Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1296: Patriarch Xiaobao was detained by Bai Chuwei?

The orange cat is Jin Xiaobao's favorite pet. The little stray cat that was accidentally picked up by the road before became a fat cat. Every time he practiced, the orange cat would listen to him.

Now I was angry with Xiao Bao and even helped him run away.

The Jin family became anxious. Patriarch Xiaobao was only three years old, still holding a bottle, so he ran away? Who knows what will happen outside?

Like the master, the ghost knows how many years he can live, who knows if he can have a baby?

Don't even count on Mr. Jin.

If something happens to Jin Xiaobao, their ancient bereaved clan will be ruined by them!

The ancestors of the ancients have not been extinct for more than five thousand years, and it is in their hands. Where will they have the face to meet the underground family ancestors?

Jin Yongkang panicked immediately, slapped a palm on the armrest of the wheelchair, and sternly shouted: "Quickly, look for someone! As long as Xiaobao can be found, my Jin family is willing to pay a lot of money, thank you!"

Old man Jin looked at the family as anxious as ants on a hot pan, frowned, and said displeasedly: "A bunch of unpromising things, why panic?! Calm down!"

Mr. Jin lightly stroked his beard, calmly said: "My Jin family didn't even know that Xiaobao was gone, but Bai Chuwei, an outsider, knew first? What does this mean?"

Everyone suddenly realized, the butler blurted out: "Little Patriarch Xiaobao was detained by Bai Chuwei?"

Mr. Jin acquiesced to this point. In this world, except for the gods and the heavens, there will be no monks who can pinch fingers and know everything.

Jin Yongkang's face exploded with coldness, and his hands clasped the handrails tightly: "No wonder Bai Chuwei is so confident. My ancient bereaved Jin family dared to refuse the marriage. It turned out to be my son..."

He didn't like Jin Xiaobao's son robbing his own power, but at any rate it was his own kind, and he was afraid that the kid would really be harmed by the bad guy.

Jin Yongkang thought more and more anxiously, and cursed politely: "My son has made friends with the last **** in the East. How can Bai Chuwei, a crazy woman, dare to hurt my son?"

Previously, as the patriarch, Jin Xiaobao represented his family in attending the seminary meeting. Jin Xiaobao did not disclose a word of the specific meeting content. They also knew that these things could only be known to the participating patriarchs, so they did not force them.

But vaguely know that the rose that has never withered was a gift from the judged Oriental god. No one else has it. Only Jin Xiaobao has it. Doesn't that mean that the **** values ​​Xiaobao very much?

Bai Chuwei dared to detain such a person.

"Wonderful flower, she is such a wonderful flower!" Jin Yongkang muttered, "This mad woman is really crazy. She burned the marriage deed with her forefoot to convict God, and clasped Xiaobao on her back to offend the last **** of the East!"

Elder Jin didn't know what to say for a while. He lived to be 70 or 80 years old, and it was the first time he met someone as crazy as Bai Chuwei. There are so many villains on the villain island, who is not the one who has committed crimes outside and has done countless bad things? There is no one like Bai Chuwei.

Old man Jin groaned, and said in a deep voice: "No hurry, she is famous in the outside world, and now she is the deputy dean of Kunlun College. If it hurts a child, it will not be good for her. There will be life concerns."

Jin Yongkang looked at the gift boxes in the hall with indifferent eyes, with a cold smile on his face: "Then we have to go to the ceremony."

His wife, even Bai Chuwei's second apprentice, would never want to grab it!

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