Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1295: The shock of the ancient bereaved! The little patriarch is really gone

Bai Chuwei is really mad, and he is not afraid of offending the Dao of Heaven. Kunlun Academy and a family of spiritual practitioners are forced to break their cooperation and don't care. She also arranges a ceremony for the Dao-luo to prepare apprentices.

Tiandao's face was pressed on the ground by her.

"As a monk, who does not respect the way of heaven, he will definitely be condemned by heaven."

"Everyone should stay away from Kunlun College recently. Once the punishment is imposed, the entire college will have to be punished."

"Are there any children from my family who go to school at Kunlun College? First call the children back and hide for two days. The punishment from Heaven will be reduced 100% in the past few days."


There was already a turmoil outside, and the housekeeper of the Jin family led the dowry team and finally returned to the Jin family of the ancient survivors.

Unlike the high-rise buildings outside, the family community of the ancient survivors has always presented a Chinese classical style.

Boxes full of dowry gifts were placed in the hall, squeezing the hall.

The first seat was empty, with an elderly man and a thirty-year-old man in a wheelchair sitting on either side.

The butler’s forehead sweat ran down like a stream of water, and he bit the bullet and said, "Master, master, that... the bride price, Miss Leng’s master did not accept it."

Both father and son looked at the butler with an incredible look.

They are the survivors of the ancients, and they were even more famous for participating in the meetings of the temple.

Those dowry gifts are even more sincere, how can they not agree?

The man in the wheelchair looked sallow and withered. He couldn't help coughing a few times and slowly said: "Signed, signed... the marriage deed. She runs, she can't run."

Just this sentence, Jin Yongkang spoke for half a minute.

The butler's look was even more ugly, and he immediately added more energy and vinegar to tell what happened at Kunlun College.

Everyone, shocked!

Leng Xueqin's master... is he crazy? Dao dare to offend? Where does she come from?

"When I came back today, I had heard that Bai Chuwei was going to hold a ceremony for the two disciples."

Hearing this, the man almost smiled while sitting in a wheelchair.

He was choked by his own saliva, his sallow face flushed slightly, "She, witnessed, the marriage deed cannot be counted."

Marriage contracts have always been counted only by the witness of heaven. What kind of cats and dogs can witness the marriage contract?

Who does Bai Chuwei think she is? Is it possible to think that the status is higher than that of heaven?

Really thought it was a child playing house?

The butler nodded, "The old slave thinks so too, Miss Leng's master is afraid that she has lost her heart!"

The old man frowned and asked, "How did the major families react?"

"The cooperation with Kunlun College has been cancelled."

This is the reaction of normal people, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

Jin Yongkang put his hands on the wheelchair, stared at the gift boxes, coughed and smiled: "She, if you want to accept it, you have to accept it, if you don't, you have to accept it. She must accept these dowry gifts!"

"On the twenty-eighth, that day, go have a look."

A strange light came out of Jin Yongkang's eyes. He was clearly only in his early thirties, but he was judged that there was not much time. Even the position of the dignified family head could only be given to his son.

Power, no one dislikes power, and so is him.

As a father, who can accept that his position in the family is better than a son?

Leng Xueqin is not the same, she can give him joy.

The housekeeper of the Jin family looked at both the old man and the old man with a bad look. In order not to be punished, he hurriedly said another sentence and drew the firepower on Bai Chuwei: "Then Bai Chuwei said, the patriarch of our Jin family is gone."

Both father and son were taken aback.

Little Treasure is gone?

how can that be? Little Treasure could be locked up by them to practice in retreat.

Jin Yongkang snorted coldly: "Absurd, absurd!"

Bai Chuwei is not his Jin family, how do you know that their patriarch is gone?

Old man Jin frowned, beckoned and asked the nanny to take a look.

After a while, the nurse was full of horror and stumbled in from the outside, shouting in shock: "Master, master, it's okay, little patriarch Xiaobao is gone!"

"He used Fulu and sent his orange cat to collect fresh milk bottles every day, creating the illusion that he was still in retreat!!!"

The whole Jin family: "???"

Damn it? Is Xiao Bao really missing?

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