Master Summoner Online

Chapter 900: Light Shadow Soul Tower

In addition to Ye Shuang and others, there are about a hundred monsters in front of us.

The blood color of this monster seems to be peeled off, and even blood drips down. You can see more places exposed on the body with blood-stained bones. The head is narrow and wide before the head, except for an open mouth. There are no facial organs, and the body is full of thorns that rise up and down four meters, and the whole looks very scary.

They whispered together, and they were trembling violently after being attacked, followed by a crack in their mouths, "slamming" and bone spurs shot towards the surroundings, attacking everything in the surroundings indiscriminately!

Most of them who entered were knights with thick blood, and quickly made a defensive posture. The next moment, the bone spurs fell on the shield, countless damage figures flew up, and under the stance of defense, the bone spurs' attack power was greatly reduced, but it was still incomparable Horrible, a series of damage numbers flew up. Only for a moment, each knight lost more than 10,000 points of health, and it hurt so much to fight the knight. No wonder the assassins in the road ahead were all hung up!

Although the dark night survived, it would be tragedy if she did not operate the top.

"Ye Shuang, you guys, pull it down!" I yelled on the guild channel. Ye Shuang didn't even want to hear the voice. He took the others and started to retreat while filling a blood bottle, barely pulling his blood to about half.

Fire Eye Golden Eye Scan-Demon, Level 170, Elite Mutant Beast, Introduction: Demon is the servant of the great emperor E-Tregel. They are endured by the endless and painful erosion of Orgas, and carry out their own body. With creepy torture. They gain strength from their own extreme pain and turn it into a force to fight the enemy. The demons use their bones as their main weapon, and they even tear off parts of their bodies to fight. Demon ribs can penetrate their chests and nail opponents, and their bones can protrude from their fingers into razor-like weapons. Under the influence of Orgas, these slayers loyally guarded the inner gate and killed all outsiders.

After reading the data, I shouted: "The soldiers all stepped down to defend, and the magician archers attacked. We must not let them get closer, it will be troublesome to get closer."

Lonely sang and sang: "The soldiers held the shield wall in the front row. I counted 321. All the magicians worked with me to fight and kill them in one shot!"

The legend said, "The same is true for archers. The magician's skills are our turn."

"Understand xN!" All the magicians and archers answered.

After Ye Shuang backed down, ten slayers followed closely behind them, making a low growl!


When loneliness sang, he first lost a huge warhammer entangled with thunder and lightning, and then the light of the flame shone on the earth. The fierce tricks of the fire magicians greeted again and again, while other elements of the magician also shot.

Fire, ice, spurs, wind blades, and thunderbolts of five magical spells descended on the demon's body at the same time. Tens of thousands of people at the same time can no longer withstand such toss when they are able to cast their skills at the same time. In an instant, countless numbers of injuries are flying in succession. ——— 18445—5648—9320—4927—5248—6321

Among them, the damage varies from high to low, and the miraculous locust-like arrows that have just finished their magic greet their bodies, immediately locking a severely wounded demon-the sentinel missile!


—6572—6724 With two explosions, this scorpion was blasted and his body was blown apart, harvesting part of the experience and 300 trial points, followed by other scorpions that were under attack from remote players. Fall down one after another.

After solving one piece, we pushed forward. Why ca n’t we blame it? It ’s because it ca n’t be attracted at all. The front demon station is more dense. In the past, they were activated by the spike. If you want one, then the other will be affected by the end of your attack. Impact, don't think that you won't come back to trouble you without hitting them.

I shouted to the crowd: "Everyone spread out, don't get together, the range of attacks of the demons is very wide, and the number of demons is broken one by one!"

Everyone raised their blades, the knights set up shields, and every twenty knights stood up a shield wall with shields. Behind them were a large number of priests who continued the indiscriminate treatment and were baptized with bone spurs. It did not hang up, after the knight blocked the monster attack, the next time the magician archers shot and the mad soldiers destroyed the monster in one fell swoop.

After the formation is formed, the next step is to attack.


A group of people rushed to the past. I killed it immediately, and first gave the wild demon a wild charge. During the time when the demon was stunned, the supernatural sky, the black god, the snow moon, and the cloud Lan were super close to me. The violent beauties erupted together. When the demon came from the stun, he had only half a life left. Next, he successfully killed the demon after a row of bone spurs. Five high-ranking priests such as Mo Yan were behind us. For us to supply, it is relatively easy to gang up a demon.

Others also exhibited different skills. According to the previous arrangements, the knight rushed together, and the charge + shield strike of twenty was launched at the same time. There was always one person who could stun the monster. As soon as the monster was stunned, others attacked immediately. Sharp bone spurs will be sprayed on the demon, and the next group of priests will supply the next group of people to kill a demon.

In this way, under our orderly advancement, the road demon fell down one by one and gained a lot of experience and trial points. Although these demon demon experience and trial points are very rich, but after all, they are given so much. People are slightly inadequate, but our goal is not for experience, but for this precious breach of opportunity, to enter the ruins to capture the treasure inside, which is our goal.

For about an hour or so, at the cost of dozens of people, the hundreds of demon monsters finally fell down in front of us, and the equipment was picked up and handed over to the players with appraisal for appraisal, and then they were separated on the spot. Those high-end equipment are all positioned as "non-attribution", and the most trusted players in our two guilds will return to the unified management.

After all the demons died, soon, in the originally empty space, a portal showing white light slowly appeared, the guardian monsters were dead, and the door opened accordingly.

"Finally opened" Ye Shuang took a breath and wiped the sweat on his forehead. He almost turned into a hedgehog in the previous battle. Ye Shuang's occupation is a PK-type occupation, and killing monsters is not powerful. One-on-one will Say, but a pair of N is not enough. Without AOE skills, he can't deal with a large number of enemies. Just so many stabs of stabbings did not stab him to death on the spot. Switching to other players is long gone.

I said, "Everyone rests for a while and prepares to go in. It's likely that there is a random transmission behind the door. Everyone needs to be careful. What about the situation elsewhere?"

After drinking a sip of water, Dad said: "It's almost the same. There are many entrances to this place. In addition to us, three entrances have been opened. One is American, German and Canadian. The others have not been fully opened but are almost the same. There are already many intersections in this place, and it is only a matter of time to open the entrance.

"Well, let's all start. After entering, don't kill monsters for the purpose, confirm the location of the BOSS. Each layer of BOSS must be the key!"

"it is good!"

After a minute's rest, everyone was voluminous and quickly entered the door, and a piece of information was obtained automatically.

"Ding ~! You enter the ruins of light and darkness-Light and Shadow Soul Tower! You can get a copy to read."

With the system prompting a dramatic change in the scenery passing by my eyes, we are in a large area of ​​ice and snow, and a group of us are on the map like a flat boat in the sea.

Probably a large map of the system. This place is so big that it is almost like a continent. Millions of people are leveling together in it. The mountain roads are folded and twisted.

I see that everyone is together and it seems that there is no random transmission. At the same time, the door we entered has disappeared. Follow me and click on the information given by the system-

Soul Tower of Light and Shadow: Thousands of years ago, the racial war broke out, and various decisive battles were held at the end of the war. The Huaihai battle was the largest one. Hundreds of millions of souls were buried here. Countless dead spirits could not rest, soul energy. Breaking through the void caused a great change in the world. In order to calm down the orderly dragon Yasha and the chaotic dragon Orgas, they liberated the spirits of the spirits, sealed their negative energy into the light and shadow town soul tower, and transformed the entire Huaihai. The battlefield enclosed in the space enclave sank into the bottom of the taboo sea. This space was called the relics of light and darkness by future generations. Now this seal looses the relics of light and darkness to reproduce the world.

Objective: Each floor has three guardian beasts and countless guards to guard it. Kill the guardian beasts on the first to ninth floors. Those who have won 20 treasures can reseal the remains on the top seal station to complete this trip. Those who collect all 27 treasures can get very rich treasures buried in the ruins!

There are actually 27 BOSS in it. It was originally thought that only a maximum of ten would be enough. Moreover, these BOSS levels are probably the lowest at the king level. To collect 27 treasures, this treasure should be a loot burst from the BOSS. Collect 27 individuals. Just kidding, I can collect twenty completed missions, and I think it ’s good to know, this battle is absolutely fierce!

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