Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1007: Bai Chuwei said it! What are you still doing here?

Duan Xueqin was stunned and said repeatedly: "Dad, did you deliberately trick me into the hospital?"

She did have the idea to go to the hospital for a physical examination, but when she was deceived by the duck to come to the hospital, Duan Xueqin felt a little unhappy at once, and she did not dare to be angry with her father.

Old man Duan: "Get sick early."

The butler knew, and went to register immediately.

Duan Xueqin peeked at the unsuspecting look of Old Man Duan, swaying his arms up and down and said: "Dad, I think I am in good health, and I also pay great attention to health maintenance."

The richer the wife is, the more he cherishes her life.

Duan Xueqin is bound to exercise when he is free and often goes to beauty salons.

She can drink four to five bottles a day just for the energy water for health preservation.

Old man Duan didn't want to talk to her, but saw the housekeeper with the expert number coming over, walking towards the neurology floor with a cane.

Duan Xueqin had no choice but to catch up with his father's footsteps.

The expert professor of neurology first asked about Duan Xueqin's condition. Duan Xueqin said: "I am in good health and have no symptoms."

Neurologist: "...Then you go for a comprehensive physical examination and show me the examination report."

Now that they are here, Duan Xueqin can't help her father, so she honestly went for a physical examination.

Ordinary people can’t understand the value on the medical examination sheet. Duan Xueqin and Mr. Duan went into the neurology expert's office together and handed in the medical examination sheet.

The expert glanced quickly, his expression gradually heavier, raised his eyes and asked Duan Xueqin: "Do you really have no other symptoms?"

Why would you go to the neurology department for registration if you have no symptoms?

At most a full-body examination, right?

Duan Xueqin also became nervous as soon as the question came out.

No way?

Her father said that Bai Chuwei was a genius doctor, but Bai Chuwei didn't even have a pulse. The neurology specialists of Haicheng Hospital needed a detailed examination of the patient to judge the condition. Just by looking at her with the naked eye, Bai Chuwei knew what was wrong with her?

Where is this genius doctor? This is simply a **** descending from the earth.

Duan Xueqin's head shook like a rattle, and his hands were pulling the table restlessly, "Doctor, what's wrong with me?"

The neurologist put down the physical examination sheet, put his hands together, and said in a deep voice: "According to the physical examination sheet, you are suffering from progressive cold syndrome."

There was no sound in the department, and Duan Xueqin's brain went blank for a moment, staring blankly at the opposing expert, unable to react for a long time.

Gradually... frostbite?

Perhaps many people don't know what kind of disease it is, but when it comes to cancer, everyone knows it.

Chilling disease, like cancer, is listed as one of the top five terminal diseases in the world.

Terminal illness cannot be saved.

If you get it, you have to wait to die.

Duan Xueqin's breathing was messed up, tears rolled out of her eyes, she suddenly grasped the expert's hand and said incoherently and eagerly: "Doctor, you think of a way for me. I don't want to die yet. My daughter is only thirteen years old. My son is only ten years old. Neither of my younger brothers are married yet. I still have a lot to do. I..."

The doctor felt helpless and uncomfortable.

As a doctor, who would want to watch a patient die?

But this disease is really terminally ill now.

The doctor can only appease: "The patient cooperates with the treatment and maintains a good mood. Some patients with frostbite can live for more than ten years."

Duan Xueqin is about to collapse. Isn't this still sick and dead?

She had known before that the late stage of frostbite can be very painful!

The back of the head was slapped severely, and the old man Duan, who had not spoken since just now, suddenly shouted, "What are you still doing here?!"

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