Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1059: Give away a treasure trove of medicine, all mankind will be grateful to Bai Chuwei

Bai Chuwei can do everything else, killing Zhuxin is the slippery one.

To have both a teacher and a teacher is a taboo in the spiritual world and will be cast aside by all monks.

The male monks who had just been obsessed with Tong Qingyan put their heads aside, and did not dare to look at each other, for fear of getting involved with Tong Qingyan.

Bai Chuwei also added another sentence: "By the way, your emperor didn't ask for leave after school started? School has started now."

The old ancestor is a good student who abides by the school rules, and has specially asked for leave from the Emperor.

Tong Qingyan: "..."

Bai Chuwei has to come and make another cut.

She can't stay on Shenxian Island anymore, and now she will be punished when she returns to school.

Tong Qingyan couldn't hold back a single one, tears rolled out of her eyes, and the sobs did not even come out of her mouth. A monk covered her mouth and shouted: "Bring this person in. Xingtang."

By fraudulently seeking a teacher, the island owner has the right to punish her before throwing it out.

After a short while, I heard Tong Qingyan's curses coming from a distance, and then the monk used a mute technique.

The matter was almost dealt with. Bai Chuwei twisted her neck lazily, got up slowly, and said to Zhao Tian: "Xiao Zhao, take the medical books in the holy doctor's door with you."

Anyway, they are not alone, all have backups.

Others can be hidden privately, she has never thought of hiding them medically.

Zhao Tianfang was shocked: "!!!"

Medical... medical book?

As early as decades ago, the entire Shenxian Island monk was ordered by the island owner to help out the island, and of course the Holy Doctors also followed. Their medical unnatural administration was quite agreed.

In the era of lack of medicine and medicine, these genius doctors can hang people with only a silver needle.

Senior Bai Chuwei actually wants to teach these medical books? Still let him pick whatever?

Zhao Tianfang bowed again and again with excitement, his tone was extremely sincere: "Thank you Senior White, thank you Senior White!"

Zhao Tianfang excitedly followed the library building of a medical pilgrimage to the pilgrimage school. He was shocked to see the library that was the size of the National Library.

You should know that such a large area of ​​the library is only medical books!

This is simply a treasure trove.

It's a pity that he doesn't know much about medicine. Looking at the title of the book above, he was confused and asked the medical practitioners on the side, which books are classics. The medical practitioners are proud. "The medical collections in this library are all classics. The island owner looked over."

Since his birth, his father, grandfather, and even his grandfather have known the library of the Holy Doctor.

Zhao Tianfang is in trouble, he can't bring all the medical books back, right?

After obtaining medical approval, he took out the Thousand Miles Sound Transmission Talisman from his pocket and prepared to consult a domestic medical expert.

Although this sound transmission is free from signal interference, it is not as convenient as a mobile phone.

The medical expert on the other end was about to roar, shoving Xiao madly and shouting: "What kind of broken phone are you? Let him take a picture of the bibliographic name. Let's analyze what we need!"

Xiao Yi: "...This is not a mobile phone. You can't take pictures, you can only transmit audio."

The expert was going crazy, so anxious that Zhao Tianfang was illiterate, and he could even admit the wrong medical book title.

Hua Guo has decided to expand the enrollment of various medical universities, and it seems that there is something missing from the set of Thirteen Needles Teaching Materials.

While dozing off, someone passed a pillow, and Bai Chuwei wanted to send a medical book and asked them to pick it out.

A group of medical experts was so anxious that they scratched their heads, and only hated that the person Bai Chuwei invited was Zhao Tianfang instead of herself!

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