Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1060: This time I saw that Bai Yueguang is the master

Books are a ladder of progress. Although it is an extremely painful thing for many students, it is truly priceless.

A medical expert smiled and lost his eyes: "Listening to Mr. Zhao about a lot of long-lost medical classics, it seems that our country is really going to rise, and there is really a wave of Chinese fever in the world."

Because in Bai Chuwei's library, all medical classics are in classical Chinese.

Want to study Chinese medicine in China?

Sorry, let's learn Chinese first.

what? Do you want a Chinese-English version? Sorry, this can only be understood.

Suddenly, he seemed to understand what Bai Chuwei meant.

Earlier, some netizens on the Internet worried that Bai Chuwei made the Lingdao Thirteen Needle Method public. This is indeed a good thing, but once it is public, it means it can be used worldwide.

Now that the Internet is so developed, it is an era of resource sharing. The ability of medical students in China to learn means that doctors abroad can also learn.

If you refuse foreign doctors to study, you will definitely be sprayed into a sieve.

This is the progress of global medicine. Why don't you let others learn? Both left and right are embarrassing.

Now it seems that Bai Chuwei had already thought about it long ago. Every medical classic is all in classical Chinese. If you want to learn Huaguo medicine, you should learn Chinese first. This gives domestic medical students ample room for development and learning, and it also prevents foreign students. mouth.

Teacher Shenxian didn't give up the opportunity. It's because you don't understand Chinese, so I'm really embarrassed.

Some medical experts seemed to think of something, and smiled proudly: "I heard that foreign hospitals have been recruiting overseas students from China."

Once upon a time, who could have imagined that foreign medical experts with above-the-top eyes would have to come to China to ask them for advice and learning? And it's Chinese medicine!

This group of medical experts praised Zhao Tianfang so badly that they would not pick books!

Bai Chuwei felt relieved to Zhao Tianfang and let him stay inside.

After a short greeting, Bai Chuwei got up and left the main hall. Su Jing, who was afraid of being beaten, didn't dare to follow him, so he went to the island to catch seafood.

Bai Chuwei walked around the sea of ​​clouds in the middle of the island and walked into the temples and ancestral halls under the gigantic ancient trees of thousands of years.

Bai Chuwei walked in and pinched the vine whisker of a wooden vine. With a flash of fire from his fingertips, he easily lit the vine whisker and inserted it into the incense case. The scent of ancient wood suddenly became stronger.

The way the ancestors incense is so special.

Duan Feihan silently looked at the memorial tablet on it, and uttered in his heart.

This time I saw the Lord, the white moonlight.

Duan Feihan: "Looking for a reunion after burning thousands of years old wood?"

Bai Chuwei was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head suddenly, with a strange expression in her eyes: "How did you know?"

Duan Feihan's tone was indifferent: "I saw it in the "Longevity Formula" you gave.

Bai Chuwei looked at Duan Feihan's eyes even more weird.

Is there anything wrong with this?

Why did he learn so much from there?

Dare to feel that the "Eternal Life Formula" she learned before is a pirated version? Why has she never seen this content?

Bai Chuwei peeked at Duan Feihan's cold side face, her jaw line tightened together, she suddenly chuckled, "Hanhan thinks so much. I have never had a relationship with this righteous brother."

Whether it was these five thousand years, or through the previous life, she has always been a lonely person.

Even if it is family affection, it is an extravagant hope.

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