Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1066: Depose the only **** in the East? What a joke!

The dog thief Tiandao wants to quietly restart Mimi to go to the temple and vote to get rid of the only **** Bai Chuwei.

In short, there is no **** in the west, and there is in the east.

Don't suffer from lack and unevenness.

You have, I have, I will not be unbalanced.

But you have it, but I don't. No one will be balanced.

Put it on this, the same applies.

There is no **** in the west, and there is only one **** in the east.

Isn't it bad to be removed?

Voting has always been that the minority obeys the majority.

An interesting smile appeared on Bai Chuwei's face, which was interesting.

Spicy chicken with crooked **** is kind of troublesome.

It's been more than 5,000 years since I started voting at the Holy Spirit, and Mimi is doing this quietly.


very good.

Fu Tian continued: "Among them, six Eastern tribes will definitely stand in the East, and eight Western tribes will definitely stand in the West. There are only three neutral tribes left, and the result of the vote falls on the remaining three tribes. On the body—"

"Eastern Baiyun Mountain Fox tribe, West Guangming tribe, and Western blood tribe."

Bai Chuwei rubbed her eyebrows, her tone indifferently and a touch of affirmation: "Without the fox clan, they would not be on my side."

Fu Tian looked at Bai Chuwei in surprise.

No... won't be on this side?

Fu Tian was a little puzzled, and subconsciously said: "The fox family has been located in the land of Eastern China since ancient times. If the fox is moved by emotion and reason, it shouldn't be so ignorant?"

Bai Chuwei shook her head, with a hint of mockery: "No."

They didn't seem to understand, Bai Chuwei explained faintly: "The fox clan and me are enemies."

In the battle of the Eastern Gods, it was not her brother Gouyi, and the ancestor of the fox clan that caused the most fierce battle.

When nothing happened, he smashed a fireball from the sky, burning a lot of land into scorched earth.

The ancestor of the fox family was known as the cruelest **** of war. He looked handsome after transforming and looked like a graceful noble boy. However, talking and laughing took the life of a man without blinking his eyes.

She is Bai Zong's righteous sister, can she stand by her side? It's a joke!

Unless they look at their faces and vote.

Fu Tian sighed, a little embarrassed.

It's difficult now.

The remaining two tribes will definitely lose unless they all go to the east.

Had it not been for the news from Su Jing, Tiandao could really kill her by surprise.

Bai Chuwei played with the ring, calmly saying: "It's okay, don't worry, just hand it over to the Unnatural Administration, and let them come forward."

Fu Tian is a little confused, the island owner is not in a hurry? This is still busy with the dark night young master Daolu? ? ?

Can't figure out the priorities?

Of course, Fu Tian didn't dare to question, the island owner had her reason to do this.

This matter was handed over to the Unnatural Administration.

Zhao Tianfang came out of Shenxian Island with the team that gave the betrothal gift. The two space spirit tools were filled with medical books carefully selected by him. He promised that he had never seen so many medical books in his life. Give it to well-known medical experts in China to study and see before deciding which ones to include in the textbooks of medical students.

That night, the Administration received this task.

The people up and down were dumbfounded by the news, and some couldn't believe it.

"East... there is still a god?"

The only **** in the world?

The appearance of Bai Chuwei earlier was shocking enough, but there are still gods in the East?

The **** might sound more powerful than Bai Chuwei's senior immortal cultivator who had lived for a thousand years, and more like a character in the ancient myth.

Fortunately for China.

Zhao Tianfang was so excited that his eyes were bloodshot, he slapped a palm on the table, and shouted: "These two western tribes, lobby! Lobby immediately! No matter what method you use, you must convince them!"

The marble table was snapped by Zhao Tianfang.

The elder of the bureau on the side touched his mustache and said in embarrassment, "I'm afraid it will be difficult."

"According to the investigation, Bart of Energy Water Company seems to have something to do with this kin..."

Energy Water was destroyed by Bai Chuwei's Weibo, and now it goes bankrupt.

The company's boss Bart even "hanged himself".

Can this end well?

As the saying goes, "It depends on the owner to hit a dog." This dog was killed, and he didn't even bring a dog bowl...

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