in front of us as a blood-red door. This door opened with the skeleton spearmen coming out from here. In front of the gate, the monsters no longer appeared.

Yanyu Liunian said, "I don't know what's behind this door. Would you like to send a group of assassins to see the situation first?"


I glanced back and said, "There will be trouble in the dark. You take a team of assassin players!"


After speaking, Xiaoman ’s waist was slightly bent, and myself and other assassin players have already started stealthily entering the door. After seeing these people, I immediately said: “Everyone is on guard. After getting the inside information, everyone is going in. It ’s boring to kill. The madness relieves boredom. "

Immediately after speaking, the dark night continued and said, "What's going on in the dark night?"

Night said: "It's calm, I didn't see ... wait a minute!"

I said, "What's wrong?"

My voice didn't end, and the scream of "Ahhhh" came from the other end of the call. Oops! Something went wrong in the night!

"What's happening in the dark night? Answer me." I called quickly. But no one answered.

Thirty seconds later, a female assassin in a black tights came out of the door, and quickly patted the dust on her body. The person who came out was the dark night. When she came out, there was a A pastor stepped forward to treat her, and I quickly asked, "What's going on inside? What about the others?"

Dark night straightened her shoulders and said, "It's a tragedy."

Ye Shuang said, "Brother, it looks like the monster inside is bound to be terrible. The assassin is too brittle. Let me bring a group of brothers in to feel the situation before making plans!"

"OK! Be careful."

Ye Shuang nodded and rode in the captain of the armored raptors, followed by ten raptors and the same number of bear cavalry.

About a minute after Ye Shuang went in, the guy shouted on the guild channel: "We can't stand it!"

by! When I saw this, I rushed into the next moment and I felt a rush of wind. Other players rushed in afterwards. After entering, I saw that the space was very empty and the ground was made of an unknown stone. However, right in front of us, there is a large body of dead bodies, as well as Ye Shuang and others and a group of monsters.

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