Master Summoner Online

Chapter 920: Annihilate

"Haha, the beast **** is getting more and more powerful. Even we can't help him with prayer. It is indeed the strongest summoner in our country." He cut his head and punched one person out of a distance of four or five meters.

"I have to admit that this is the power of the beast god." Said the female player wearing a cape and carrying a stele around his head.

Cut the headshot and hit another person: "Butterfly rarely sees you boasting."

"I want you to control."

You two words, I muttered without saying a word and did not forget my own work. One of these two people did not have any alive own player, but there were not many people besieging them. The two were very easy to deal with. After a scream, the Russian player who besieged them turned into a corpse. Before being besieged by multiple people, they could not expand their fists, but now they have less space to play, and naturally they can flex their muscles.

What is the use of the surrounding 10 mages and 20 or so soldiers plus 3 priests?

Although, they have roared violently, cutting their heads in front of them, the elemental attack did not cause him, blue ice thorns, blue and white lightning, red fireballs, turquoise wind blades, earthy thorns, The constant damage added to the damage is pitifully small, followed by this axe to cut it out.

Ahhhhhhhhhh, it was a scream of screams again, which caused them to burst out a lot of potion debris and a small amount of equipment.


"Biochemical Blast Dragon gave way, leave him to me." Shouted at Biochemical Blast Dragon, the goods obeyed the order to withdraw

"Boy dare not fight with me." He said, extending his **** and hooking at him.

"What dare you!"

Suddenly trembled the spear, rushed up on the ground dragon, and a blast of frost flew over the spear, followed by the continuous spurs, quickly launched the attack, sustained violent descent, and the shield was continuously shaken, waiting for him to make a series of chaos After the shield was broken.

As soon as I stepped back, the dragon gun pierced into the ground, and the ground broke instantly. The light blue dragon-shaped air waves rose into the sky instantly, criss-crossed, and he rushed into the sky. Suddenly, I was hit by air waves, and the momentum of the charge was completely released, and his blood continued to drop, because he was a rare class activated by a full defense soldier. Such damage was not enough to cause a threat.

"Drink-" The other party was still not panic, the shields on the left and right shoulders glowed with blood, and a layer of shields was launched to resist the dragon-shaped air waves. With a long howling, the dragon gun was lifted to launch the second half of the dragon soul's destruction and the dragon gun turned into Ten meters of huge guns, then chopped down.

"The dragon soul is destroyed!" He slashed fiercely at this person, the shield outside him broke instantly, followed by the whole person, his hands were entangled with purple and black energy, the dragon gun pierced the blue fire cone, and suddenly stabbed Go, smashed through his body! Immediately afterwards, a whole body of black holding a huge black sickle, the ghost of death in the legend, appeared in the air, and silently waved the black sickle in his hand. The death summoned the additional death chase above. This effect has only been since my owner ’s skills. I have never seen the trigger. I finally saw it today, and the sickle blasted on this person.

"Ah-" The rare professional holder roared.

—29291—29444 The huge damage numbers made him look ashamed. The first time the barriers were breached, additional 30% defense was added, and the death summoning caused the damage to be ignored. The second death, the chase completely ignored any defense effect, and emptied him in an instant. 70% health, followed by the three consecutive cuts of Frost and Snow, and the effect of ignoring the 70% defense was summoned by Death. Three consecutive Bingman cut his flesh and blood, and the weapons in his hands fluttered because they could not withstand the impact. Go out!

—27111—27441—26991 The three consecutive cuts came to an end. The dude also looked at me with an unwilling look on his face, and shot a gun in his hand. The guys who ate were exploded. This is really bad luck. I With a sigh, "Idiot, you think your brother will only eat by summoning beasts."


This person should be the captain of this team. The captains were all solved by me in less than five seconds. What else can be done, that is, running, and then doing what the remaining forty or fifty people can do.

After a Russian player yelled in Russian, the group started to retreat. Who knows? Suddenly, a circular object flew over the sky. The object passed by Russian players with lightning speed!

"Ahhhh!" A scream screamed. At the same time, the three archers were broken from the waist at the same time, their bodies were broken in two and fell to the ground. The circular object circled in the air and landed not far away. A stone pillar was caught by one person.

I saw that the object being caught was a two-meter-long, black-haired black sickle, and there were a few irregular blood-colored fine lines on the sickle's blade. He was wearing a dark armor, and a set of armor A black robe with a gold rim, and the brim of the black robe blocked his face.

Chop headshot shouted: "Little love! How slow!"

Immediately after, 20 cavalry rushed between the stone pillars, and there were a group of long-range professional players behind the cavalry.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" These players are all members of the Blackhand Guild, rushing up with a loud shout.

At this moment, the Russians knew that there was no hope of escape, so they started fighting for the trapped beasts. At this moment, some people turned and rushed towards us, but at this moment, the ground suddenly rose up with purple and black flames, and the flames rose in front of their path.

boom! boom! boom……

These people couldn't stop, rushed into the raging flames of fire, and there were endless injuries floating on their heads, and their blood was swiftly mad. Some of the rushed back were okay, but the potion escaped the range, but the front Those who rushed in couldn't hold back even if they could use blood energy stones to fill their blood. The body was burning in the sea of ​​flames, screaming "ah" one by one, and fell straight on the spot.

In addition, the other magic of this person is also gray often, I saw the person's left hand extended from the long sleeve, this hand held a cross sickle, the cross sickle throws out, a black chain attached to the end of the cross sickle is like a black chain Like a black dragon, wrapped around one of them, dragged it off the mount, and lost 5600+ health for this single game.

Then he pulled this person closer to the sea of ​​fire, and a series of brutal injury numbers floated out, followed by the cross sickle in this person's hand, and the players who escaped were hooked back one by one. I saw the dark inside shock.

I have to admit that the strong are everywhere, not only superb.



With a series of screams spreading, these people were struggling in the sea of ​​fire, but I saw two of them turning on the invincible skills and rushing out of the sea of ​​fire. The cross sickle could not catch it in the invincible state. At this moment, the electric light fire opened and rushed out. An instant approached both of them.

The two men sneered, and they were invincible, and some people dared to rush up. They were rare to kill. However, they thought that there were cheaper things to take, and the two of them surrounded them together.

"What about invincible? I'm not afraid!" I sneered, "Tearer!"

The transparent energy giant claw is shot on the person on the left. The invincible skill is a kind of shield skill. As long as it is a shield, my ripper can be broken. The invincible shield outside this person is very shocking. Fall apart!

Since Invincible was broken by someone, the two of them were stunned in the shop without any distinction, and they scolded words that they did n’t know. I think it should be a ‘rely’ word.

"Lightning declaration!"

The stunned instantaneous lance was sent out almost without hesitation, piercing the man's throat directly, then breaking through barriers, crushing blows, destroying blows, energy explosions, and ordinary attacks.


After a scream, the cargo fell to the ground and a small pile of loot items burst out. The other person was stunned and startled, and just turned and ran, so the enemy couldn't beat.

When this man ran away, the invincible effect of his body also passed. After the dragon gun was retracted, the palms of his hands were flat and the red and blue energy were gathered in the left and right palms: "Let you escape, I am not a beast god!"

"Dragon's roar!"

"Roar!" Hong Liang's dragon snarled in the void, two red and blue columns of energy spewed out, and immediately hit him heavily, swallowing it instantly, the blood volume had been reduced a lot before, Dragon's The roar drained all his remaining health.

Soon the Russians were wiped out. At the end of the First World War, they cut heads and changed their human form. They came over and said, "Thank the beast god, I owe you human favor."

I said, "Don't thank me. I just called my monster out of control and robbed your team of monsters. I'm afraid I won't come over."

Cut headshot: "What's going on?"

"You ask him." Pointed to the archer named Hymn of the Wind.

He cut his head and walked over to him and patted him on the shoulder after saying a few words: "That's good! I invited the beast **** with a few monsters, only you."

"The president has won the prize," said Wind's hymn and scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

The female player carrying the stone tablet came and said, "Beast god, it's better to brush the monsters together, so that we can take care of them!"

I turned to the public MM and asked, "How are you!"

Xueyue said: "You decide, it's also good to brush together. The team here is too scattered. Enemies are everywhere, and we can be considered as a caregiver.

"Well, okay! Let's spend the night together." I nodded.

The summoner who likes online games, please collect: ( The summaries of online game summoners' literature are the fastest.

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