Master Summoner Online

Chapter 962: Holy Dragon-Longhui Jia

The huge iron cage was pushed down, and the mysterious thirteenth buyer recovered the holy weapon and then recovered a powerful mercenary. And the gold glitter is worse than the attributes, but the skills are unnecessary, the gold glitter is poor.

The three final auction items are sold out before, and even the so-called artifact mystery will be revealed soon! After a short rest, I saw two NPC beauties lifting a one-meter-long playing tray at the same time, both playing, and the sound of exciting music released the mysterious veil of the last final item, and opened the red curtain .

Three items are said to be in the tray. These three items are a pair of dragon-head shaped shoulders, a twenty-centimeter-long golden key, and a palm-sized piece.

The auctioneer smiled slightly and said, "These three items are our last auction items. This shawl is our final artifact. Although it is not a real artifact, there is no doubt that everyone present is one. The artifact is now displayed on the screen behind me for you, everyone, let ’s see for yourself, especially the summoner ’s friends. ”After speaking, I stepped back a few steps, let out the huge screen at the back, and On this screen, the data is displayed gradually.

A bunch of crazy data, I'm definitely the craziest one and none.

Holy Dragon-Longhui A Grade: Cambrian

Defense +2400 vitality + 20000 magic + 20000 beast health regeneration speed + 200% reduce the damage of the summon by 30% (PK field is 10%)

Increases the attack power of Summoners by 50%.

Increases the total health of Summoners by 20%.

Increase user's attack and defense by 25%.

Special Attribute: Reduce the cost of burst value by 30%.

Additional Skills (1): Break the Dragon Slash, consume 4000 magic points, inject a powerful Dragon Soul into the weapon, and transform it into a Dragon Blade weapon to attack nearby enemies. After charging, the Dragon Qi range and attack power increase and cool down. 50 seconds, additional skills (2): Contract Summon: Headless Knight-Sandel, consumes 500 magic, summon Headless Knight-Sandel to assist the Summoner in battle. Sandel exists for 250 seconds and cools down for 500 seconds.

Additional Skills (3): Contract Call: Hammer King Borodin, consumes 10,000 magic, summon Hammer King Borodin to assist in combat, exists for 100 seconds, and cools down for five minutes.

Special Effects: Limit Break Triggers can ignore level restrictions.

Requires level: 200, special for the summoner class, one of the Holy Dragon Yao suits.

Introduction: The demon emperor sacred demon buried this treasure in a mountain of 100,000 people waiting for someone to come to dig.

Seeing the name of the item displayed on the screen, many people can't help but whisper softly. The power of this thing is not critical, but almost everyone present knows that only one person can use this equipment, at least only one now. people.

There are the next two items: Dragon Heart Stone (Special Material), Grade: Divine, Effect: The core material of a piece of equipment. If it is used to build the equipment, the equipment attributes will be greatly improved, and the level is required. : God-level forging.

Master key (special item) effect: A key that can unlock any lock.

"As an auctioneer today, I am honored to recommend to you these three treasures packed and sold together. You know that this is a valuable piece brought by the patriot from Russia to the Russian market!" The screen closed, bright The spotlight shone on the beauty auctioneer before returning to the auction table. Her entire body suddenly seemed to glow with dazzling attention, and became the focus of attention: "Three items start at 30 million yuan, and the increase is not less than 500,000, start to buy now! "Tong Lei Chunlei, the powerful voice instantly spread throughout the venue, to the ears of all participating players.

I immediately called an NPC waiter and asked her to immediately take all the gold coins I had taken from the open sea. In addition, my maple leaf station put all the funds out. Now I have more than 300 million gold coins in my pocket Although I don't know if this is enough, this thing must be won anyway.

I returned to the private room, Long Xin asked, "Brother, where have you been?"

I said, "Withdraw money."

"Long Ling is rare. You want to buy this?" Xueyue asked.

I said categorically: "Of course."

At this time, the auctioneer in front of the auction table has shouted several times in a row.

"Is there a bid for 30 million coins?"

"Is there a bid for 30 million coins?"

There was a silence in the audience, and it seemed as if there was a cold situation. Is it possible that this set of things will be shot?

Of course it won't be like this. Bring the bidder for that auction and enter the paid coins! This is everything.

"The buyer of Box 520 bids 33 million, is there a higher one?" The beauty auctioneer who had lost some spirits suddenly became glamorous again because no one responded, and frequently gestured to buyers Asked loudly.

At this moment, the meeting room suddenly emerged, as if it were a lighted fuse, detonated in an instant. In a moment, the meeting room became lively!

"35 million gold coins!"

"50 million gold coins!"

"I give out 62 million coins!"


Bidding has also climbed steadily, gradually approaching the 100 million mark. After I took one, I stopped buying Anruo Taishan and stayed still. Wait for those competitors who have less competition ability to shout the price first and eliminate some. We are not afraid to eliminate most sinners as soon as they come up. Because I can only use this piece of equipment, others buy it and press the bottom of the box. I can't afford to spend time to get more careers while waiting.

I wiped all the relatives and friends in the guild. For a piece of equipment that only we can use, they will undoubtedly support me. At the same time I raised funds, the price climbed to 150 million. At this time, I was still bidding. There are only a few people, but the price increase is only a one million one million increase.

"300 million gold coins!"

"The warrior on the VIP seat of the 13th bid 300 million! Is there any higher!" The auctioneer shouted excitedly, saying that the goods are still rich, and 200 million have been spent before, but there is still money to come to this thing. The price was doubled, which made some buyers who were still watching the fire from the other side, and they were not polite.

"Thirty-three million!"

"350 million!"

"330 million!"

"350 million!"

"380 million!"

The price has suddenly risen. At least a dozen buyers frequently shot and started the fierce competition. The price records were refreshed frequently. The exclamation and applause of the onlookers continued to spur the atmosphere at the scene to peak!

"The buyer of VIP seat No. 82 bids 380 million gold coins, is there a higher one? 380 million!" The auctioneer said very excitedly, because of the excitement, the tone was a bit distorted, but now anyone still pays attention in a.

"Three hundred and eighty-two million!" Suddenly, a corner sounded like a gritting tooth. Seeing a cold-looking young man, his face was flushed with redness, with a desperate look. Stand up and shout out the price just now.

Looking at his expression, you can see that the price just now is already the limit he can report.

"385 million!" Suddenly, a faint voice sounded on the other side.

But I saw that the price was quoted by a VIP sitting in the west. This person was a little pale. I think this guy is the president of the Holy Cross. After returning from the ruins, the Holy Cross will be more divided. No So arrogant and soaring everywhere.

"Four hundred and fifty thousand gold coins." Seeing a person stand up, this person was very plain sitting on an ordinary seat and shouted. His appearance is really hard to see who can afford so many coins.

"401 million gold coins, I think this is even more competitive!"

This is a person holding a fan and shouting, I saw that this person immediately knew who he was, that is, the guy who was noisy at my maple leaf stand in the afternoon, what was his name flying? Don't remember, it doesn't matter.

"410 million, this gentleman bids 410 million gold coins, is there a higher price?" The first beauty auctioneer was extremely excited and sang loudly.

As soon as her words came to an end, a domineering voice sounded throughout the conference hall, and a voice rang out: "I make 500 million!"

The noise just turned into a deadly silence! At a high price of 500 million yuan, the man just had an incredible expression. He was fancy that a tall figure was standing in the last row of ordinary seats. This man is naturally a brother.

"Fuck who the **** are you? Did you deliberately make trouble!" The guy was immediately angry and suddenly stood up suddenly, angrily yelling at himself.

That 410 million is already very shocking. For this one, only one person can use it, and it can be pressed at the bottom of the box after buying it. Even if it is death, it will cost so many gold coins to not have this thing, and I even reported it casually. With a huge sum of 500 million yuan, this makes people not scared and not angry.

This person scolded me, but I didn't fool him at that time. At this time, the auctioneer was already embarrassed: "The person who disturbs the discipline of the venue during the auction is not light!" With her voice, a door to the left of the venue Open, see two NPC strong men come out, there is a line of words on both heads.

Auction Defender, Level 180, Elite BOSS.

At first glance, these two are actually two hundred and eighty-level bosses, and the players in the city cannot use force. It is impossible to defeat such enemies.

The trouble in front of the NPC is simply playing a lantern in the toilet-looking for **** (dead)! Although the auctioneer is a player, the person as the organizer has the power to mobilize the scene NP, so it is unwise to fight against it. Sighed and sat down.

"Four hundred million! This warrior has four hundred million. Is there a higher one? Is there any?"

From the beginning, he shouted that the auctioneer's vocal cord is now facing the most severe test. Our sudden shot made the audience silent, and only the shout was heard in the large conference hall: "For the first time in 400 million, is there any higher ? ... "

There is no higher, it is estimated that all other bidders were shocked by this jumping sky-high price, and even the agitation was useless, and most of them knew who the buyer was. After shouting three rounds of price increases, the golden mallet finally landed on the auction table!


"Congratulations to this warrior, for these three treasures for 400 million yuan, congratulations!"

The applause set off a storm that is almost about to lift the ceiling of the National Theatre!

In such a frenetic atmosphere, the Second World's Second Auction Conference once again achieved the perfect ending!

At the moment, I am extremely happy and depressed, because I owe a lot of debt for things, and I will start working hard to make money to repay tomorrow.

It's 11 o'clock in the evening. After the auction, everyone went to each house to find their own mom. I went back to the warehouse of the resident and took out Long Huijia carefully and put it in the warehouse.

Now I have five pieces of the Holy Dragon's Glory set, although two of them are not completely mine, and the other one has not been made, but I can't wait to gather all the Holy Dragon's Glory sets, use this Your chances of winning in the World Series will also increase a lot.

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