Master Summoner Online

Chapter 921: Beast

Brush off to sleep in the middle of the night.

On the next day, I went to see the official website according to the usual practice, and was very surprised to find that last night, the group not only broke through the fifth layer but also penetrated the sixth layer. The third-tier BOSS treasure on the sixth layer, the United States One got one, the Italian got one, and the last BOSS was toppled at 6 am this morning. Although the boss was the last treasure that was knocked down by the Koreans, it was taken away by the Shu Tao, which caused heavy losses for Mingming. , Mingshen sent 130,000 troops, and finally won the treasure and successfully broke through the remaining less than 30,000 people.

Quickly put on a helmet and go online, and drilled out of the tent in the place where it was offline yesterday. At this moment, the group of black hands has set out, and without any sense of morality, there is a little communication anyway. I haven't thought about fighting souls and Mingshen. That has a clear alliance with us.

When I got out of the tent, I rushed to the teleportation array for the first time. After the sixth floor, I did n’t stop there and rushed towards the teleportation array. Of course, the residents here will not let it pass so easily. Cangbao bear is running side by side.

Calling the summoned beast to start advancing, I actually don't despise these monsters at all, and after nearly an hour and a half, in the depths of the wilderness, a huge teleportation array appeared in front of my eyes!

After one second of entering the teleportation array, this will appear in front of you as a vast and dark and dead space, but in the distance, you will find a small ball with a light.

At first it seemed like a small group of bright spots, but in this dark and lonely space, it seemed very dazzling, so he transformed into Garulu and carried the dark **** Tianzhao and ran towards the small light group in the distance, gradually It was getting bigger and bigger, but its light gradually faded, but the darkness around it gradually brightened.

Running all the way like this, about half an hour later, passing through the light group, followed immediately before us, it is a very strange scene. There is no complete land on the seventh floor of the world where we live, and we can see around the land There are terrible deep cracks. The land cut by these cracks is fast, each land is large or small. At these cracks, each land is connected by a cable bridge. The diameter of our land is about one kilometer. What you see here is endless desolation, with no sign of life.

There was a desolate and desolate atmosphere everywhere. We checked here and found nothing. We were about to sigh and left to see the other land. A howl suddenly sounded.

The howling is not loud, if it is not too quiet here, so that the sound will be almost ignored by a distracted god, the black **** has whispered: "The general direction of the master's voice is from the west, let's go and see."

"Go." The transformation status was switched to Amber Dragon, carrying two people, and the wings moved, leaving a slight reddish figure of Amber Dragon in the air. Twenty minutes later, we came to a piece more than the previous land. Huge land, I saw a huge deep pit one by one left here. Looking at the cracks in the deep pits, it was obviously destroyed by very powerful forces. In these deep pits, lying horizontally and vertically. One has a corpse, these corpses are players' corpses, there are explosive equipment and potions sundries beside the corpses and so on.

It is not good to waste all the money in it, and seeing that only the player ’s body and no monster body should be the final result of the two team PKs. I guess so, but it is not possible for the winning party to withdraw. But even if it is not equipped to be generous to leave it to others.

Suddenly I was surprised how the surroundings went dark? When I looked up and saw that the sky was not covered by a large dark cloud, I also found that these dark clouds were rolling in the air, and now they were pouring down at high speed.

"Fast retreat." I noticed that it was not good, and took the two women back a distance of two or three hundred meters, and the rolling dark cloud fell directly where we were standing. The thermal energy was scanned, and I was surprised to see the rolling clouds. In China, a group of figures appeared faintly, since there are living things inside.

"Be careful!" I sighed, the dragon gun appeared in my hand, and Aura pulled the waist with a pair of knives, and the black **** took the sickle across the chest.

Immediately after a cold, cold wind roared, the rolling clouds in front of it suddenly burst apart, and a dozen earth-colored monsters hidden inside appeared, and these monsters looked strange, this guy's head was A large oval-shaped eye with a height of three meters. There are two antenna-like tentacles under the eyes. A human-like body can be attached to the eyes, but the tentacles are on the hands. The skin on the body is similar to rock, about two meters high, and a large head. The little guy, uttering nothing but madly rushing at us when he appeared, screamed like a laughter, and the two tentacles kept waving.

Strange Beast, Level 173, Improved Mutant Beast, Introduction: The dragon of the chaos, Ogas, has created some inanimate and incapable life forms. These life forms are used to feed the breeding demon's food. They can be filled with negative energy due to the collapse of the world. The rain kills other creatures but allows these unintelligent and capable beings to undergo an evolutionary evolution. This is the origin of the strange animals, but even if they have evolved their heads, they are still not smart.


With one hand, Yang Yang summoned the meteor falling from the sky, setting off a series of bangs ... a dozen strange beasts howled with the sound of explosions, or dodging or parrying, making a mess, the energy in the dragon gun Gathering on the ground, the dragon gun fiercely slashed to the ground, setting off a storm with numerous swords. Suddenly asked was a number of screams. Among them, three strange beasts were caught in the storm, and were brought by the mighty storm belt. He flew out of the distance, and then "banged" and fell to the ground. One of them with little blood was blown up and his body broke apart and died.

The other two were seriously injured, and the rest of the strange beast seemed to be surprised, and immediately backed away.

I thought they were going to run away and prepare to catch up. Where would I know that the remaining monsters actually lined up a long snake array, the whole body flashed purple, and there was a loud scream, and at the same time, a purple beam of light was ejected from the middle big eyes, According to us, "Smite attack! Soul shield!" I did not expect this monster has such ability, could not help but feel a little frightened, and quickly spread out two layers of shields. At the same time, the three of us spread out, and the beam of light sprayed from our eyes fell to In a blink of an eye on the shield, all of the shield's lasting power was consumed, and he activated the flashlight fire body to flicker, trying to avoid the beam of light as much as possible. These light beams have a high attack power and will deduct more than 3000+ health when rubbed on the body. Such an attack cannot be sustained even by a blood cow.

These beams of light shot fast and did not seem to cool down. After firing waves after waves, they progressed step by step. After all, the dragon gun was sent out after the 50-meter position. The red dragon roared, and the dragon gun turned into a huge red dragon. The beast torn apart but not dead, at the same time launched the charge of the dragon, the body at the speed of the Lightning Horror unit, at this instant smashed through this strange beast.

The Black God also came at the same time, destroying the journey and knocking out a strange beast. Tian Zhao's body flickered beside him, exactly the same as Tian Zhao. Both Tian Zhao's hands held the double blade of blood storm and waved this. The head beast was chopped flesh and blood, and the two skylights used the **** cross to split their bodies instantly. They called the wolf emperor, the water dragon, the thunder eagle, the fierce demon, the breath dog, and the biochemical explosive dragon. In a fierce battle, the strange beasts screamed with the concerted efforts of everyone, and eventually turned into ash and smoke, and even the corpses disappeared after death.

After seeing this scene, if I guessed correctly, the previous player will be attacked by this monster. The monster will not leave a body after death, so only the player's body will be left. These monsters share trial points and experience points. After the points are still divided, but the equipment is also equipped with no suits, continue to move forward, encountered a lot of strange monsters along the way, the emergence of strange monsters with aura, can be well avoided, but their beam attacks are annoying, it is still very troublesome to deal with them, Open the guild channel and ask everyone what ’s happening. Just now, you heard Ye Shuang angrily complained on the channel: "NND, this system is so shameless. Since such a disgusting monster has been made, a group of 100 people was killed The strange monsters are now playing, and I have a bare pole commander! "

Feng Xiaoyue laughed: "Yeye complained, the coordinates of my team are not far from you. I still have 40+ of our brothers and sisters here. Come to my sister's bowl."

Ye Shuang answered angrily: "You just went to the bowl!" Suddenly a burst of laughter.

He laughed at night: "Everyone, just got the news yesterday. The Americans have found the BOSS position yesterday, roughly at the origin coordinates of 121737, 98981, and people nearby came to meet at a speed. Now the arrogance is very arrogant. "

"The situation is not getting better now. We have six treasures and Americans already have five. We have been following closely behind them, not too many to admit that they are very strong."

"I said ..." The fierce blood flew, "You don't have to be ashamed of others to destroy your might. They just save five treasures for us, and they can be killed by turning them back."

Tears without a smile and said, "You are so optimistic!"

The fiery blood flyway: "Required."

I can finally plug in, and said, "Night ago I said I found the boss, roughly at the coordinates ..."


"Then everyone is going there immediately, remember to try to lead the scattered players as much as possible. Although the players in our zone can at most consume the number of people who survive this route, they may not be more than the players in other zones. Organize and organize. It's not good to let others break through one by one. "I said in a deep voice.

"Understand." The two words came out tacitly.

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