Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1357: It's terrible! Kunlun University assembly line production!

On the college square, none of the 1,000 students were absent on leave. They were making final preparations on the open space of the square. Liu Qi's senior and senior sisters kept order and gave these students the final explanation before the exam. The scene was very lively.

It's not that I haven't seen a flying competition. In the last issue of "Super Brain Learning Bastard", the scene of ten school tyrants playing a flying competition is still vivid, but the ten school tyrants were brought out by Bai Chuwei!

These thousand students just entered the academy, and did not personally worship Bai Chuwei's door. This scene made them shudder abruptly.

A group of foreign reporters were dumbfounded, and they immediately understood that this was Bai Chuwei's revenge. Before she threatened global security, Kunlun Academy made monks on the assembly line. Now she is going to show everyone that she can train monks on the assembly line.

As soon as the mid-term exam came out, I was afraid that many people would have trouble sleeping and eating.

The students were all making the final preparations, only Xu Xingchen stood blankly in the corner, silently watching them prepare.

After returning from the Arctic ice sheet a few days ago, Qingyan was sent to the Unnatural Administration, and now she does not know her life or death. He suffered in Kunlun College again, and it was extremely suffering.

He Xu Xingchen was recorded as having a big demerit, and he did not learn how to manipulate Feijian at all. He couldn't take part in the mid-term exam in the whole school!

Now when the outside world heard that he was the first student of Kunlun College, everyone looked at him with envy. His father always said that he was so earnest that he would learn to practice spiritually, and he would be reprimanded if he refuted it.

He is suffering, he can't learn anything at all in Kunlun Academy!

Finally, I wrote an article on the Internet about "Bai Chuwei Threatening Theory". Not only was it deleted, but also a lawyer's letter was sent by the Imperial Law Department...

When reporters around saw that he was not taking the mid-term exam, they thought he was a poor student who hadn't learned how to fly with swords, and all kinds of eyes kept throwing at him.

Xu Xingchen was very uncomfortable when he was seen. In order to prevent reporters from interviewing, he immediately changed the subject and asked the teacher aside: "Associate Dean Bai is here, why didn't you see Duan, Vice Dean's Daolu?"

President Duan is not a member of their Kunlun College, but the students up and down in the college have already regarded Duan Zong appearing in their college as usual.

The cultivation teacher didn't take it to heart, and said casually: "I heard that Mr. Duan is going to make breakthroughs in his cultivation these few days. It is estimated that he will not come to watch the game in the deputy dean's bedroom."

Xu Xingchen's eyes darkened, and it was even more unacceptable in his heart.

His fourth uncle by blood is actually better than him...

When Xu Xingchen felt extremely awkward, a gunshot sounded and thousands of students set off together and flew straight into the sky between the clouds.

The magnificent scene is unprecedented!

Looking up at the sky, the sky is full of human shadows.

The old man in the audience rubbed his beard and smiled: "That first milk doll belongs to our Jin family."

The foreign reporters and photographers were dumbfounded and stunned... Kunlun College is really capable of producing monks in an assembly line, so terrible! !

These students weren't brought out by Bai Chuwei himself, they all learned.

"The pinnacle of the takeaway business will be global takeaway in the future." The invited president of the beautiful group expressed the most sincere sigh from the audience.

Bai Chuwei sat next to the dean and looked towards her bedroom on the top of the mountain, with a smile on her face.

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