Master Summoner Online

Chapter 919: Rare Class and Prayer

"Everyone come out!" Summoned the beasts one after another, and the Amber Dragon and the Ark did not call because they were not needed for the battle.

"Kill them all!" The dragon gun pointed at the wolf emperor and broke into the crowd first, followed by the water dragon twisting about twenty-five meters before the body and the wolf emperor killed a series of magicians and priests in front.

"Заэтобылэлементнеожиданности (Sneak attack from behind!)"

I don't know who is shouting in their native language. A dozen high-level mage hurriedly waved their staffs and chanted spells, and how could I give them a chance to set fire at this time.

"Heroes! Invincible Charge!"

"Roar!" The Trolls kicked the whole body and bumped into it. A group of magicians were knocked upside down, their claws burst out of black light, and Death Shock pierced his shield, pierced the mage's weak body. Following the red clouds rolling in the sky, large fist-sized fireballs tilted down, and the flaming dogs performed the most popular meteor fire rain in fire magic, followed by three heads constantly throwing fireballs in three directions.

I lifted the starfall with one hand and summoned the meteor to fall. Suddenly, more than a dozen remote players fell, the dragon gun stabbed towards the ground, and the earth cracked the pale blue dragon-shaped waves crisscrossing the sky, followed by the addition. Attacking the blood red dragon wave energy swept in all directions, dozens of people were killed in this move.

Xueyue ’s sword on the side of the moon shredded the bodies of the two soldiers who were up, followed by a phantom flash and 5 players fell down, and piles of potions and equipment burst out. Yun Lan did the same punch You can smash one person and take the Lanshi to chase a group of people and kill them. Long Xin casts very safely in the back, and the black **** Tian Zhao around her keeps guarding her.

At this time, an assassin appeared on my flank and quickly fled away. The same scan occurred. This guy is a Russian player. This guy still seemed to continue his pursuit. A bright laser blade penetrated its body, and the laser blade was pulled out. The paw swiped and shattered his entire body.


"Barriers break!"

—25578 A knight stepped forward to block me, but my dragon gun directly pierced the shield, completely penetrated his body, with a large number of damage, and dropped a large half of the subject. This knight is already a 145 level player. The total blood volume is about 4W, and the two wolf emperors rushed up and lay flat after being seriously wounded and carrying their weapons back.

Gallulu first sprayed absolute freezing gas and rolled a group of ice seals immediately after the explosion. The biochemical explosive dragon came over and added the king's blade skills. The ice sculptures bloomed in the group, and the ice sculptures became pieces. Bing, the same people we shot the Black Hand Guild, the five fighters and the Druid rushed to the forefront, and they dealt with most crispy remote players. Their attacks are very sharp. Of course, the other party has a large number. Advantage, quickly divided thirty or forty soldiers from the front to deal with us.

However, we are still killed by our killing, and one person will be suddenly killed here. Three or two times will knock the knight who had fought with me just now. This goods rides a ground dragon, a strong armor, and holds both hands. The blue spear with a handle, and the most striking thing about this man is that he has a blood-red shield on his shoulders, and his body flashes green light from time to time. The eyes of the fire are golden-scanned—level 152. Reloaded knight (rare), equipment : Sundering Soul Gun (Diamond Crystal), Rock Scale Heavy Armor (Platinum), Bloody Gladiator Shield (Dark Gold) X2, Special Items: Mount: Xuanjia Dixinglong, others unknown.

After reading the information, I was somewhat surprised that the word "rare" was captured behind this reloaded knight career, and I couldn't help moving. What does this rare mean? Does it mean that the occupation of this heavy-loaded knight is a legendary advanced career from the ordinary occupation, equipped with two shields, this person is a rare full-defense warrior, and the full-attack full-defense warrior takes an extreme route. The number of players is very rare, and the rare professions that trigger the system on the second turn are even rarer.

The number of players in this rare profession is much less than that of hidden professions. As far as I know, the prerequisite for rare triggers of transfer is to understand the specific special skills before the transfer, and trigger the system to complete when transferring. Occupation of rare occupations, employment of rare occupations, occupation growth does not hide occupational abnormalities, but once the employment is completed, the foundation will appear to double the effect, but unfortunately this happens, very low, I have not seen a rare occupation in China, today It's a pity that I saw a foreigner.

This man looked at me, pointed his gun, and said in Chinese: "Such a powerful beast, I think you are the beast **** in China?"

I was stunned, although we were well-known in the Chinese region and we also counted the onion in the world, and smiled lightly: "I didn't expect this foreign friend to be me, I am really honored."

"Huh!" The goods looked cold, and said, "It is rumored that your summoned beast can block no more than ten people from all over the world!"

I laughed: "You're doing too much for me."

"The rumor goes to the rumor, but your powerful beast is naturally needless to say, but I do n’t believe in evil, I want to end your myth here!" With a roar, an indescribable and powerful breath spread to the past in all directions.

I laughed: "Come on."

"It should be an honor to die under the minions of his summoning beast." With a little sneer at the corner of his mouth, he stretched out a hand and a green light ball appeared in the palm of his hand.

Although I don't know what he is going to do? Will not let him succeed, command the summoned beasts to come forward,


The light group broke like a balloon, and a green light burst out from my palm, spreading the audience.

A hint of secret information spread like ripples in the air. The summoned beasts that had just rushed up all stopped in an emergency, and the fastest wolf emperor rushed to the ground.

"Ding ~! Player: Peter X uses skills: Prayer, all non-self summoning beasts, pets, mounts, Warcraft mounts, etc. within a range of 500 meters in diameter are temporarily mutinized for 8 minutes ~!"

"Rely on!" There was also a sight that our contract summoned beasts rushed towards their masters. Immediately, the black hand guild players' mounts were affected by their mounts uncontrollably, and then messed up. The ground was flung out by their mounts. Or some mounts are stagnant, or jumping, the transformation of the Druid player is instantly lifted, the angel summons the beast to pounce on his master, the ice crystal phoenix falls from the sky, and groans on the ground, Lan The lion did not listen to the command, and all non-player units rebelled.

I watched the summoning beast rushed over, and quickly released the summon to retract it. The contract summoned beast was retracted, but the normal summoning of the beast did not work. I found that Galuru was standing in place and frowning in a very painful manner. But something strange appeared on the dragon.


The first time I retracted the contract summoned beast, I launched an offensive, and suddenly trembled the spear, sprinting on the ground dragon.

But at this moment a huge body was standing in front of him, and then hit him with a heavy blow, and the man was shocked: "What's going on?"

It wasn't the other person who appeared in front of him who was a biochemical dragon. The man was shocked: "It's possible that my prayers are spiritual skills, and even the summoned beasts of magic immunity will be affected."

Biochemical Blast Dragon said lowly: "Your technique will disrupt the flow of magic in the body, disrupt the normal operation of the magic connection, and erode the spirit from the inside. My body does not have this connection, and I do n’t need it, so your surgery Does not work for me. "

"Damn!" This person's face turned into a pig's liver and lungs. Since his most proud skill had no effect on my biochemical dragon.

"Go up! Kill this group of people first." With a sound, the players around him immediately turned around and rushed towards us, leaving only a small number of players to continue the opponent's underhanded players.

"Biochemical explosive dragon, go up, take away his source!"

Under the command of my command, the biochemical explosive dragon rushed over. The biochemical explosive dragon's opponent was as fast as his electricity. He stepped on the zigzag line to avoid him and attacked the people behind him. His position has passed the battle of life and death. It can't be as immersive as the legendary great god, it is also very NB, suddenly shot, and the destruction of Dragon Slash starts!


Dragon spirits raged in the crowd. Four archers fell to the ground at the same time, and the opponents continued to attack me. The summoned beasts could not be used hard. When I dropped half of my strength, I could deal with them, but it was more than enough.

A group of fighters blocked in front of me. Twenty or thirty mage players had high levels and were very good in operation. Various skills launched coverive attacks against me, so that I would be harmed no matter where I went. It ’s less like predicting my direction to attack,

"Boom boom!"

The attack and the soul shield opened, but it was not long before it was torn, and there was a tear-like pain around my body. There were a number of damage figures flying above my head. When the shield was broken, the blood was blasted out half. ,by! Look down on them. As soon as I gritted my teeth, the dragon charged, slammed the soldiers in front and turned into lightning and swept into the crowd. I stepped on the ground with one foot and slammed the palm on the ground—the water veins resonated!


There are cracks at the continuous rupture of the ground. The entire ground collapses and breaks within a range of more than ten meters. Thousands of water flows into the sky. The water flowing at high speed turns into a water blade. Its lethality is horrible. In the water blade attack, The five mages fell to the ground in unison, their shields barely withstood three or four times, the shields were torn apart, and their bodies were torn by water blades!

This magic wizard and archer is more than enough to kill the warrior but not enough, but I have other tricks!

"Armed Storm!"

"Ghost Dragon shot!"

One head of ghost dragon flew out, followed closely by a group of Guanghua toward the red-eyed dragon gun, and held the dragon gun with both hands, splitting heavily on the ground carrying the current of water towards the cavalry.

With a "squeeze", a flash of lightning and thunder exploded especially in mid-air, and the hurricane appeared within ten meters of its own body. With this heavy split, the whole ground within ten meters of the entire scene shattered. , A huge tornado haunted by various sword fragments, forming a huge pillar of wind.

The rushing player just ran into this range of attacking magic that was dominated by various swords from the bottom, which was much more powerful than melee skills, and rushed into the pillar. Immediately reduced the blood volume madly——8904—7941—8293—8391—8991

After the armed storm and the water veins resonated, the surrounding area was cleared by me in a vacuum zone. Then, in this vacuum period, I suddenly stepped away from the dense crowd, took out a blood energy stone and a magic energy stone, and absorbed it.


The magic of blood and blood returned to full in an instant, and the feeling of full blood and blue was instant. It was even more fortunate that this time I killed most of the wizard fighters and also killed a lot of archers and some colleagues and soldiers. Yes One of my most threatening crowds no longer causes effective deterrence.

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