Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1054: The ultimate cosplay fan, who was arrested is Bai Chuwei?

Shenxian Island is almost a fairyland of Taoyuan, where the monks here obey the orders of the island owner to be isolated from the world and have little contact with the outside world.

Had it not been for the order to help Dejima a hundred years ago, I still don't know what the outside world looks like now.

When Zhao Tianfang thought of this, his respect for Bai Chuwei grew stronger.

It turned out that the person who sent the entire island monk to come forward was Bai Chuwei. If it weren't for her order, it would be even more difficult outside!

The environment on the island is pleasant, the four seasons are like spring, and there is great aura everywhere.

Zhao Tianfang greedily inhaled the aura on the island, his eyes almost reluctant to blink, and he looked around as if he didn't see enough.

Su Jing couldn't wait to find a scarf to cover her face completely, panicking. dying.

Public execution, countdown.

Thinking of the methods used by the monks on this island is not comparable to that of the monks outside, Su Jing felt ashamed. If they realized that they had been deceived by him, they would definitely become angry.

After thinking about it for a while, Su Jing gritted his teeth and rubbed his soft hair into a chicken coop. He simply drew out a rope to tie him up, and asked Snowball to help put a clean rag into his mouth.

If it were not for the convenience of walking, he would also prepare to get a fetter by himself.

That outfit, embarrassed and imprisoned.

Bai Chuwei: "..."

This... is really an ultimate cosplay fan.

Cos her some time ago, and now she has a prisoner look again.

His painting style is seriously inconsistent with this fairy island!

As soon as it appeared, it attracted the attention of many people on the island.

Shenxian Island, the big news is here.


Although there is no internet on the island and cannot use mobile phones to surf the Internet, Tong Qingyan feels that this is the happiest day in her life.

It turned out that being with Xu Xingchen was the happiest one, but now it is not.

Although she felt heartache when she thought of Xu Xingchen, it was difficult to suppress her feelings.

But she did not regret that she ran out of the house that day, and was hit by teacher Shenxian, and finally was selected as a disciple.

This is simply the adventure that the heroine in the novel will have!

I was hit by a car but picked up a huge bonus.

Tong Qingyan was sent to the island first, and had already lived on Shenxian Island for a few days, and she was staying at the Sage Doctor's Gate.

The up and down medical practitioners heard that she was a disciple accepted by the island owner. Even if her cultivation level was very low, she still treated her respectfully. Every time she saw her, there was a trace of envy in her eyes.

You must know that the island owner returned to Shenxian Island, and the apprentices he received were only two of the twin sisters.

Now there is another Tong Qingyan, which is really enviable.

Tong Qingyan walked out of her bedroom like a celebrity traveling, and people around her greeted her warmly when they saw her.

The feeling that the stars gazed over the moon came back again.

Bai Chuwei, who has been cheating her all the time, was afraid that she never dreamed that her Tong Qingyan always had adventures, right?

Tong Qingyan felt a little cheerful in her heart, smiling and greeted the surrounding doctors.

She will study here for a few more days, and she will make Xu Xingchen kneel and beg her to come back to him when she goes out, and she will also show Liu Jin'er that little mistress look good!

With this thought in mind, she was going to the hall when she suddenly saw a little doctor rushing back all the way from the outside, her face blushing.

"what happened?"

The young medical apprentice seemed to be too young to speak, and he was milky: "The owner of the island has come back, and he caught him. He caught one person, and he was tied up."

Tong Qingyan was taken aback, grabbed someone and tied it back?

Thinking of her suggesting Teacher Shenxian to participate in the "Super Brain Learning Ba" variety show, Teacher Shenxian's style is very similar to Bai Chuwei, and can only be as good as Bai Chuwei. Is it possible that this person is...Bai Chuwei?

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