Master Summoner Online

Chapter 998: Qualifier opening

Time flies, the end of the month is over, and tomorrow is the time to start.

This time it ’s not like heads-up, but a five-player team competition. During this time, masters from all walks of life are trying their best to level up. This game will definitely have a lot of masters hidden in the crowd. The official wants to re-rank the G list in this game. I don't catch a cold, and the G list has nothing at all.

During this time, I did n’t try hard to level up, because it ’s too difficult to go up to my level, so in addition to killing monsters in this unique leveling area outside of Dragon City, I spend more time in the Ark. I spent it with my belly. I didn't realize any advanced skills during this time of awakening the viscera, but I also exercised various reaction abilities.

At the same time, I distributed the chalcedony of the day to my friends, five per person. I used two more to upgrade the skills of the water dragon and the wolf emperor, as my most basic contract beast, and after a large and small battle test, this The combat effect of these two skills is very good.

Contract Summon: The skill upgrade of Wolf Emperor has become Contract Summoning: Ice Moon Demon Wolf. This Ice Moon Devil Wolf is much more powerful than the previous Wolf King in terms of appearance and combat strength, and Ice Moon Devil has a very high AI and combat. Skills, unlike before, they will only know how to fight with the other side. They will not hide unless they encounter a fatal threat. After the upgrade, the Ice Moon Demon Wolf will become more powerful.

As for the summoning of the dragon, it has also been upgraded to a powerful skill-the dragon strangling. In addition to the characteristics of the previous dragon, it also uses the ability to heal itself and transform the enemy's flesh into its own power.

It can be said that this trick is a bit counter-intuitive. In a large-scale melee, the water dragon power will continue to stack up with the increase in the number of enemies. As long as the maintenance time is not over or it is not killed, this stacking will be infinite.

Of course, it ’s not just me who gets the ability to gain new power during this time. Hualian has broken through the power barrier in the past few days. Another skill called “Zero · Cut” has a powerful effect and increases attack power by 50%. And ignoring the target of 35%, although it is only 5% for BOSS and only 20% in the PK field, it is also very terrible.

Fire Phoenix realized that the effect of a "natural induction" skill is to quickly restore the magic value and increase the maximum magic value online. This skill is excellent for magicians and warriors. One born to eat by blue and one born to lack blue can also be good for archers.

There are also several people who do not know how to obtain the power barrier skills. In addition to this, it is worth mentioning that in China, two more extreme breakthroughs will be filled on this day, one is the cold rain flying poem of Rose Night. Breakthrough magic technique 'God Cry' Although I don't know the effect, which of the ultimate breakthrough technique is not the existence of anti-sky.

The other is the beauty president of War Spirit, who is singing lonely, and won't know the effect when she gains the skill name "Magic", because only I know that the system will not announce it.


Early in the morning, the sun was shining.

During the National Day holiday, we did not go home because we had to participate, but there were still many students from the college going home to participate. It was already the evening of New Year's Day in Suzhou. After getting up, everyone went to the cafeteria for breakfast and then hurriedly returned to the dormitory Ready to go online, the game starts at 9:00 and ends at 22:00.


It's eight o'clock now to go to the station to take care of things, teleport to the steel capital, and come to the Protoss hub, Tasada and Zekkad immediately look by the two goods.

"Commander ..." the two aliens said respectfully.

I took a look at the resident properties and asked, "When can our place be upgraded by 10 levels?"

Tasada thought for a moment and said, "Commander, we can't rise to level 10."

"Ah! Why can't I upgrade?" I was taken aback. Such a high-tech alien city is the first resident. All kinds of conditions are unique, and it can't be upgraded to full level. This is a joke.

"Because of the serious lack of information, the upgrade components could not work properly," Tassada said.

I asked, "Is there any solution?"

Zekade said: "We cannot make up for such a huge vacancy, unless we can find other Protoss warships lost in this world, and obtain information from those warships to supplement, but the time has passed a long time, I am afraid those ships have already ... ... "

"I know, you guys are busy! If you find the news of the warship, let me know." I interrupted Zekkad, and I knew what he was going to say next. I wanted to raise it to level 10 with my reserves. It should be more than enough. Doing the first 10-level resident of the full server does not know if the system will give any rewards at that time. After listening to the words of these two aliens, it seems that there is still a long way to be what.


About 10 minutes before the game, I went back to the main city to meet with four MMs. This MM is my teammate. In addition to Xueyue and Yun Lan, there are Hualian and Mo Yan. This is what I did last time. For the team of the practical exam, all I have to do is take this team to the world championship!

My equipment has been restored for a long time. In the package, there are plenty of potions. Although this system allows props to be used in major events, it is also limited to red and blue and endurance potions, as well as food fresh water and concealers, potions and potions. Directly used effect cards, scrolls and other things are prohibited ...

In the waiting space of the system, a huge and boundless room is packed with various professional masters and strong players. Through the system screen, you can see the scene of the competition arena. Numerous large and small cage-like battlefields appear in Nuo In a large space, countless applause sounded from inside and outside, and this momentum alone makes people enthusiastic.

There is a main martial arts station and a deputy martial arts station on the road of the king. On the main martial arts station, you can watch TV. At that time, there are professionals to explain the situation. There must be my favorite young helper in this group of professional commentators. He is a world-renowned legend.

The five of us rested in a corner and waited for the system call. This was when two men and three women appeared in front of me.

Beacon Hagiwara smiled and said to me, "Hello beast god!"

I nodded: "Have you guys! Come on, try to get out of the country."

Beacon laughed with laughter: "You beastly overestimated us, beast god. We are still out of the country in terms of our strength. It is already very good to be in the top 100."

"Come on, the top 100 is satisfied, it's too much to pursue." A mature lady of Beacon Iron Sword, although not as good as Xueyue Yunlan, even Mo Yan is a little worse, but it is also the upper class, and she is also a beacon One of the core players has a high reputation among the Beacon family.

"As long as we do our best, it doesn't matter what the ranking is," said Hagiwara Sugawara.

I said: "Yes, do your best, no matter whether there is ranking or not, of course, ranking is the best, and no matter what kind of opponent you encounter, don't be afraid to lose because of cowardice, even if you hide your career Give me peace before you! "

Beacon Hagiwara laughed: "A must!"

"OK, get ready."


There is a team with more than 100 million digits in China. A team must have at least a hundred rounds of competition. This is really physical work. Of course, there are rest periods, from 12 to 14 noon and from 6 to 8 pm.


A few minutes later, the system called the beacon number. Beacon and his team ran towards the entrance aggressively. I said, "Come on!"


Back on the court, Beacon ’s opponent is a full-fighting violent team, all of whom are Berserker professions. Beacon is a swordsman, Beabara and Beacon Iron Sword, Beacon is a Berserker, and Beacon Miyuki is a wizard, Beacon. He is a wind elementalist. There are warriors in front and magic output in the rear. Everyone cooperates with each other, so there is no need to fear the opponent.

At the start of the game, five opponents opened three auras at the same time to push the attribute to the top. Riding on the mount, they rushed towards the beacon side, and the beacon side did not neglect. The three people, Ebara, Iron Sword, and Liancheng rushed up to control the armored raptors. , Raptor is a well-known attack force, plus these three are wearing photon killing suits, the other party can not bear the huge lethality of the three, just one face to face, three people fell to the ground. The remaining two had not had much time to respond, and Mi Xue and Xuan Er, wearing photon magic suits, hit the opponent with only blood skin left, and Sugawara and Liancheng attacked one by one and ended the battle.

The two sides fought for five games, and the flames were properly scored five to zero.


Thirty minutes after the end of the beacon battle, it was finally our turn. Xueyue was holding the photon giant sword on her right and the shield on her left. Yun Lan's pair of mechanical fists rubbed against each other to emit sparks. Hua Lian was very calm, Mo Yan Standing at the end of the team, the black **** Tianzhao is responsible for protecting her. I naturally walked in front of everyone. The opponents were three fighters, a mage and an archer. The mage was shocked when he saw seven people on our side. Says: "Not to say why there are seven people across a five-person team!"

The soldier said: "You must be stupid. The other side must have mercenaries. The two standing behind should be all right! Otherwise, there might be seven people on the field."

"Wow! I want to be a mercenary, too." The mage looked at the black **** in the back row, her eyes shining.

At the end of the countdown, the three soldiers on the other side suddenly launched an attack. The ice moon demon wolf summoned. Two wolves with ice-colored hair, two meters high and nearly four meters high, showed up, swooped towards the opposite side, and ran into a mess. Connected together, in the end, 5: 0, win easily!


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