Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1356: I will take you spiritual practice, I will lead

After Deputy Dean Bai’s proposal, the mid-term exam questions for the first freshmen of Kunlun College came out that day. The sword flying competition was a lot of trouble up and down in the college. The students were practicing hard and wanted to get good results in the exam. The deputy dean brushed his face in front of him.

Bai Chuwei returned from the college on the mountainside all the way back to the bedroom on the top of the mountain. The door was hidden and Duan Feihan's back could be seen vaguely.

Bai Chuwei walked in quietly and looked up at the bedroom filled with the remaining consciousness of the gods and souls. This is the consciousness bubble left on the battlefield of the gods on the altar of the evil man island last time, which was later given to Hanhan is used for cultivation.

Bai Chuwei couldn't help chuckles when she saw something interesting.

For example, Hercules was accidentally drunk for decades and was punished by the Creation God because he was ordered by the Chuangshi God to dig Nanshan colored mud from the clay man.

There is also a scene where the deity in charge of the stars accidentally stepped on the original big tail of the fox ancestor who took a nap, and the fox ancestor forcibly picked dozens of stars and jumped angrily.

Bai Chuwei looked at it for a while, and then suddenly asked, "Han Han, why haven't these gods' consciousness been melted for cultivation? What's so interesting?"

Although it is just the remaining consciousness of the gods, if you refining your cultivation base, you can definitely improve.

Duan Feihan turned his head to look at her, raised his hand and gently rubbed his eyebrows and said: "I just feel a little familiar, I want to see it again."

Some scenes seem to be familiar, and the feeling is not like the familiarity seen through Bai Chuwei, but like...

Bai Chuwei coughed softly when she heard the words.

Familiar with.

I don't know if it's because she thinks a lot, so her Taoist companions will also feel familiar, after all, they are the souls of Taoist companions!

Bai Chuwei glanced at the boundless sky outside the window, the light in her eyes flickered, and suddenly she raised her hand to hook Duan Feihan's neck, and her voice was charming: "Hanhan, since you have been practicing so hard recently, I will give you something to help. you?"

It is a bracelet, to be precise, a spatial weapon.

Duan Feihan glanced at the objects in the spatial spirit weapon, seeing too many treasures like Bai Chuwei's privately-concealed elixir Lingshi, and he felt ordinary.

There is one more among them--

That piece of gold brought back from the Temple of Heaven, with a large snake rose relief!

Duan Feihan and Bai Chuwei looked at each other, Duan Feihan pulled the corner of his lips lightly, and it was clear what she was going to do.

Taoist couples have this kind of tacit understanding.

Sure enough, it was Bai Chuwei's usual practice. Instead of guessing and guessing, it's better to try it out.

Instead of thinking about the thought that came out before--

Whether Brother Gouyi is really reincarnated, it is better to verify directly!

Her coldness, tacit understanding with her, she already knows what the other party is going to do with just one look, and can fully cooperate.

Duan Feihan held the hand ring, took Bai Chuwei into his arms with one hand, and whispered in a low voice: "I am in such a tacit understanding with you, then do you know what I want?"

Bai Chuwei opened her mouth and said, "In the fifth chapter of chapter seventeen of the fox sacred book, I have already memorized it backwards. I will take you to devotee tonight, and I will lead it!"

Duan Feihan: "...good."


The mid-term exam of Kunlun Academy is widely anticipated by the outside world, because it is a flying competition that does not require written examinations. On this day, Kunlun Academy also opened its doors and invited reporters and friends to take part in the whole process.

"Oh God, Kunlun College has trained all students to learn how to fly with wooden swords in half a semester?" An invited foreign reporter exclaimed.

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