Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1363: Old ancestor: I have seen a lot of big scene

Bai Chuwei chuckled and made a direct decision: "Just wear it like this."

Duan Xueqin was a little helpless when she heard that, she didn't have the power to decide for Bai Chuwei, she could only wear it like this if she wanted to.

Duan Xueqin had to change the subject and said, "The four younger siblings, let's go home first."

Bai Chuwei had just taken a step, Su Qiuqiu, who was on the same plane, immediately caught up and looked at her eagerly: "Go live at my smelly brother's house. His manor is very big, and there is a large field of red roses. Super beautiful."

Duan Xueqin felt that something was wrong the more she heard it. She had lived in the old house of Duan's family in Haicheng for a long time for medical treatment. Even she knew that Bai Chuwei liked Red Rose very much. What happened to this little girl's brother?

Isn't she trying to pry the corner of her fourth brother?

"No, my younger siblings naturally follow us home to rest." Duan Xueqin immediately stopped.

Su Qiuqiu was so anxious that the fox ears were about to fly out again, and then said cheeky: "Then I will go back with you."

What stinky brother, she just left him behind.

Recently, the entire O State is paying attention to the issuance of the Nobel Prize, and even the streets are full of banners.

There are six Nobel Prizes, namely physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, peace, economics and literature.

In the first five awards, ordinary people can't talk about it, they don't understand the principles at all, they only know the awesomeness. But at the last literary prize, they can have something to say!

Those nominated books have been seen by ordinary people!

Many people are discussing enthusiastically whether the writer from Sakura Country is going to accompany him again this time. The writer's writing is excellent and the article is full of profound meaning. After reading it, he has benefited a lot.

And I don’t know if it is affected by recent global events. The specific winners of the Nobel Prize have not been announced yet! In the past, the winners were announced first, and then the award ceremony was held. This year seems to be different.

The more different it is in the past, the more it can attract people's attention.

I heard that in China, many people are more inclined to watch the award ceremony. As for the documentary "Nature Survival"? Watch it later!


"Four younger siblings, I can't accompany you in there anymore, please come on."

Duan Xueqin sat in the nanny car, glanced out of the car window, leaned over to help Bai Chuwei tidy up her dress, and took a long breath in a solemn manner.

They are now outside the Nobel Prize Ceremony!

Bai Chuwei couldn't help but feel a little funny: "Xiaoqin, why do I think you are more nervous than me?"

Duan Xueqin couldn't help but looked at Bai Chuwei complaining.

This little girl followed their fourth child, but never called her second sister after the fourth child, and of course she didn't care about it either.

Bai Chuwei is her savior.

But she is not nervous at all now!

She was more nervous than Bai Chuwei herself.

This is the Nobel Award Ceremony, which is much stronger than the awards in the entertainment industry! As a family, can she not be nervous for her?

The fairy teacher is really awesome. If you don't enter the entertainment circle, you can't make a debut. The first time you walk on the red carpet is to walk on the red carpet of the Nobel Prize for the Global Awards. Just ask which female star can compare?

Bai Chuwei chuckled and shook her head, opened the car door and walked down, casually throwing a sentence: "It's just a small scene."

She has seen a lot of big scenes.

When Bai Chuwei got out of the car, the camera shots of reporters from all over the world came!

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