Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1354: Old ancestor: I should be more suitable to win the Nobel Prize in Literature!

The Arctic ice sheet turned into a garbage dump and caused a global sensation. Countless eco-experts have conducted analyses, and even a team of experts immediately set off for on-site surveys. The result is:

After three or four hundred years of self-repair, the Arctic ecology cannot be restored, and it is on the verge of collapse.

It is impossible for their generation to see the ice sheet recover.

And Bai Chuwei gave a way to restore the original appearance of the Arctic ice sheet one hundred years in advance!

Everyone was stunned, ahead of time, a hundred years in advance?

In other words, some long-lived generations will be able to see the day when the Arctic ice sheet will recover?

This...I can't even think about it!

Although the restoration of the ecology did not save a person, the value of it was so terrible that everything in the ecology was saved, and it is more related to the health and safety of human life in the world!

The CCTV reporter stayed for a long time, and finally his lips moved and said dazedly: "Due, well deserved."

What **** Bai Chuwei threat theory? !

Bai Chuwei should become the Global Peace Ambassador!

More and more people are looking forward to the latest documentary of "Nature Survival", and the fairy teacher will leave the country.

The director's mood was both excited and complicated. He did not expect that he would be as lucky as Director Wang one day, and he would really be taken by Bai Chuwei!

I used to think that making a documentary is not a commercial film. I laughed without losing money, let alone making money. I didn't even think about it.

The result-the number of reservations in major online theaters soared!

Countless money is in sight.

The director's eyes were slightly hot, and he shouted: "Cut the film, cut it for me! Let the world see what the current Arctic ice sheet is like!"


Since Bai Chuwei was nominated by the Nobel Organizing Committee for this year's Peace Prize, that article disappeared, and all those who clamored about Bai Chuwei's threat theory also quietly disappeared.

All positive interviews.

The CCTV reporter finally found a day when Bai Chuwei was free to conduct an interview, and said excitedly: "Vice President Bai, what do you think about your being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize?"

The world is predicting that Bai Chuwei has won the Nobel Peace Prize this year, and 100% of the others will accompany them on the run!

When Bai Chuwei heard the words, she tilted her head and replied, "What do you think? I think I am more suitable for the Nobel Prize in Literature."

Peace Prize? The ancestors did love peace, but the methods were not necessarily peaceful.

The literary award is more worthy of its name.

CCTV reporter who interviewed Bai Chuwei: "???"

Is Teacher Shenxian so jokes too? What do you mean by this?

The Nobel Prize in Literature?

The Nobel Prize in Literature is related to Bai Chuwei. Has Bai Chuwei created any masterpieces?

The Peace Prize and the Literary Prize, these are two awards that cannot be won. Said that Bai Chuwei won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, they are Hisense!

The nomination for the Nobel Prize in Literature is expected to come out in the next few days. I heard that many netizens have speculated that the late Mr. Bai, who created "The Story of the Mountain Moon", will be nominated.

It just so happens that the filming of "Shan Yue Ji" has been finished recently, and it should be very lively by then.

CCTV reporters who can be sent to interview Bai Chuwei are among the best talents. They were abruptly confused by Bai Chuwei's words, and Zhang Er was confused.

The CCTV reporter thought for a while, then suddenly realized that he asked, "Oh... is it Deputy Dean Bai? Are you ready to enter the literary world?"

Bai Chuwei smiled without saying a word.

Not preparation, but--


Bai Chuwei lowered her eyes and smiled deeply. She should be very busy to receive the Nobel Prize this year.

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