Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1195: The old ancestor accepts disciples again, it can be called a scene of the century

The medal is not large, and the diameter area may not even be the size of a human pinky.

The golden color without any blemishes, each petal of the rose is just right and charming.

Unlike the gold jewelry in the jewellery store outside, it is like a living rose.

Originally, the celebration banquet of "Ultra Brain Learning Ba" should be two days before, but before the foreign development conference, Wang Dao was afraid that Bai Chuwei would not have time to attend the celebration banquet, so he simply postponed the celebration banquet to today. Days.

Liu Qi knelt down, and everyone around him was envious.

A year ago, everyone was the same. After a year, people’s future would be limitless. If it weren’t for Tong Qingyan...

Some people just think of it.

The young disciple’s eyes were full of excitement, and the white-clothed girl in front of him had a gentle smile. The hands that had been hidden in his sleeves gently carried behind her back, her temperament was dusty, just like a painting.

Even the photographer was silly for a while.

"Snap shot, this is a scene of the century!"

A soft and greasy little hand suddenly pulled the cameraman's trousers and shouted milkily.

Snowball appeared with fried chicken legs in his hands.

The old ancestors may not take the disciples once in hundreds of years!

Only the apprentices formally accepted by the ancestors are eligible to receive the Rose Medal, not even Master Snowball!

This is definitely a scene of the century, and it is a pity not to film it.

The photographer suddenly recovered, blood rushed to his heart, and he pressed the shutter frantically, and the "click" sound in the hall continued.

Several Xueba were wondering that the rose medal was not snapped, they saw Bai Chuwei raising his hand, and the rose medals flew up one by one in the aura, gradually sinking into the heart.

A Rose Medal, bright from the past, this life is safe.

Bai Chuwei's ethereal voice suddenly added a touch of coldness: "To enter my wall, there is only one request—"

"Don't lose my face."

Don't be like that stupid apprentice, go to the villain's island! Now the largest prison.

Several schoolmasters nodded like smashing garlic, shouting in unison: "Follow Master's orders."

All the people around who witnessed this apprentice-reception ceremony saw their eyes hot, and their hearts were sour water with envy.

If this was not pitted by Tong Qingyan, maybe they could fight to the end?

The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel, and my breathing is almost getting worse.

In the future, they will be two parallel lines, and the gap will get bigger and bigger. This is the biggest blow to the proud schoolmasters all their lives.

The expressions of everyone in the hall gave Bai Chuwei a panoramic view, and the corners of her lips lightly lifted, "After some time, Hua Guo should be enrolling students in practice. Go and try."

Bai Chuwei paused, with a gentle voice: "If the future is destined, I will accept you as disciples."

For the younger generation, the ancestors have always been more patient and gentle.

Even if she would not want to accept disciples for more than a hundred years, it would not prevent her from lying to them.

With the rejuvenation of spiritual energy, more and more people will step into the door of practice. In the future, there will definitely be a special practice academy. It is also possible for this group of scholars to try.

A surprise light appeared in everyone's eyes, and they nodded repeatedly.

Liu Jin'er sat in the far corner, watching this scene indifferently. She put down the red wine glass in her hand and got up and walked quietly to the outside of the hall.

It's boring if you don't see Tong Qingyan, so it's better to go home early. She is not interested in Bai Chuwei's acceptance of disciples.

"Miss Liu, do you want to sit down again? Wait a while and leave?" Bai Chuwei said aloud, with a lot of interest in her voice.

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