Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1282: A long team of hundreds of people give face to face

That look is simply amazing!

The temperament is as cold as snow, and the appearance of a fairy who is not stained with dust is two temperaments that are empty and lazy with Teacher Shenxian.

Leng Xueqin's way to the top of the mountain was spread throughout the academy. The new students got out of the bed and wanted to see the legendary first female apprentice.

What kind of ability is there to make Teacher Shenxian give it out for the first time? !

Accepting disciples for the first time!

On both sides of the road were the freshmen watching. Some freshmen took a binoculars and glanced at the foot of the mountain, and couldn't help but said, "Is it possible that the team at the foot of the mountain is also the master sister?"

Jin Xiaobao was sitting on the neck of a sturdy middle-aged uncle, with a small hand in front of him, and curiously looking down the mountain, but he didn't use a telescope.

This 43-year-old middle-aged uncle is the oldest freshman in the college!

The oldest and the youngest, this strange combination quickly became friends that year-long.

Xiaobao saw that at the foot of the mountain, there was a team full of red and full of joy parked.

Xiao Bao stared at the clan emblem on their bodies, and immediately turned pale with fright. He patted the head of the middle-aged uncle, "Senior brother, brother, Xiaobao is hungry, and Xiaobao wants to go back to drink grandma."

When the middle-aged uncle heard this, he didn't even watch the excitement of the master sister, and decisively returned to the dormitory with Jin Xiaobao to make milk powder.

" do I feel that the team under the mountain is like a hired team?"

"Yes, yes, I will wipe the boxes you see they are carrying, there must be a lottery inside."

"This is sent up the mountain and sent to our college? Who is this hired for? I am Di Tian, ​​there are at least a hundred people in this team, right? It gives enough face." A girl was envious.


This is a lot of extravagance, and it almost satisfies the girl's vanity, ok?

Hua Ling walked out of the canteen holding the wine bottle, and saw the long line from a distance, and she understood it in her heart.

Sure enough, Senior Sister really doesn't want him...

Her future husband is here to hire.

Yes, it is here to hire.

Master accepted two apprentices, one is Leng Xueqin and the other is him. They have different personalities, but they are all orphans!

Since she was raised by her master since she was a child, if she was hired by her senior sister, naturally all the gifts would be sent to Bai Chuwei to be seen.

Hua Ling's eyes became redder, she reached out her hand and wiped her tears, rushing all the way to the vice-president's living room on the mountain.

He wanted to see what dowry gift the man gave!


Bai Chuwei wakes up very early in every spiritual practice. She always looks at his sleeping face and never gives Duan Feihan a chance to smoke afterwards.

Duan Feihan woke up and saw Bai Chuwei sitting aside, with her right hand resting on her left wrist, looking unpredictable.

Duan Feihan: "What's wrong?"

Bai Chuwei sighed: "Han Han, you didn't have any thoughts last night."

Duan Feihan: "..."

Hearing the sound from the outside, Bai Chuwei raised her eyebrows slightly, tucked her dresses and skirts lightly, got up and walked around the indoor screen, and walked to the outside room to open the door.

Seeing the young girl outside the door, Bai Chuwei's lips curled slightly, and she raised her hand to touch the girl's head: "Here?"

Leng Xueqin's face finally showed a shallow smile, as if ice and snow had melted into spring: "Master."

Leng Xueqin turned around and saw Duan Feihan walking out of the house, and naturally shouted: "I have seen Master."

Duan Feihan nodded.

Bai Chuwei didn't go around in circles, and asked directly: "Did you really dump Hua Ling?"

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