Master Summoner Online

Chapter 961: Sky-high price

The golden mallet was frequent, and all the lots were successfully taken out. The peak of the bidding followed the wave of waves. With the emergence of a variety of best-in-class equipment, all the equipment with excellent attributes exceeded the reserve price by several times or even a dozen times. The price was shot out, which made those who did not participate in the auction look very enjoyable. The host in charge of the main shot had a flushed throat.

Some of the equipment I ordered were introduced one by one, and then auctioned out one by one, and the amount of gold coins in the bag was increasing. I now have more than 100 million gold coins, although I added the original gold coins. But there are so many, and don't forget that I still have a lot of overseas-style equipment. If you add those money together, oh my god! My happiness now is almost like dreaming. For the first time in my life I own so many coins.

The auction house has reached its peak. More than 90% of the equipment has been sold, and less than 10% of the equipment is still being sold.

Undead Guardian, Grade: Diamond Crystal, Defense +4000, Qi and Blood +13000, Strength Specialization +30, Physical Damage Reduction 15%, Magic Damage Reduction 5% All Attribute Resistance + 15%, Dark Attribute Enhancement + 30%. Additional Skills (1): Undead Mirror, consumes 1000 mana. Within ten seconds, 90% probability will completely block the enemy's attack and cool down for ninety seconds. Additional Skills (2) Dead Light Barrier: Consumes 500 magic power, releases the death gas in the shield, and improves the team's defense power by 25% for 30 seconds. Cool for 40 seconds.

A shield, although it is a diamond crystal grade, but its basic attributes are only the best dark gold level. The additional skills absolutely make all the knights crazy. The additional skills are almost invincible defense skills, compared with several hours or even ten hours. For cooling invincible skills, I don't know how many times.

"The base price is 2 million gold coins, and the price increase must not be less than 100,000 gold coins." Said the beauty auctioneer.

"2.2 million, I want it!" A bear-waisted soldier sitting in a normal position roared and stood out.

"2.5 million !!!" Another person broke the price.

"3.5 million !!" This will be the voice coming from the VIP seat.

"3.6 million!" That one added one hundred thousand just now.

This piece of equipment was eventually bought for 5 million people who didn't know the injustice.

In a group of fierce you fight for me, the last batch of equipment eventually all have a master.

After experiencing such a big climax for more than an hour from the platinum to diamond crystal equipment auction, all the players participating in the auction and watching were inevitably excited and tired after the climax. All are very considerate. Take a half-hour break, and let the NPC waiter deliver a beautiful food snacks and drinks for each player. Of course, the VIP box is a full package. Of course, I do n’t catch a cold. I ca n’t pack anything in the game.

The three sat down together for a hearty dinner. Due to the lack of time, the waiter was asked to remove the plate and change to tea after filling up his stomach. After enjoying it, this auction will reach its final climax.

The four treasures of the town hall will unveil the mystery.

After the break, the beauty auctioneer returned to the auction table, and then the final four secret treasures were grandly pushed out!

As a group of people approached immediately, and a lady of manners held up a large tray with both hands, the auctioneer lifted off the red cloth obscured above, followed by a palm-sized hourglass.

A small hourglass will be auctioned as a finale. What the **** is this? When everyone was puzzled, the big hourglass immediately showed the picture and attribute introduction of this little hourglass. Suddenly the players in the air pumped wildly.

Hourglass of Destiny, Grade: Holy Art, Effect: Increases the defense, attack, and movement speed of all team members within 50 yards by 15%.

Additional Skills (1) Rollover: Consume 2,000 mana, and invert all the blessings of 100 meters directly around the unit to force it to cool down. Cooling: 30 minutes.

Additional Skills (2) Moment: Passive: Hourglass memorizes everything that has happened to the user. Active: Consumes 2,000 mana. It will restore the state of itself at a certain moment in the record. It will reach this state after activation and cool down for 15 minutes.

Additional Skills (3) Time Clockwork: Consumption: 300 mana, which can distort the time of any unit, increase the movement speed of friendly units or reduce the movement speed of enemy units within a short time. 20 seconds.

Additional Skills (4) Space-Time Blasting: Consume 1000 mana, and then set an invisible time bomb in the designated area. After 4 seconds, the explosion will cause area damage (can be detected by anti-hidden skills) to cool for 10 seconds.

Additional Skills (5) Time Rewind: Consumes 17,500 mana, casts the time enchantment, and if the target dies, the time rewinds to save the target. If the target is alive, it will take damage equal to the amount of HP lost, and cool down for 185 minutes.

Requires level: None, 3 million trial points are required to start.

"Whew! ..."

As soon as the treasure of the town hall was announced, I felt that everyone in the hall was breathing harder, and there was a fiery agitation in the air. Not only the players in the back row, but even the big names in the VIP seat, originally thought that it was a legacy or ancient-level equipment, but they did not expect to come up with a holy weapon! Holy! What a concept! The concept of a powerful and heinous skill proves it. It was impossible to hide that excitement, and there was no need to hide it.

"I believe everyone has clearly seen this unparalleled treasure. Now the auction is starting! The low price of 10 million and the price increase must not be less than 1 million each time!"


"30 million!"

"40 million!"

"60 million!"

"65 million!"

"70 million!"

"78.5 million!"

"90 million!" This will shout out 90 million people. Obviously, it is not intended to give other players any chance. It is an imperative for this holy weapon.

"Ninety million gold coins, has anyone increased the price again?" The beauty auctioneer said at the price without forgetting, "Is anyone increase the price again?"

"Did anyone increase the price again? 90 million gold coins for the first time." Began to shout, this price finally appeared intermittent, instead of a series of quotations from players just now, people can't get in the way.

"90 million gold coins for the second time."

Continued shouting, it seems that this transaction will be successful. But I did not expect to kill Cheng Cheng to bite gold halfway!

"I give out 100 million gold coins!" A roar came from a VIP seat, shouting the high price of 100 million gold coins, and stunned everyone watching it!

This person who directly raised the price by 100 million is very surprising. This astronomical figure has caused many large guilds and rich second-generations to stop cooking. This is the first and three behind, although the sacred artifact is very attractive. But more people would prefer to keep their financial resources to compete in the next three treasures. And this thing requires the start-up costs of three million trials. This figure is based on the fact that no one in the top 50 battlefield battlefields can afford such a cost.

"Well, the first finale item has been auctioned. Congratulations to the warrior on VIP 13 for taking such a treasure with 100 million gold coins. The auction of the second finale item is below." NPC beauties came out with one. The red cloth covering the plate was lifted open, and the contents inside were suddenly exposed to everyone's eyes.

Fire Warrior's Transfer Certificate (Special Prop), Effect: After using it, you need to get a career trial of a Fire Warrior, which requires level 30, and is a major in the magician department.

"I won't talk too much nonsense, I believe everyone knows its value. The auction reserve price is 30 million gold coins. Each increase should not be less than 500,000, please bid!"

"Forty million coins."

"45 million!"

"Fifty million!"

On my own side, Long Xin stared at herself, and I looked at her and said, "Don't tell me that you want it."

"Huh." A little hum and then nodded hard.

"I can't afford it!" I said straightforwardly. Although joking, the hidden profession is extremely attractive, everyone knows the energy contained in it, but even if the hidden profession does not have enough technology and strength, it is just sorry Tianwu, oh No, it's a violent conspiracy.

"100 million gold coins!" One person raised the price to 100 million.

There are many rich people at this time. Those who buy this scroll must be awake at night dreaming.

"One hundred and fifty million!"

"120 million!" There are others who show no weakness.

"220 million!" The guy who shouted 100 million just raised the price again by 100 million gold coins. The price was overwhelming, and there was no doubt that the transfer was his.

The auctioneer shouted three times for no one to increase the price. The golden hammer dropped the dear to obtain a transfer certificate for this profession. The drop of the hammer means that four finale lots have been sold out. This auction will definitely be included in the Second World History. Although almost over, none of the buyers present felt that they had enjoyed themselves.

After the second finale, the three strong men pushed up a cart, and then the strong men left. The trolley is covered with red cloth, and the contents are not visible, but in appearance, it looks like a large square box. The auctioneer said to the bidder with a smile on his face: "Below, we will be auctioning a rare treasure. Please pay attention to it. Especially men."

After talking about the underground group facing each other, Infinite Fantasy what would be in it?

The auctioneer said a bit mysteriously: "Can you guess what this is? Let me tell you the low price first. The starting price of this lot is 20 million. The increase is not less than 2 million each time. Shelling Long Zengjin said that at this time, a superb player who can brush monsters, PK, warm the bed and increase the appearance rate. "

"Below, please take a closer look. Don't be taken aback!" As he said, he pulled the red cloth and yanked it off.

After the red light flashed, it was not a box, but a huge iron cage. Inside the iron cage is

Actually a woman posing in a kneeling position! She was extremely hot and dressed in a set of high-slit red gold-rimmed cheongsam. A headgear was put on her head. She tied the rope around her neck so she could not see her appearance.

Following the cage, she was turned around 360 degrees to see that her hands were wrapped with adhesive tape under her wrists, and then her forearms were crossed to the maximum and **** with a rope, so she had to stand high Raise your chest, the rope will twist tightly around the root of the ** several times.

"Fuck! Human trafficking!" Someone yelled.

The auctioneer quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, this is not human trafficking. This person is a mercenary. As for why you want to sell this way, you all have to send ideas."

"I'm showing this mercenary attribute now, ready to bid."

Name: Archer

Class: Knight of the Bow Type :? ?

Level: 155 Attack: 5000-12000 Defense: 4700 Life: 13200 Treasure: No Clairvoyance (Passive): Also known as "Eye of the Eagle" visual ability. Required skills for Archer rank. Increases vision by 200% and range by 300%. Attacks will not be avoided.

Mind (Passive): Insights cultivated from practice and forging. In the disadvantages, he can calmly grasp his own situation and the ability of the enemy, and find a "fighting theory" of a living path. Archer has a 35% chance to avoid him when attacked.

Projection: Able to make almost perfect weapon reproduction including constituent materials. And when copying, even the master's skill can be read, Archer projects a time-limited treasure to fight. Project different treasures to gain different abilities.

Seven Arrows of the Big Dipper: Meteor arrows flying from the "Seven Stars of Ursa Major" in the sky, capable of seven consecutive attacks. With only the first blow to any designated target, subsequent attacks will focus on one target. Although it is basically impossible to change the target, if the target dies during the attack, the remaining number of attacks will be randomly assigned to other targets present. Cool for 30 minutes.

Inherent Enchantment-Infinite Sword System: Turn on Inherent Enchantment and drag surrounding units into it to fight.

"Well, let's start bidding," said the auctioneer.

Then someone asked: "Can you take off the hood? Let's look at the face."

The auctioneer said: "No, only the person who photographed her is qualified to look, so please bid quickly if you want to see it."

This was the people around him hesitating. When I saw this, I immediately went up with a number, and said secretly in my heart: Diving is for Lao Tzu!

"Buyer No. 1945 bids 22 million! Is there any higher!"

"25 million!"

"35 million!"

Sure enough, the price is rising like a rocket, but. With the price rising, those players who are weak or feel worthless will soon lose, and fewer and fewer buyers will compete for the bid.

"The buyer of VIP No. 19 bids 85 million, 85 million. Is there a higher one?" The auctioneer's throat was dumb.

Unable to wipe the sweat from his forehead and ready to shout again. In such a highly infectious atmosphere.

"100 million!"

When the auctioneer was about to drop the hammer, a price was hit. First he took a moment to raise it to 100 million! The whole scene was uproar, because the guy who made a hundred million was the one who spent 100 million to buy the sacred artifact. This person has appeared twice from the beginning to the present, and they are all shining! After carefully reading it again, after confirming that it was correct, he shouted, "Now! The warrior on VIP 13 has a bid of 100 million! Is there a higher one?"

It is another billion. What is this guy? Many people are wondering. The price is too high. Many buyers who were still active just now are all silent. No matter what the auctioneer encourages, no one will bid again. .

"100 million for the first time!"

"100 million second time!"

As the auctioneer lifted the auction hammer to prepare for the auction, another competitor joined at the last minute: "The buyer of VIP 88 paid 120 million!"

Buyer No. 13 immediately countered-110 million! At this moment, many people feel that their heart is under tremendous pressure, and this guy is too rich!

Rarely, this time the bid was quiet and everyone was waiting for the miracle to happen again. Only the hoarse voice of the auctioneer echoed in the theater.

"110 million, is there any higher? ..."

There is no higher ground.

Snapped! The auction hammer dropped heavily, this mercenary belongs to the buyer No. 13!

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