Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1281: Snow beauty Leng Xueqin! I'm just here for Master

Not far away, Snowball sat on a chair with his legs hanging in the air, eating his mouth full of oil, took a moment to glance at the flower ling, rushed to the opposite side of the one million who was lying on the table with the snake head, and sighed:

"Stupid snake, this is the man who is broken in love."

One million wagged his tail.

One million likes this college. In the past, when I met students in the back mountain of the Imperial University, I had to hide in Tibet. However, I didn't use it in Kunlun College. You can go in freely and enter the cafeteria.

Although the freshmen were a little scared, they weren't afraid to turn around and run away.

One million had never drunk, and looked curiously at the box of liquor beside Hua Ling.

Hua Ling unscrewed the bottle cap, raised her head and poured the clear liquor into her mouth, as if she had turned on a tap of tap water.

Freshman in the canteen: "???"

Are you drinking baijiu as mineral water?

If it weren't for the strong smell of wine, they really thought the senior was drinking water.

Kunlun College is much easier to discipline than ordinary universities. As long as you don't commit crimes and delay your practice and study, you can drink if you want.

Hua Ling was holding the wine bottle, babbling in her mouth.

The new students around listened, and some of the girls' eyes suddenly lit up.

Dare to love this big brother senior... Are you broken in love? And it's the kind that can't be undone at all, because the ex-girlfriend is going to marry another man!

Although it is not authentic, many girls are quite happy.

This kind of rich and handsome man, who is still a disciple of the fairy teacher, can be regarded as a single noble 100% in the outside world.

After a while, many brave girls went up and sat down beside Hua Ling, and there were still some boys!

To comfort a broken love, but also to accompany drinking.

One box of white wine followed by another box of white wine was drunk until the daylight dawned outside, and all the students around were drunk by Hua Ling and fell down, lying on the table snoring.

Hua Ling blushed with drunken eyes, looked at the empty wine bottle on the table with a vague look, and turned with a flick of her finger.

"Senior Sister...Sister, why don't you wait for me? Just wait another year..."

Hua Ling choked, and burped to herself: "Actually, I dream on the island of the villain every night. Except for the master, the one who dreams of you is the sister."

The red hollow wooden door of the canteen "creaked" and was pushed open from the outside.

A deserted young woman appeared under the scorching sun in the early morning, and the shadow was projected in and fell on Hualing.

Hua Ling stared at the woman vaguely, her pupils gradually widening, and the empty wine bottle on the table was broken when he got up together: "Senior Sister! Did you forgive me for coming back? Don't you marry a wild man?"

The violent sound of the wine bottle smashed woke up many students in the cafeteria.

When I saw the beautiful woman in the aqua dress at the door, my eyes flashed.

Damn it, beauty!

Pure natural ice and snow beauty.

Hua Ling rushed forward, and Leng Xueqin raised a fan in his hand against Hua Ling's shoulder, and moved a distance away from him. She stared at Hua Ling with black eyes, her red lips moved lightly, and she said coldly: "I'm only here for the master."

Hua Ling looked at her with a loss. Does this mean she still wants to marry another man?

Leng Xueqin turned and walked out, and after a few steps, he paused and said quietly: "Drink less. Master will not care about you if you drink to death."

After saying this, Leng Xueqin disappeared from everyone's sight.

The entire cafeteria was boiling, and the first apprentice of Teacher Shenxian appeared, the extremely beautiful ice and snow beauty! !

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