Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 1420: Old ancestors: God is right in front of you, you don’t need to run so far

"No, this is absolutely impossible!" Professor Marcus couldn't help but yelled out.

The "Shan Hai Jing" and the "Bible" actually have similarities in content, but in the eyes of people nowadays, these are nothing more than the imagination of the ancients.

Real existence?

This is too exaggerated.

"This is just a snake egg. It has been preserved by special means for five thousand years before being hatched."

Lao Liu made an understatement and asked, "What special means is that? Cultivating immortals? The "Shan Hai Jing" is just my ancient Chinese myth."

A group of foreign professors froze for an instant, staring at Mr. Liu with a pair of eyes.

They had a vague hunch.

These bold Chinese people want to rely on this snake egg to verify the true existence recorded in the "Shan Hai Jing", and want to make the international recognition that China has a history of five thousand years!

You know, China has only 3,500 years of history that has been recognized internationally!

Once successful, this will be an epoch-making contribution to the Chinese archaeological community.

Professor Marcus looked straight at the snake egg relic and kept shaking his head: "No, no, it's just an ordinary fossil relic. Even if it hatches out of it, it's just an ordinary snake. !"

To internationally recognize China's history for five thousand years... I'm sorry, I really can't do it.

They can't watch the rise of China in all aspects, even on the spiritual and cultural level!


The people who eat melon are quite concerned. Why are the world-renowned archaeological experts here?

It is said that there are experts who study ancient mythology, who dropped the pyramid project and flew to the imperial capital.

But they only knew that this group of big men went to the Imperial Museum when they came to the Imperial Capital. No matter how specific the content was, no matter how powerful reporters could find out.

What does this show? This shows that this project is still strictly confidential and cannot be disclosed.

The reporters were very frustrated about this, so they had to focus the camera on Bai Chuwei.

Fortunately, Bai Chuwei Pai's ancestor did not conceal his thoughts on the itinerary.

The reporters still want to see Bai Chuwei continue to select Xiaojiaofu (Xiaojiao's wife) online. Those are all talented elite monks in the spiritual world. The men are handsome and the women are pretty.

Look at this, it's much more interesting than watching the draft.

It's a pity that Bai Chuwei didn't choose, which made many people who eat melons feel very disappointed.

Someone on the Internet broke the news: "Don't think about it, we should have no chance. I heard that Bai Chuwei took Duan Zong to the Shuangshen Temple! I want to do the second room wash and sleep."

There is also a picture. The picture happens to be the picture of Bai Chuwei and Duan Feihan outside the gate of the Shuangshen Temple on the outskirts of the imperial capital.

The weather is very good today, and the warm winter sun has fallen on the bluestone bricks that have not been so many years old, and it looks unusually warm.

Bai Chuwei and Duan Feihan walked on the bluestone bricks, preparing to walk inside.

Bai Chuwei glanced sideways at the handsome man beside her, teasing incomparably: "Han Han, didn't you say you want to visit the Double Temple?"

Duan Feihan: "..."

He was wrong, okay?

When he set off from the mansion in the Sky City this morning, he really didn't want to look at the eyes of Butler Li. He was very pleased...

Duan Feihan changed the subject without a trace: "You should bring your two apprentices with you."

Anyway, Hua Ling heard that worshipping the twin temples was very spiritual, so she wanted to bring him together.

The result was rejected by Bai Chuwei.

Steward Li was still comforting, saying that he wanted Young Master Hua to give their uncle a little bit of face, not to go together.

After all, their uncle went to seek infertility, and Hua Ling and his wife had twins!

When Bai Chuwei heard the words, her eyebrows suddenly smiled infinitely, and she chuckled: "If the two of them want to worship, just worship me."

God is right in front of you, there is no need to run so far.

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