Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1355: The strength of the ancestors to fight back! Mid-term exam for the whole hospital!

To put it in a bad way, Hua Guo is quite weak in terms of winning the Nobel Prize. The Chinese who have won the Nobel Prize over the years can count it with one hand, and many of them are of Chinese origin.

Now that I have been nominated by the Nobel Prize Organizing Committee, although the ancestor himself finds it very boring, he can't stand the children who have always favored China? These children are expecting more than she herself.

Since they are looking forward to it, it does not matter if she goes.

If the ancestors want to go, of course it has to be a sensation.

Although "The Story of the Mountain and Moon" is hailed as the first of Chinese classical literature, one is a stale essay, and the other is the original Mr. Bai has been dead for two hundred years. You should know that the Nobel Prize is to encourage the winners, and it is stipulated that the deceased will not be awarded. Therefore, the majority of netizens feel that being nominated is very awesome. As for winning? Really never thought about it.

But they are really looking forward to the scene where the fairy teacher won the Peace Prize, it must be cool!

After receiving the confused CCTV reporter, Bai Chuwei left the reception room and went to the office of the dean of Kunlun College.

When Bai Chuwei entered, she saw the dean holding an iPad in his arms, and laughed from time to time while watching the news. He heard a knock on the door, and the dean got up and looked at Bai Chuwei with a smile:

"Vice President Bai, have the reporter finished receiving it? I was watching the news just now. A group of media on the Internet that said'Bai Chuwei Threat Theory' was sued by the Imperial Law Department, and the younger generation was laughing to death."

Emperor Da is awesome this time!

Although Bai Chuwei is now the deputy dean of Kunlun College, she is still a student of the Imperial University, and the Imperial University has the duty to protect students.

Kunlun College does not have a law department, but the law department of the Imperial University is very impressive, and the elites of the law department that come out are all called "Pizza Hut".

Bai Chuwei took the iPad handed over by the dean and glanced at it with a smile in her eyebrows.

Recently, her threat theory and the remarks about Hua Guozun are too much.

"Aren't you afraid that Kunlun College has cultivated a large number of monks?" Bai Chuwei chuckled.

When a foreign country is exhausted to train a monk or a supernatural person, the training of monks in Kunlun College is similar to that of a factory assembly line. Of course, people are scared.

"Since you have to be afraid, why not make them more afraid?"

The dean was taken aback and realized something: "Associate Dean Bai means..."

Bai Chuwei said lightly: "Should we take the mid-term exam for the whole college? Then we will hold a flying competition and take the test of flying sword flying from Feihai City, Zhongzhou."

Kunlun College is still a bit different from a university. There are usually various exams of various sizes. Last month, it was the first monthly exam. Jin Xiaobao took the first place in the monthly exam. Now it is indeed due for the middle school exam.

Flying sword is the easiest in practice, and it is really suitable for students who have only been in school for half a year.

There are a thousand and one freshmen!

When all the students compete together, I don't know how magnificent the scene will be!

I am afraid that the route will be suspended because of this.

The dean suddenly looked at Bai Chuwei with a rather complicated look:

This Senior White is very generous when he says that he is generous, and he is really serious when he says that he is serious about revenge.

Such a high-profile mid-term exam, this is to tell the guys around the world who spit her threat theory——

What about Bai Chuwei, who can make a bunch of monks and threaten you?

Fight back with strength.

It is estimated that a group of people from abroad will be vomited to death, making people sleepy.

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