Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1196: The ancestors never polite unless she wants to watch the excitement

The people around looked at Bai Chuwei in surprise. Teacher Shenxian never took the initiative to keep anyone, she never played polite!

Duan Feihan lowered her eyes and smiled. Of course, she would not take the initiative to stay polite, unless she wanted to watch the excitement.

Duan Feihan didn't interrupt and didn't say anything. He quietly drank red wine from the side, giving Bai Chuwei the attention of the entire home court.

Zhang Er Liu Jin'er couldn't figure it out, and subconsciously shook his head and refused: "No, there is still something at home."

She is embarrassed here and can't find anything to do.

Bai Chuwei sighed slightly when she heard the words, but did not continue to stay, watching Liu Jin'er leave the hall.

If you don't listen to the old man, you will suffer.

A girl was shocked and said: "Which young lady is this so powerful? Teacher Shenxian won't give me any face? If Teacher Shenxian keeps me, I will have a baby and I will have to go back and rebirth the next day!"

Liu Jiner had just walked out of the hotel, and a cool breeze was blowing her long hair.

In order to avoid crazy fans, the location of the hotel booked by Director Wang is relatively remote, and it is very empty after walking far.

Liu Jin'er was not afraid of ordinary men at night, she was worried about monks.

There are many enemies in the Liu family.

So although she already had a Taoist couple, she still took Xu Xingchen and her father, and a family of three lived under the same roof.

Without expecting Xu Xingchen, Liu Jiner was about to take out the Thousand Miles Sound Transmission Talisman from her waist to contact her father to pick her up, and the surrounding wind suddenly changed.

Liu Jin'er raised her eyes impressively and sternly said, "Who?!"

"Liu Xiaosan, who do you say I am?"

An extremely angry voice came with the wind, Liu Jiner looked at a figure hundreds of meters away from a distance, and she could only see a pair of scarlet eyes in the night.

The **** breath came over.

Liu Jin'er was surprised: "Tong Qingyan?"

She... Isn't she an ordinary person? I heard that I had worshipped Jiao Peng as a teacher before, and it turned out to be just a trash half-legged into the gate of practice.

How do you feel... feel different?

At a distance of several hundred meters, Tong Qingyan came in a blink of an eye!

Tong Qingyan looked at Liu Jin'er angrily. Every word she said seemed to bite her into pieces and swallow her: "Grab my man and lie to Xingchen to make a bond with your Daoist partner? I heard that the Daoist partner's bond is not only released by you, but also One way—"

"The Taoist couple is dead."

In the starry night, suddenly there were more dark clouds, and there were faint signs of thunder.

With Tong Qingyan's scarlet pupils, it's a perfect match!

Liu Jin'er was incomparably shocked, and subconsciously looked towards the brightly lit hotel in the distance, with a deep regret in his heart.

Bai Chuwei!

Bai Chuwei had invited her to stay and wait a while before leaving. She must know something.

But here is still a long way from the celebration banquet hotel, no matter how powerful monks can come.

What's more, she and Bai Chuwei and the young master are a bit entangled. Who will come to help her?


The celebration banquet was still being held in full swing, and Dao Wang, who had been slowed down, casually pulled people to discuss how to maintain health.

A rush of footsteps came from outside, and the hotel security ran over, looking nervous and said: "Something happened. There was something wrong with a lady who left the hotel before! The ground is full of blood. 120 hasn't arrived yet."

I heard that Teacher Shenxian knows how to heal?

The crowd was incomparably shocked, and their expressions were terrified.

There is only one person who left the celebration party today--

Liu Jiner!

Teacher Shenxian took the initiative to keep her before she left!

It really deserves to be a fairy teacher, absolutely.

Under the attention of everyone, Bai Chuwei's lips curled up, and said in a playful manner: "Really? Then go and see."

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