Master Summoner Online

Chapter 997: Windy City Wins the Owner

After the war ended, this earth alliance's defensive battle was defeated, and it took tens of millions to strengthen the city walls. In the end, it was a shortfall. Hundreds of millions of dollars were thrown away in such a way. What a pity!

For a time, all the people in the Earth Alliance were desperate. Most of them gave up their resistance and pulled back to the city roll to rush back to the city. Of course, those die-hards would just kill them cleanly ...

"Began to clean the battlefield and the battle was over. Zekkadna did not run after them, and eliminated all those who continued to resist." It was still a scene of chaos behind him, and there were still tens of thousands of people on the other side. Tenacious resistance, guild wars and these die-hards continue to kill, I fly to order Zekkad, let him take the Protoss troops to solve the remaining enemy in the shortest time and destroy the crystal tower.

The territorial battle is over, and now it is the end work. These remaining players are not high-level players. In front of the Protoss army, it was a massacre, a one-sided war. I was too lazy to participate in the war, so I returned the dragon gun Behind, go to the city's city hall to get the territory token from the lord.

What we have to do now is to sell this land and then spend money on the brothers, but where to buy it is a problem.

"You see someone coming!" Suddenly a dragon tooth player shouted. I turned around and saw the shadows in the cold forest. Rarely they wanted to fight back. Soon, I was relieved that some people were not fighting back. The other group is a group of cavalry on white horses. The emblem on each shoulder is a black palm.

Black people, what are they doing here?

There are not many people from the black hand, but only two or three hundred. The headshot of the president is naturally at the forefront. I took a step forward and asked, "What's so expensive about the black hand here?"

The headshot fell off immediately after the Bone War and came over and said, "I'm here to negotiate a business with your beast god?"

"Talk about business? You want to buy this land." This guy wants to buy the land, but does he have money?

"Actually, it's not impossible to give this land to the water-like years ..."

Chopping headshot with a smile: "Yes! We have just had a black hand. Soon we are not strong enough. We can't do anything to fight for the territory, but we can spend a little money."

I said, "The Earth Alliance is also wasted for the cost of this territory. The Dragon's Tooth has a territory and naturally will not want to sell it to you."

"That's good! You can make a price!" The guy who cut the headshot was easy.

Now that the other party has opened the door, I pull my fingers and calculate: "I do n’t know how much the Earth Alliance wants, but I have spent a lot of effort here, both human and material resources are consumed, and my brothers are still waiting for money. Well, as long as you give up 500 million of this territory, it will be given to you. "

He cut his headshot and straightened his eyes: "500 million! Brother is 500 million RMB or gold coins."

I put my hands behind my head and said, "Crap of course is RMB!"

The headshot was mad: "One territory costs 500 million. Do you think this is your high-tech city? I ... don't ... hehe, can it be cheaper? I didn't buy the entire black hand for 500 million."

"How much do you think is appropriate?" I asked.

"50 million I will cash." Cut headshot.

"Not 50 million! Did you bargain like this? RMB did not take gold coins, as long as you can get one billion gold coins, this territory is yours."

"I rely! Your lion's exit, no, no! Lower!"

"That's it, big deal. When the auction of this token group is completed, the group of guys will be willing to spend the money to redeem the site."

"In this case, let's make a concession on our own. I don't have 500 million RMB, but the gold coins are okay. If there are tens of millions of 500 million gold coins, tens of millions will be more than enough to subsidize consumption." Cho headshot said.

"Since you all have 500 million and 500 million, how can a rich man like you care about this small amount of money?"

"Little money! You little devil, you think it's easy to make money, 500 million gold coins. This is my family's property."

"Stop selling ..."

I tossed the territorial token in my hand, and put on a look of indifference. It really doesn't matter. The people in this territory are gone. Why should I care about you again and not hang on a tree? Find some trees to try.


It seems that my asking price is indeed too high. The teeth of this big skull are crunching. I want to be afraid of spending money on this territory. It looks like there should be no cold sweat on the face of a skull like him. Very funny, so I plan to give him the token first, and he will give as much as he wants.

I laughed and said, "Okay, big skull, look at you, 500 million gold coins are given to you, but I don't want to pay me directly, and convert it into RMB and save it in this account according to the current ratio." Aunt's bank card account number was issued to him.

After cutting the headshot, he received the news, and he couldn't laugh or cry: "You little ghost!" It turned out that this guy wanted to look at his joke.

Speaking, cutting headshots immediately caused people to use online banking to transfer the amount to the aunt ’s account. She also called to ask me why I suddenly had so much money, and thought I was going to rob the bank. I explained with her Let her help to distribute it to all the participants' cards, of course, first transfer half of the money to Beacon, and let them use this money to recruit soldiers to buy horses again. I will also give the territory token to the headshot. It's up to him, but how he develops depends on himself.


"Teleport Dragon City!"

He took out the teleportation crystal, and came to the city with an arrow-hole and sword-marked warrior. He went to repair the equipment first. Although this session has not been rushing to the front, the equipment must be cultivated more or less. No Every piece of equipment will repair itself like a dragon gun.

I handed the equipment to Rebecca, and I took the black **** Tianzhao back to the hotel to prepare to go offline.

I asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

"Thank you so much!" Fen Huo Yuanyuan's face rejoiced, for him the money was nothing more than sending charcoal in the snow.

"Oh, thank you, it ’s not appropriate for us to say thank you. I have already remitted the money to you. You can take care of it yourself and compensate your brothers." I said.

Beacon Hagihara rejoiced and laughed: "I will, then, thank you the beast god! You must be afflicted and follow you! What will you do if you give us half?"

I smiled: "It's okay, you better get yourself there first!"

烽火 燎原 道: "Yeah, then hang up first, I'll inform the brothers of 烽火! They must be happy."

"it is good!"

I just hung up the phone call and walked into the room. Yinyue sent a message: "Big Benlong, howling so hungry, hurry off the line and go to dinner!"

"Oh, come now!" A reply passed.

Lie down in the room, call out the control panel and click sign out.

Taking off the game helmet, taking a deep breath, it was another big battle. This body was really unbearable. I stretched my arms, went to wash my face, and poured a bottle of mineral water.


When I went out, the Student Union MM was dressed up to show off. After meeting me, I went out immediately.

On the second floor of the cafeteria, we ordered a table of dishes. The MM of the Student Union is here. Of course Mo Yan is also our best partner although she is not a member of the Student Union. Of course, Ye Shuang's group is also in my death party. How can I treat them? Forgot, Xiao Ai laughed and said, "Dragon Spirit, how many tokens did you buy?"

"Not much. There are also seven or eight million in exchange for 500 million gold coins for RMB. However, the difference between the flames was more than half. They really need money during this time, and we share the remaining."

Xueyue Mei swept away and chuckled: "So, there are still 30 to 40 million left. That's good. I haven't been too busy today ..." For her, of course, 30 to 40 million don't care. For her, not even one of the nine cows was there.

And Xiao Ai jealous of Venus, and she has about tens of thousands or tens of thousands of points. Although she has a share in the war, it is also a reward for merit. Those guys who play soy sauce can only pay for cigarettes and alcohol.

The little girl, Long Xin, was holding my arm. I didn't know whether it was intentional or not. I rubbed my arm gently with the full and flexible pride.

I said, "What do you want to do?"

Long Xin said: "My brother's pocket money this month, but can I give you a little more when I share it!"

I laughed: "Everyone has a share. I'm useless to ask my aunt for how many points, rest assured that today's appearance fee is definitely a lot!"

"Hee hee, then I'll call my aunt now!" He pulled out his cell phone, and he really called.

I glanced at Mo Yan and said, "Give me your bank card account number, and you will definitely get a lot of money."

Mo Yan looked grateful and nodded and smiled: "Okay!" After copying the number to me, I sent the number to my aunt by text message.

The dishes were all available when we were chatting, everyone also started, and started Xueyue, and did not forget to ask for two boxes of wine, came over holding the bottle, and smiled, "Who wants to blow a bottle with me!"

I said, "It's not necessary to blow a bottle, it's not good to drink bad body."

Xueyue laughed, "It doesn't matter." He said he took a bottle of wine, knocked the bottle cap open, and poured it directly.

I saw that I had to shake my head and pick up a bottle of wine to fill everyone up. To be honest, Xueyue is really a born goddess of wine. It's okay to get a box alone, but Mo Yan drank two glasses of wine and her face fluttered red. , Dare not drink anymore.

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