Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1358: God is in a hurry! Brother Gouyi, Bai Zong, really reincarnated!

Everyone was still paying attention to the results of the mid-term exam, and a harsh sirens suddenly broke out——

Everyone present was taken aback.

Xu Xingchen's reaction was particularly fierce. The first time the college called the police because of Tong Qingyan, the second time was because of him. What was the cause this time?

"Old ancestor, come back soon, there is a wild woman who wants to hook up with your Taoist companion!" A milky voice came from the sound transmission talisman of thousands of miles, like the sound of a snowball.

Bai Chuwei curled her lips and smiled, and smiled slightly at the frightened people around: "I'll take care of a little thing."

Bai Chuwei's figure disappeared in the VIP seat and went straight into the bedroom on the top of the mountain.

Standing outdoors can hear the noise inside.

Snowball stood high on the head of a **** snake, his little hand stubbornly tugged on the sleeve of the girl in black, shouting rather arrogantly: "Girl film, do you see your handsome appearance after the transformation of Master Snowball? Are you handsome? Are you stunned?"

The black-clothed and white-haired girl had a little red eyebrows and looked very strange. She looked at the white-haired little Zhengtai standing above the head of the big snake in front of her, and replied sincerely with Yan Gou's aesthetics: "Too short, too milky, You have nothing to do with handsome characters."

Snowball blows up instantly!

"I'm not handsome? I am much more handsome than your smelly brother after being transformed..."

"I'm not as handsome as Wei Yuxing's dead fox? You are aesthetic prejudice!" Xueqiu shouted proudly, "I am the pinnacle of ancestors' aesthetics! You look down on the aesthetics of my ancestors, so why did you touch them? The **** of my ancestor’s Taoist companion?"

Duan Feihan on the side frowned: "???"


Bai Chuwei listened for a while and walked in.

When Xueqiu saw Bai Chuwei, he immediately called the **** snake under his feet to Bai Chuwei, crying: "Old ancestor, this demon girl took advantage of today's mid-term exam, the college is open, and she ran to you and Duan's room to touch Duan's ass. , I was caught by Su Jing and I!"

Su Jing at the door was extremely embarrassed: "..."

He was also lying in a trough, and the mouse came to catch people. Who knew that the catch was his sister Yan Gou who had been with him for two hundred years, Su Qiuqiu...

Although this elder sister is a face dog, she is a real fox saint, the current head of the fox clan.

Not to mention his fake young master, even the nameless real young master does not have real power in the family.

Now that she is embarrassed, and the mouse has arrested her, will the old fox tribe find him trouble? He had already offended Tiandao completely...

Except for holding Bai Chuwei's thigh tightly now, he can't think of any other good way now, not going out and being beaten to death by a sack.

Bai Chuwei raised her eyebrows: "Are you here to feel the cold ass?"

Duan Feihan's forehead twitched, and Chai Sheng said, "No!"

Su Qiuqiu looked at Duan Feihan, then at Bai Chuwei, and answered honestly: "No, if I really want to touch my butt, I would choose..."

Duan Feihan's eyes were cold, and he interrupted sharply: "Shut up!"

Su Qiuqiu was so scared that the fox ears on his head were about to come out, and he shrank into a ball.

Bai Chuwei walked forward with a smile, put a hand on her head, and asked softly: "Little guy, tell me, what are you doing here?"

Su Qiuqiu's mind was a little chaotic, looking at Bai Chuwei's star-like eyes, and subconsciously said: "The man in the Zimuhe asked me to pick up the golden plate in the space spirit weapon."

Duan Feihan put the bracelet of the spatial weapon on his hand, hanging his hand on the side of his leg. From the perspective of Xueqiu and the others, Su Qiuqiu's extended hand was like touching someone's ass... …

Gold board.

When Bai Chuwei heard these words, she glanced at the expressionless Duan Feihan, her eyes darkened suddenly.

Tiandao asked Su Qiuqiu to take the gold plate, which can only explain one thing——

Brother Gouyi really reincarnated.

God, anxious.

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