Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1364: Ms. Bai, you are really the smartest person in the 21st century

Bai Chuwei's signature dress is a white linen skirt, and her dress today seems to have a touch of unusual, as always, a white national style dress, the pattern on the cuffs is low-key but complicated, and there is a fairy in the extravagance.

Facing those lens lights, Bai Chuwei was as calm as ever, walking forward on the red carpet.

Bai Chuwei is definitely the best looking one in this awards!

To put it another way, those who are good-looking will not be smarter than her, and those who are smart will not be as good-looking as her!

A big guy with both appearance and IQ.

At this time in China, it was after 8 o'clock in the morning, the most crowded time for office workers to commute to work.

In the crowded subway, the office workers were wearing earplugs and holding their mobile phones to watch the live broadcast. When they saw Bai Chuwei showing up, they were overwhelmed with excitement.

Teacher Shenxian gave them Chinese people a long face! !

The Nobel Prize Red Carpet, which was the first time I walked on the red carpet, is awesome!

A beautiful young lady in Hanfu was watching the live broadcast while holding her mobile phone, and said with some doubts: "No, the clothes of Teacher Shenxian seem to be something wrong this time."

Thinking about taking a closer look, Bai Chuwei had already walked through the red carpet and entered the awards hall.

In the award hall, golden lights shone.

Experts from all over the world gathered together to discuss something in a low voice, full of academic atmosphere.

[Uuuuuu, teacher Shenxian is my ultimate goal of learning. Not only is he a master of immortality, he can still be nominated for the Nobel Prize just by studying, I almost cried with envy! ]

[Ma Yeah, the people sitting here are all bigwigs who can change the world, all smart people. If the terrorists throw a bomb here, it is estimated that the global IQ will be reversed. ]

[What is an international joke upstairs? Let’s not talk about how terrible the security at the scene can be, just let the fairy teacher sit there, who dare not think of making trouble here? Was caught by Bai Chuwei? ]

[That...I'm watching the "Nature Survival" documentary on a split screen...]


Bai Chuwei sat down in her seat, and an invited expert greeted her with a smile. Bai Chuwei shook hands one by one and communicated together.

These are experts from all over the world. Not only do they have high IQs, but also their EQs are not as bad. There is no domestic netizens who worry about them. The fairy teacher was discriminated against on the spot.

Everything is very harmonious.

A white-haired expert from a foreign country communicated with Bai Chuwei, carefully recalling what Bai Chuwei said, and then slapped her head on her head, exclaiming: "Ms. Bai, you are really the smartest person in the 21st century. Thank you for your Help, I think my research will improve."

The expert took out his portable iPad and quickly wrote the inspiration that had just passed away in his notes.

More and more experts are interested in communicating with Bai Chuwei, and there are more and more people.

"Oh, I really don’t know how this Ms. Bai’s head grows. Thank you for her help in a few words. I am suddenly enlightened. I think I need to leave here and go back to my laboratory now!" An expert also said, simply directly. Picked up his own things and left.

For scientists, no amount of awards can compare to their experiments!

Under the camera, people from all over the world who eat melons: "???"


Didn’t you experts come to the award ceremony? What do people run?

What did Bai Chuwei say?

An expert who can’t wait to go back and sort out the data was caught by the tickle reporter and said in an unhappy tone: "Ms. Bai is the smartest person in the world. Her three sentences solved the problem that I was stuck for ten years. !"

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