Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1067: Western blood: Bai Chuwei is required to kneel and apologize publicly

This matter is very embarrassing and difficult to handle.

Zhao Tianfang had a bitter face, and he didn't know why he just happened to bump into one.

He can't blame Senior Bai Chuwei, right?

Senior Bai has always been well-founded in doing things, and she doesn't bother to take a look if others don't provoke her.

Besides, how many rich people's lives did Bart's energy water almost cost? Nowadays, wealthy foreigners are still waiting for visas to grab air tickets. This is the largest number of foreign wealthy people coming to China in recent years.

This is what it should be!

Although they know that the chances of success in lobbying are small, they don't want to give up!

The news of the monks is always faster than ordinary people, and it has caused a lot of discussion in the underground forum.

Just ask, if you are the leaders of the remaining ancient tribes, how do you vote? !

Although many monks did not consider this event to happen at all, the discussion was quite intense.

[If I have the right to vote, I will definitely choose to dismiss! There is no **** in the West, so why should the East keep one? fair! We want to be fair! ]

[That’s right, we have to fight for our rights. There is no **** in the West, so there shouldn’t be any in the East either. This is wrong. Vote for removal. ]

[? ? ? ? Are you kidding me? If you don’t have it, let others not? Is shameless to your level? ]

[Now to talk about fairness? When you have so many monks in the West, there are still O Continents in the Demon Realm. Why don't you say fair? ]


Anonymous posts in underground forums are discussing this topic, and the two sides hold different opinions.

In particular, the Western monks felt that the East really could not continue to develop and rise. Previously, there was a Bai Chuwei. This female monk was really terrifying. With one hand, he repaired the dragon veins of Hua Guo. In the next ten years, Hua Guo will be quietly silent. Slowly got up and stood on top of the world.

Now they still have the existence of a god?

There is already a bug-like existence of Bai Chuwei, and another god?

Will there be a day in the West?

Not to mention that Western monks are unwilling, and even the upper echelons of the West are gradually becoming nervous.

This is not good!


Don't hesitate to vote for the recall.

When the few remaining western tribes were invited, their first reaction was to vote for recall!

With a Bai Chuwei, and a God of the East, isn't it more like a fish in water?

Voting for the removal vote directly, without negotiation.

In this regard, Zhao Tianfang was extremely anxious. During this time, he was busy with this matter except for the medical experts who came to the administration to help pick books.

The monks who went to lobby the Bright Clan in the West have not returned any news so far, and the blood tribe is still unclear.

Standing beside a group of old experts, Zhao Tianfang was a little absent-minded, turning a deaf ear to the exclamations of those experts from time to time.

"Good book, this is really the best medical book..." the medical expert muttered to himself, looking fascinated.

The door of the management bureau was pushed open from the outside, and several monks looked anxious, stepped forward and lowered their voices:

"Senior Zhao, there is something wrong with the blood clan..."

Zhao Tianfang was shocked, looking straight at several monks with tiger eyes, and eagerly asked: "What kind of attitude do they have?"

The monks were angry, angry, and embarrassed: "The news over there is that they can not vote for removal, but—"

"They asked Senior Bai Chuwei to kneel and apologize publicly."

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