Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1006: Bai Chuwei is a genius doctor, genuine!

Duan Xueqin was shocked, thinking he had heard it wrong.

It was her fourth brother who chased Bai Chuwei? Instead of Bai Chuwei rushing to seduce him?

Although in today's society, it is mostly men chasing girls, but in families like their Duan family, whether it is the third or fourth child, there are so many women who go after them.

Duan Xingye had a fuss with Yunyun Beast and Erha. It was so hot that he came to the kitchen in the main hall to find ice cream to eat. He was even more happy to hear this: "Auntie, I think you'd better leave your uncle's business alone. , I’d better take advantage of the recent shortage of people in the hospital and go to the neurology department to register. She is the Yunwushan genius doctor who cured her grandfather’s cancer.

As soon as Duan Xueqin heard that Bai Chuwei's little girl was the genius doctor who cured her father, she started playing drums in her heart.

I don't know if what Duan Xingye said is true or not.

She heard that the man who cured the old man was Liu Zhen, the master of Chinese medicine!

The more Duan Xueqin thought about it, the more annoyed, so he rushed to Duan Hoshino and said: "By the way, Miss Bai sent us two variety show tickets to us. I don't want to go. If you like Hoshino, go."

Duan Xingye became more happier when he heard it, and immediately sent a good person card out: "Okay, I'm worried that I can't buy a ticket when I find the scalper, thank you aunt! You are such a good person."

Duan Xingye followed Duan Xueqin to the guest room and took the two tickets, and came out quite satisfied.

I almost ran into my grandfather when I just went out.

Old man Duan was leaning on crutches, his old face condensed: "What neurology did you just talk about?"

Duan Xingye looked at the tickets with satisfaction, and said casually: "Just a few days ago, Weiwei asked her aunt to go to the neurology department for examination."

Old man Duan couldn't wait to give the grandson a few sticks, and cursed: "You heartless thing, don't you tell me earlier? Still silly!"

Father Duan has four children in his life, and only has a daughter like the second child, so he is naturally doted.

Although Bai Chuwei asked Liu Zhen to almost stab him to death in the hospital bed, his terminal cancer was really cured by Bai Chuwei.

She shouldn't make jokes about this kind of thing...

The more he thought about it, the more ugly his face became.

Duan Xingye flexibly avoided the crutches and grieved: "Grandpa, aunt has always been stubborn, she doesn't listen to my uncle, can you listen to me?"

Old man Duan asked back: "Then she won't listen to me?"

Duan Xueqin was sitting in the guest room, thinking that Bai Chuwei was the genius doctor who cured her father's cancer, and couldn't make up his mind for a while.

"Mom, I think you'd better go to the hospital." Daughter Xie Jiaxin said politely.

"Then Lao Liu is a master of Chinese medicine. He used to delay cancer patients' lifespan at most. There is no such kind of direct cure as grandpa. Maybe Sister Bai Chuwei really got involved in it."

Duan Xueqin was said to be irritable, and subconsciously said: "The domestic hospital is not as good as the foreign one. The doctor is very poor. I will check it when we return to O State."

Just finished speaking, the door of the room was knocked, and the housekeeper walked in with a smile: "Second Miss, the old man is going to the hospital for a follow-up visit in a few days, and I want you to accompany him."

Although Mr. Duan has recovered from cancer, he must go to the hospital for a review every three months. This is something everyone knows.

Duan Xueqin laughed immediately upon hearing this: "Okay, I will accompany my father."

A few days later, Duan Xueqin accompanied Mr. Duan to go out to the hospital for a review, and happened to hit Duan Xingye at the door.

Duan Xingye explained with a smile: ""Ultra Brain Learning Ba" was recorded and broadcast today. I am going to go to the scene. Thank you aunt for the ticket.

Duan Xueqin shook his head, wondering why this nephew was so passionate about a variety show.

She helped Old Man Duan in the car and drove to Haicheng Hospital.

After getting out of the car, a group of people walked towards the hospital.

Old man Duan suddenly rushed to the butler and said, "Give the second child a neurology expert number."

Duan Xueqin:? ? ? ?

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