Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1419: On this day, Mr. Duan finally emerged in front of Bai Chuwei

In response, fellow reporters rolled their eyes at the young female reporter mercilessly.


Bai Chuwei was able to know that the snake egg has a history of more than 5,000 years, and that was because she cultivated immortals and had a testing instrument that was different from that of archaeology.

The news exploded that day.

"Shock! It actually lived longer than Bai Chuwei! 》

"Unbelievable! In front of it, Bai Chuwei will also bow down to the wind"

"On this day, President Duan finally rose up in front of Bai Chuwei..."


And so on, headline articles with a strong UC shock department style are blooming everywhere in major news media across the network, and they are extremely eye-catching.

Can there be creatures that live longer than Bai Chuwei?

And... too bold! Duan Jue dared to rise up in front of their Wei Wei? ! Unbearable!

These titles have attracted many people who eat melons. Upon closer inspection, it turns out that Duan Zong’s pet snake has hatched from a snake egg that has been stored for more than 5,000 years.

This is not in line with biology, and it has attracted discussions among many people who eat melon on the Internet.

However, the vast majority of people who eat melons take it as a pleasure, and they are not too surprised. After all, immortal cultivation exists now, and it seems understandable that snake eggs have been preserved for more than 5,000 years, right?

But soon, the people who ate melons found out--

Archaeological experts from all over the world came to the imperial capital.

The destination is nothing else, it is the Emperor!

On the same day, a melon-eater sent out a Weibo: "How do I feel that this is not as simple as we thought?"

Foreign archaeologists of various skins and eyes entered the Imperial University and went straight to the Imperial University Museum.

As soon as he entered the museum, all the experts suddenly stopped, their eyes smoothly falling on the most conspicuous glass cabinet in the hall.

Put it here?

The principal also had a humble expression and was very embarrassed to say: "Oh, our museum is relatively small, and we haven't vacated a place for this snake egg cultural relic for a while, so we just put it in the middle of the hall. Don't mind."

A group of archaeological experts from abroad: "..."


This emperor's principal is also a thick-skinned!

This old guy clearly wants to show off, they don't have the 5,000-year-old snake egg cultural relics in China!

What else to wear?

A group of experts took various tools and took photos around the snake egg.

Because they didn't believe in the archaeologists of China, these foreign archaeologists also performed a new carbon-14 test, which was in line with the five thousand years that the old professor of China had promoted.

Snake egg fossils more than 5,000 years ago can still be preserved so well, which is indeed extraordinary.

A blonde archaeologist said in fluent English: "This is indeed a very good fossil relic, but the value may not be high."

In terms of fossil cultural relics, animal fossils hundreds of thousands of years ago have also been developed around the world. This time is dozens of times longer than five thousand years, right?

There is no time advantage.

Lao Liu snorted coldly when he heard the words. They had expected these foreign archaeologists to say so.

Liu Lao took a blue thread bound book from his assistant and handed it to the foreign expert, "Professor Marcus, this snake egg fossil may prove the true existence of the content written in this book."

The foreign professor named Marcus had apparently learned some Chinese, frowning at the title of the book, "This is called... Shan... Shanhai, I'm sorry I don't know the last word."

Liu Lao: ""The Classic of Mountains and Seas", English name: "theClassicofMountainsandRivers"."

Professor Marcus froze, everyone looked at Old Liu incredulously.

This book is comparable to the Western "Bible"! !

Its content, does it really exist?

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