Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1055: Bai Chuwei is not a fake, Tong Qingyan is shocked

Tong Qingyan couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness, as long as Bai Chuwei was not happy, she would be happy.

She had seen Bai Wuyou's ability with her own eyes, and she had been on the island for many days, and the status of the island owner of Shenxian Island in her heart was much higher than that of Bai Chuwei.

If the island owner is a fairy, Bai Chuwei is at best a demon, she is a demon through and through.

A few days ago, the twin sisters of Li Zhuer and Li Yuer came back, but they didn't disclose anything. They were kept in the room, so it was hard for her to ask anything.

Tong Qingyan sorted out her dresses and said with a smile: "Then I will go to see Master now."

When the island owner returned to the island, all the disciples came to greet him.

The doctors above and below the Sacred Doctor saw Tong Qingyan and thought of her identity, unconsciously a touch of envy in their eyes, and smiled and let Tong Qingyan walk in front.

Although this Miss Tong didn't have any cultivation skills, she was an inner disciple ordered by the island owner. They had more seniority than her, and they had to take a look at Tong Qingyan. She was always polite to her.

Tong Qingyan smiled and walked in front of everyone to greet him.

The entrance of Shenxian Island is a peach forest. At this time, the fallen flowers are colorful, the petals of peach blossoms fall in the soil, and the breath of spring is sultry.

Zhao Tianfang was full of praise, calling this place really worthy of its name, it is really a place where gods live.

Looking at it from a distance, there was a crowd of people in the distance, and it was obvious that all the various factions on the island had already come out to meet.

Suddenly, Tong Qingyan's footsteps stopped, her whole body stiffened, completely frozen in place, her eyes straightened.

The little doctor at her feet almost tripped over her, and asked grievously: "Why didn't Tong Sister leave?"

Tong Qingyan's legs started to feel a little soft, and her eyesight was fine, so what did she see?

The little doctor raised his head, rubbed his eyes with his hands before opening them, clapped his hands somewhat happily, and said, "The island owner seems to have become beautiful."

Everyone on the side: "!!!"

How can this be beautiful? This girl is obviously changed!

Although the dress style is similar, this is obviously not a person.

The monks on the island were a little confused until Bai Chuwei and the others approached.

Tong Qingyan's voice was trembling: "You... how could you?"

Why didn't Bai Chuwei come here? Didn’t you say it was tied back?

Tong Qingyan's gaze turned, and he looked straight at the man who was walking behind and was **** in twists. His brain was severely impacted. This...who is this?

Bai Chuwei smiled upon hearing the words, and said in a complimentary tone: "Boy, thanks to you, if you hadn't suggested this counterfeit to participate in the recruitment of "Ultra Brain", the island owner might not have been able to find anyone daring to impersonate me. . What a good boy."

The ancestors have always spoken sincerely, so Tong Qingyan has been moved back and forth!

Tong Qingyan: "..."

Tong Qingyan's ears buzzed, and Bai Chuwei's words just echoed crazily in her brain, a fake...Is the fairy master she worshiped a fake?

You also pretended to be Bai Chuwei's card?

Thinking like this, he suddenly noticed that the disheveled counterfeit suddenly raised his head, glaring at her with angry eyes.

Had it not been for the female apprentice who had been picked up by the thief, he wouldn't have rushed to participate in "Super Brain Learning Ba" and ran into Bai Chuwei's gun.

Tong Qingyan: "!!!"

Really worry-free!

It's just that the gentle and gentle facial features of the original woman have now become erect and angular, which looks like a man.

Tong Qingyan was so scared that Hua Rong paled, staggering back.

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